


Every player takes a piece of paper or index card and makes a vertical list of four three-word phrases in large lettering, numbering them from 1 to 4. Each three-word phrase in this game must include the name of someone in the game as the first word and follow the same “person, adjective, noun” pattern. Example:





Be creative and write legibly! Players can use the same person for more than one phrase or even all four, but at least one word in each three-word phrase must be different.

On the back of the card, players must write their name (also in large lettering) so nobody has to squint to see it. Each player then holds his or her card up with his or her name facing outward.

IMPORTANT: After everyone is finished writing their phrases and names, pens are down for the remainder of the game!

One at a time, beginning with Player 1, each player takes turns reading a phrase on his or her card going in order from number 1 to number 4. For example, Player 1 will read his first phrase, then Player 2 will read her first phrase, Player 3 his first phrase, and so on until it gets back to Player 1, who will read his second phrase, and everyone will follow again until every player in the game has read all four of his or her three-word phrases.

TIP: You can make this game harder or easier by having more or fewer phrases on each card.


Players attempt to be the first to go around the room and correctly guess a phrase in the requested position from each player’s list.


Once all players have read their lists out loud, Player 1 goes first and picks any other player in the game. That player then asks Player 1 to recall one specific phrase from his or her card. For example, if Player 1 chooses Player 3, then Player 3 might say, “What is my number 4?” Players have only 10 seconds to answer the question each time!

If Player 1 correctly recalls the three-word phrase in the exact position of number 4 on Player 3’s card, Player 3 must say “Pass” and put the card down on the table name up so no one can see his list. Player 1 then continues and picks another player, and that player (just like Player 3) asks Player 1 to come up with the three-word phrase in a specific position on his or her own card. Every time Player 1 guesses correctly, the player whose card it is says “Pass” and puts the card down on the table with the name face up like Player 3 above. Player 1 continues to go around the room until he guesses incorrectly.

When Player 1 fails to guess the correct three-word phrase from a player’s card, that player says “No pass,” and the two exchange cards. (For example, let’s say Player 4 asked Player 1 to give her the phrase in position number 2 on her card and Player 1 guessed incorrectly. Player 4 then says “No pass” and they exchange cards.) Additionally, everyone else who previously said “Pass” to Player 1 gets to pick up their cards again and hold them name facing out.

IMPORTANT: When you say “No pass,” DO NOT shout out the correct answer! The player who got it wrong will see it because you are exchanging cards, and only that player will now know for certain where he or she was stumped.

The player who said “No pass” then immediately takes his or her turn choosing other players and attempting to guess the three-word phrases in the positions requested.

Players keep exchanging cards when a wrong answer is provided. Players must ask about the card they are holding when another player calls on them, even if it isn’t their original card. The name on the back will always be in full view, so the guesser knows which list he or she needs to recall when asked the question.

The first player to successfully go around the room with a “Pass” from every other player wins.

TIP: For an easy pass when you are no longer holding your own original card, you can always pick the person who is holding your original card first on your turn, but the BETTER strategy is to leave your own card for the end. No reason to remind people what any of your phrases are or where they are in your list!


To add a fun twist, incorporate the following “wild card” option:

Every player holds one wild card per game. A wild card allows you to say “No pass” even if the player gets it right! The wild card is added to this game to essentially give everyone a chance to take at least one turn at guessing and for players to have the opportunity to prevent someone from winning the game early on when all phrases and their positions are most fresh in everyone’s minds.

For example, let’s say Player 1 selects Player 5, and Player 5 asks for the third phrase on his card. Player 1 guesses correctly. Player 5, however, can now use his wild card option and say “No pass!” Player 5 must now do two things: (1) He must first announce that he is using his wild card so everyone knows Player 1 in this case got it right and Player 5 has no more wild card option left. Second, Player 5 must now change the phrase in that position and tell everyone what it is!

Let’s say the phrase in the number 3 position on the card Player 5 was holding is “Lindsay’s beautiful armpit.” Player 5 must now cross that out on the card, write the new phrase in its place (the only time you are allowed to use a pen once the guessing begins and only for this purpose), and let everyone know what the replacement phrase is. Player 5 might say something like “Lindsay’s beautiful armpit” is now “Kelly’s ugly elbow.” He will then exchange the card with Player 1, and now Player 5 will take his turn.

