Human beings are remarkably adaptive. We rebuild and regenerate all the time. However, the existing standard American paradigm of nutrition is woefully inadequate for assisting development of the reality into which we are capable of evolving. Nutrition is obviously about more than physical food groups. Of equal and ultimately more importance are the subtle properties of living foods. When we follow the traditional norms of cooked and processed foods, we lose access to these subtle properties and in the process one very critical aspect of our potential for other modes of growth. The main action of subtle nutritional processes goes on at other, largely invisible, levels. For instance, what we witness with digestion and metabolism is only the tip of the iceberg in this largely invisible human being. Nutrition is, however, the most readily accessible and influential place for us to begin to set in order our individual, internal nutritional ecology.
Becoming a vegetarian or even a vegan is one thing. As different and as healthful as these nutritional lifestyles are compared to the standard American diet, so too, the organic, raw-food, vegan lifestyle appears to be as dramatically different when compared to standard cooked-food vegetarianism. Many would argue that in fact it is the raw-food component of the standard vegetarian diet that makes the most difference for health and wellness. New understanding of the critical need to individualize the diet to more closely match one’s constitutional biochemical individuality is beginning to quietly revolutionize nutrition. It is now possible to move beyond the one-size-fits-all dietary prescriptions, food pyramids, and calorie counting schemes and first determine one’s real nutritional needs. One can then experiment with embodying these needs in a more-correct-for-your-metabolism-ratio of protein, carbohydrate, and fat that will optimize pH balance, energy, and ultimately one’s whole health picture.
Whatever degree of raw foods you are able to incorporate into your child’s diet to begin with is a good thing! A fifty-fifty mix of raw to cooked food on a meal-for-meal basis makes a very noticeable difference for a lot of people. Try this with your child and see where the child’s and your balance lie. As mentioned in the foreword, information is not enough. A change in what food means to us is necessary, thus new and more active understandings can occur.
For many reasons society is still cognitively stuck in an old mind-set where nutrition is concerned. In this case new information is deemed anathema. When this is so, self-built blocks prevent information from ever reaching the level of understanding. Good and valid information full of meanings is out there, but much of it in this living-foods arena has yet to penetrate to the level of understanding for much of society. We all need to move forward into higher, more-refined modes of nutritional practice while simultaneously acknowledging that society might take a while to learn the same things.
Being aware of both the ongoing visible and invisible processes in ourselves and our children—that have potentials to subtly lead us either to higher levels or to places of stagnation and probable ill-health—is a powerful tool for discovering all manner of blockages and transforming them. Participating with our children in a raw-foods-dominant diet and watching them thrive on it—without meat, without dairy, without processed foods, and without all the sundry accoutrements of the standard American diet—is one of the most effective means we have in creating a high probability for our children to be successful at health building. Children have the capacity to bring all kinds of abilities into their awareness if only we give them opportunities to exercise in the direction of these abilities. An effective plan for wellness involves presenting the young child with opportunities to learn how to make use of living foods, how to release tension from the spine and nervous system, and how to realize the “higher mind.” Assisting your child with these discoveries is the reason for being for Baby Greens—we wish you every good success in your experience of wholeness.