The ginger mix

Ginger is cleansing, refreshing, detoxifying and really good for your gut, but it can also aggravate gallstones, so watch your intake of ginger and consult a doctor if you are concerned. I have included this recipe because it is a good option for a post-surgery drink. Introduce it into your diet gradually though.


2 litres filtered water

10 slices fresh, peeled ginger

2 sliced organic lemons

half a cucumber



Mix all ingredients together.

Strain before drinking.

Ginger tea


10-15 slices fresh, peeled ginger (but see note about ginger in previous recipe)

1.5 litres filtered water

juice of 2 organic lemons


Boil the water in a pan and add the ginger.

Simmer for 20 minutes.

Add the lemon juice.

Sip throughout the day.