
Hedge Him in Behind and Before

Today, focus on your desire to see your child recognize God’s presence:

O Lord,

You have searched and known my child, wherever he is at any given moment.

You know when he sits down and gets up. You read his thoughts.

You comprehend his path and are acquainted with all his ways.

Please hedge him in behind and before, and lay Your hand upon him.

Where can he go from Your Spirit? Where can he flee from Your presence?

If he ascends to heaven, You are there. If he makes his bed in hell, behold, You are there.

If he takes the wings of the morning and dwells far away, even there Your right hand will hold him.

He is fearfully and wonderfully made. Your eyes saw his unformed substance, being yet unformed, and in Your book were all his days recorded when as yet there were none of them. How precious are Your thoughts toward my child, O God!

Search ____________________, O God, and know his

heart. Try him, and know his anxieties. See if there is any

wicked way in him, and lead him in the way everlasting.

(Adapted from Psalm 139.)