Sources and Notes
AJL The Adams-Jefferson Letters. Ed. Lester J. Cappon. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1959, 2 vols.
DA Adair, Douglass. Fame and the Founding Fathers. Ed. Trevor Colbourn. New York: W. W. Norton, 1974.
DGW The Diaries of George Washington. Ed. Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1976–.
EM Elkins, Stanley, and Eric McKitrick. The Age of Federalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
F Freeman, Douglas S. George Washington. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1948–1957, 7 vols.; 7th vol. by John Carroll and Mary Ashworth.
FA Ames, Fisher. Works. Ed. Seth Ames. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1854.
FB Ellis, Joseph J. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000.
FG Ferling, John E. The First of Men: A Life of George Washington. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1988.
FL Flexner, James Thomas. George Washington. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1965–1972, 4 vols.
GF Washington, George. Writings. Ed. W. C. Ford. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1889–1893, 14 vols.
GM Morris, Gouverneur. Diary and Letters. Ed. Anne C. Morris. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1888, 2 vols.
GPC Phelps, Glenn. “George Washington: Precedent Setter.” In Thomas E. Cronin, ed., Inventing the American Presidency. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1989, 259–81.
GW Washington, George. Writings. Ed. John C. Fitzpatrick. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1931–1944, 39 vols.
HS Hamilton, Alexander. Papers. Ed. Harold C. Syrett. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961–1987, 27 vols.
JAW Letters of John Adams Addressed to his Wife. Ed. C. F. Adams. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1841.
JF Jefferson, Thomas. Writings. Ed. Paul Leicester Ford. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1892–1899, 10 vols.
JMS Smith, James Morton. The Republic of Letters: The Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison 1776–1826. New York: W. W. Norton, 1995, 3 vols.
JNR Rakove, Jack N. The Beginnings of National Politics: An Interpretive History of the Continental Congress. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979.
LDW White, Leonard D. The Federalists: A Study in Administrative History. New York: Macmillan, 1948.
LLF Weaver, David R. “Leadership, Locke, and the Federalist.” American Journal of Political Science 41, no. 2 (April 1997): 420–46.
MAS Schwartz, Barry. George Washington: The Making of an American Symbol. New York: Free Press, 1987.
MG Morgan, Edmund S. The Genius of George Washington. New York: W.W. Norton, 1980.
PG Burns, James MacGregor. Presidential Government. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1966.
PJM Madison, James. Papers. Ed. William Hutchinson, Robert Rutland et al. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia 1962–.
PTJ Jefferson, Thomas. Papers. Ed. Julian Boyd. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1950–.
PWJA Carey, George W., ed. The Political Writings of John Adams. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, 2000.
RFC The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. Ed. Max Farrand. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966, 4 vols.
SIP Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. The Imperial Presidency. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973.
SL Leibiger, Stuart. Founding Friendship: George Washington, James Madison, and the Creation of the American Republic. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1999.
SR Buel, Richard. Securing the Revolution: Ideology in American Politics, 1789–1815. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972.
TDA Tocqueville, Alexis de. De la Démocratie en Amérique [1840]. Paris: Garnier-Flammarion, 1981.
WAC Phelps, Glenn. George Washington and American Constitutionalism. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1993.
WAS Wood, Gordon S. “George Washington on the Abolition of Slavery.” New York Journal of American History 65 (Spring 2003), 39–42.
WBC Phelps, Glenn. “George Washington and the Building of the Constitution.” Congress and the Presidency 12, no. 2 (Autumn 1985).
WC Wills, Garry. Cincinnatus: George Washington and the Enlightenment. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Company, 1984.
WJA Adams, John. Works. Ed. Charles Francis Adams. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1850–1856, 10 vols.
WJM Madison, James. Writings. Ed. Gaillard Hunt. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900–1910, 9 vols.
WLC Edwards, George C. “George Washington’s Leadership of Congress: Director or Facilitator?” Congress and the Presidency 18, no. 2 (Autumn 1991): 163–80.
WR Washington, George. Writings. Ed. John Rhodehamel. New York: Library of America, 1997.
WRL Boller, Paul F. “George Washington and Religious Liberty.” William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, 17, no. 4 (October 1960): 486–506.
WS Hirschfeld, Fritz. George Washington and Slavery: A Documentary Portrayal. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1997.
VL Burns, James MacGregor. The Vineyard of Liberty. New York: Vintage, 1982.
