Readers Guide

1. Carrie loves her café. Greg dislikes property management. What about your job? Why do you feel the way you do about it? Does God promise us jobs we love? Read Ecclesiastes 2:17; 9:10; and Colossians 3:23–24. What are your thoughts?

2. The watch Clooney gives Carrie is a symbol of what? Read Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4. Have you had experience with this principle?

3. What do you do when it doesn’t appear to be God’s timing for your heart’s desire? Read Psalms 27:14 and 37:4. What do you think of these seemingly opposite truths?

4. Carrie says that distance helps her forgive her mother. What do you think of this idea?

5. In chapter 32, Carrie talks about the essence of genuine faith. Do you agree with her assessment? Read Hebrews 11:1.

6. In chapter 34, Carrie and Greg talk about what often draws men and women to cults that are outside the norm of American life and certainly outside orthodox Christianity. What are the main elements Greg says attract many? What is often the downfall of a cult?

7. When Carrie’s mother arrives in Seaside, what is Carrie’s reaction? What do you think your reaction would be if you had a similar history? Why is Lindsay’s reaction so different?

8. Why are Carrie’s mother and stepfather a sign of hope? Read 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Ephesians 2:1–5.

9. Mary Prudence is Carrie’s “God-mother,” a gift from the Lord. Does a mentor have to be this obvious? Have there been people in your life who have been there at crucial moments with a word or a helping hand? Share your stories with others in the discussion group.

10. Greg concludes that he can never be all that Carrie needs any more than he was all that Ginny needed. Discuss this critical realization in light of romance novels.