
You know, there are so many people who invest themselves in me and my writing, and I can never thank you all enough. I’m so touched, honored, and humbled that you would deem it worth your time to read my manuscript and give me feedback. Two of the most amazing people are Retired FBI Special Agents Wayne Smith and Dru Wells. I could never get the police procedural/FBI facts right if it weren’t for you! Thank you for the time you spend reading and fixing! smile-15px

I need to give a shout out to Bill Sammons of 88.7 The Bridge in Delaware. I meant to put this in the back of Always Watching, but in my dead-writer-brain state at the time, I forgot. I know, shocking, isn’t it?? Anyway, Bill Sammons, thank you and Julie for your wonderful friendship to Jack and me, your servant hearts and amazing generosity in sharing your home, many hours of laughter, and your radio knowledge. Always Watching earned a 4.5-star review and a Top Pick by RT Magazine because of your willingness to share your expertise. I appreciate it very much! Note to readers: Any errors in the radio scenes are mine! J Give Mary and Lola a hug from me.

Thank you to Ken Galloway, a friend of mine who is a fabulous pilot for my favorite airline. I appreciate you taking the time correct my aviation lingo and for the wonderful idea on how to cause flight problems without killing off my characters. It was exactly what I needed! And I really need to give a shoutout to Ken’s MD wife, Molly, who is always willing and able to answer all of my medical questions. I love that she’s not even surprised anymore when I say, “I need to poison someone, but I don’t want that person to die.” She just jumps in with all kinds of excellent suggestions! Thank you, Molly, for being my friend and putting up with me and my writerly weirdness.

Thank you to my Facebook peeps who are always willing to offer suggestions and recommendations when I ask for them. I appreciate all of you who participated in my little game of “Name Daniel’s Restaurant.” It was fun seeing your ideas!

Thank you to my editor, Andrea Doering, and my agent, Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. As always, I love working with you both!

Thank you to my brainstorming buddies. Edie Melson, DiAnn Mills, Mary Denman, Emme Gannon, Vonda Skelton, Lynn Blackburn, and Alycia Morales. I love our weekly get togethers!

Thank you to my family! Jack, Lauryn, and Will, I love you so much. I couldn’t do what I do without you!

Thank you, Jesus, for choosing me for this amazing journey. I love you so much and only want to make you proud.