1. VL, 64–66.
2. GW, 30:251–52.
3. GW, 30:268.
4. GW, 28:7.
1. WR, 3–10, 662.
2. WR, 17, 720.
3. F, 1:158–60.
4. GW, 28:203.
5. GW, 28:83.
6. GW, 1:129.
7. GW, 11:457, 1:17.
8. GW, 30:247.
9. FL, 1:108.
10. GW, 1:159.
11. GW, 1:162, 2:173.
12. FG, 44.
13. GW, 3:359.
14. GW, 2:337, 33:501; PWJA, 383.
15. F, 2:320; FL, 1:227.
16. GW, 2:437, 2:446, 32:66.
17. GW, 2:459, 469.
18. GW, 27:489; JMS, 1:359.
19. FL, 1:249.
20. F, 143–44; WR, 117.
21. GW, 2:500–501.
22. GW, 2:501.
23. GW, 37:494; F, 3:157.
24. GW, 3:84.
1. GW, 3:233.
2. F, 3:350–54.
3. GW, 3:232–33, 245, 229, 224.
4. GW, 3:242, 292; F, 3:404.
5. GW, 3:234; JF, 1:12.
6. JNR, 45.
7. GW, 3:240, 288.
8. JNR, 66.
9. GW, 3:277.
10. F, 3:426.
11. FL, 1:343.
12. GW, 3:293–94, 359–60.
13. GW, 4:455; WR, 184.
1. DGW, 4:135, 167.
2. GW, 28:503.
3. VL, 14.
4. GW, 29:126.
5. GW, 29:191
6. GW, 27:481.
7. GW, 27:49, 10:5, 13:464, 19:132, 13:466.
8. WR, 518–19.
9. GW, 28:502, 29:34.
10. GW, 27:306, 28:233–34, 503, 29:169.
11. JNR, 389–90.
12. GW, 29:128; PJM, 9:378.
13. GW, 29:171.
14. WR, 635, 642, 651–52, 671.
15. DA, 21.
16. WD, 5:159.
17. RFC, 1:3–4.
18. GW, 29:192.
19. AJL, 1:196; PG, 3.
20. WC, 107.
21. RFC, 2:74.
22. VL, 37–38; PJM, 9:385.
23. RFC, 1:113, 2:541.
24. RFC, 1:254, 2:52.
25. RFC, 1:292, 295.
26. RFC, 2:30–52, 119.
27. GW, 29:245–46; RFC, 4:229.
28. RFC, 2:644.
29. RFC, 2:586–87.
30. JMS, 1:497.
31. RFC, 3:302; HS, 5:201–2, 4:275–77.
32. DGW, 5:185
33. GW, 29:358, 409.
34. GW, 28:336; RFC, 2:644.
1. VL, 66.
2. WAC, 194.
3. WR, 518–19, 710; WJA, 9:541.
4. GW, 32:47, 29:411, 26:485.
5. GW, 30:73.
6. GW, 30:395 note, 30:169, 37:573.
7. WR, 714; GW, 32:399.
8. GW, 30:186, 29:520.
9. GW, 32:133; WR, 947
10. GW, 27:367; WRL, 503–4; FL, 1:237; WR, 971.
11. GW, 30:360, 29:229; WR, 517; GW, 30:175; GM, 2:492.
12. GW, 30:255; HS, 5:335–37.
13. WR, 705; GW, 30:361.
14. WR, 468–69; JF, 1:160, 166; FL, 1:270.
15. JF, 9:449–50.
16. GW, 31:154, 30:498, 362.
17. PWJA, 392.
18. GW, 30:362 note; WJA, 9:540; FL, 3:183; WJM, 9:479; PJM, 12:155; F, 6:247.
19. DGW, 5:484 note.
20. WC, 172; FL, 3:419.
21. DGW, 5:470–85.
22. GW, 31:328; DGW, 6:132; GW, 31:318–19.
23. MAS, 88; WAC, 194; GW, 31:416.
1. GW, 32:116, 31:403.
2. GW, 31:173, 34:336.
3. GW, 35:138, 31:370, 32:145.
4. EM, 34.
5. JMS, 2:618; GW, 30:311.
6. GW, 31:9, 33:422, 35:228.
7. GW, 33:108, 126, 117, 122.
8. WAC, 142.
9. PJM, 12:236; LDW, 24.
10. GW, 30:305; LDW, 196.
11. HS, 11:442; JF, 1:174; HS, 18:379.
12. GW, 30:510; JF, 5:141.
13. JF, 5:148, 303.
14. GW, 31:451; JF, 1:227; LDW, 147; HS, 22:41–42, 38, 62–63.
15. JF, 1:263; LDW, 169.
16. PJM, 12:120.
17. GW, 30:415, 32:49, 31:479; HS, 19:513.
18. WJA, 1:460.
19. GW, 34:253, 30:288.
20. LDW, 32; GW, 33:403, 31:69, 32:336, 31:161.
21. GPC, 273.
22. GW, 33:320–21; FL, 3:355; GW, 30:366; EM, 55.
23. GW, 34:349; HS, 19:397,
24. GW, 31:462, 35:159.
1. HS, 16:136, 1:390.
2. GW, 31:493, 24, 30:304.
3. HS, 2:635; GW, 31:30.
4. GW, 31:52; HS, 7:149.
5. FL, 3:323.
6. PJM, 13:381.
7. VL, 88.
8. PTJ, 22:74; JMS, 2:695, 706; GW, 31:329.
9. JF, 1:200; GW, 33:488, 31:168, 319.
10. HS, 10:253.
11. HS, 3:76, 10:296.
12. GW, 31:45, 28:520, 35:315.
13. GW, 35:315.
14. PG, 16–17.
15. LDW, 58; PG, 11; LDW, 70.
16. RFC, 1:466–67.
17. HS, 19:53–57, 18:499; TDA, bk. 2, pt. 4, ch. 4.
18. GW, 33:166, 35:30–31, 32:428.
19. PJM, 14:207–8, 13:373.
20. HS, 11:559; FA, 1:118.
21. JF, 6:3.
22. JF, 1:199.
23. JF, 9:273, 307.
24. GW, 32:130–31.
25. GW, 32:132–34, 137.
26. JF, 6:101–9, 5.
27. HS, 12:347–49.
28. GW, 32:185–86.
29. PJM, 14:299–303.
30. JF, 6:5; HS, 12:137–38
31. GW, 32:310; JF, 1:216.
32. PJM, 16:215.
1. GW, 30:305.
2. GW, 30:307.
3. GW, 4:99, 31:128, 198, 34:100.
4. RL, 154–55.
5. GW, 31:369, 32:104.
6. VL, 96–97.
7. GW, 32:39, 35:301, 31:398, 35:193–96.
8. HS, 22:553; GW, 33:465, 32:161.
9. GW, 34:30.
10. GW, 34:62.
11. JF, 7:17; GW, 34:98–99.
12. PJM, 15:406.
13. GW, 28:460, 30:487
14. HS, 16:259–60.
15. MG, 25; HS, 16:260 note.
16. WR, 329; GW, 35:57.
17. GW, 35:235–36, 359, 31:82–83; JF, 1:212, 227, 6:155.
18. GW, 32:447–48; JMS, 2:770.
19. GW, 32:390, 469, 447–48.
20. SIP, 19; PJM, 15:83.
21. GW, 33:164.
22. JMS, 2:787; F, 7:87.
23. HS, 14:403, 407; GW, 32:39.
24. GW, 30:186, 33:484–85.
25. HS, 5:483, 19:69–70; JF, 1:206.
26. EM, 421–23; JMS, 2:905.
27. F, 7:283 note.
28. GW, 34:244.
29. GW, 34:293, 295, 398–403, 413; F, 7:338.
30. JF, 7:40; GW, 35:30, 32; FA, 1:188; HS, 25:457.
31. FA, 1:196.
32. EM, 439, 376.
33. GW, 34:315.
34. VL, 105.
1. GW, 35:141–42 note, 34:147–48.
2. GW, 35:199–200.
3. GW, 35:230, 31:30.
4. GW, 29:171, 35:37.
5. GW, 34:251, 266.
6. GW, 34:320; SR, 108.
7. GW, 33:23, 96, 31:477–78, 32:200, 35:174, 34:262–63.
8. GW, 35:409.
9. GW, 33:506.
10. GW, 33:476, 506, 523.
11. JF, 1:253.
12. PJM, 15:406–7.
13. GW, 34:280, 33:476.
14. GW, 34:251, 262–64, 35:358.
15. WR, 952, 946, GW, 25:359; F, 7:320; JF, 1:254.
16. JF, 7:101–2.
17. TDA, bk. 1, pt. 2, ch. 2.
18. GW, 35:91.
19. GW, 35:138, 146.
20. GW, 35:102, 123–24 note; EM, 502, 538.
21. GW, 35:142–43 note.
22. GW, 35:99; WR, 941–42.
23. GW, 29:479; JF, 8:339.
24. GW, 35:178 note, 205.
25. GW, 34:264.
26. GW, 34:407.
27. JF, 5:76.
28. GW, 35:409.
29. JAW, 2:245, 247; JMS, 2:955.
30. GW, 35:430; WR, 1003–4.
31. GF, 10:476; GW, 37:23, 76, 327.
32. GF, 14:31.
33. GW, 37:132, 312–13.
34. GF, 14:119–20.
35. HS, 21:467; GF, 14:6–7, 123–24.
36. GW, 37:428–29.
1. FB, 14.
2. SL, 109.
3. FB, 137–38.
4. WAC, 168.
5. WBC, 103.
6. LLF, passim.
7. New York Times, 14 January 2003.
8. PG, 29.
9. PG, 30–31.
10. WLC, 179.
1. FG, 73, 331, 398, 486.
2. GW, 29:5; WAS.
3. GW, 31:29–30.