Chapter Fourteen

An Extract from a Report Dictated by Major Charles Lovick on the day before his death. Signed by Captain Edgar Merriweather as Acting Commanding Officer, Fort Garrett.

The casualties included Lieutenant James Carter, Corporal Chandler and Troopers O’Croxley, Dale, Harris, Stantiford, White and Lennon. All Discharged Dead.”

At least eight of the hostiles were reported as being killed as well as a number of women and children who were unfortunately shot down during a raid on their camp on Sandy Creek. Among other fatalities were the half-breed known as John Dancer.”

I commend for promotion Sergeant Haydon. And the four surviving troopers to be made up a step in rank. Trooper Dearman to be specially commended and made Corporal with effect from the date of this report.”

Also I register my thanks to the civilian scout, named Crow. Any outstanding charges or matters between himself and the United States Cavalry shall be concluded from this date and nothing further left on the record. His contribution to this mission has been mentioned by every survivor of the patrol. If it is possible I would personally appreciate it that some payment should be made to Mr. Crow as a token of our gratitude towards him.”

Finally, I would say how sorry I am personally for the vicious prank that led to this many deaths. I have spoken to the Sutler, Cyrus Quaid Senior, and he has promised us that the boy will be punished for hiding himself away in the Fort with the willful intent of blaming the local Apaches. A plan on the boy’s part that was all too successful. I am making arrangements for a new Sutler to be found and the Quaids to be removed from Army property. There is great feeling against the boy on the fort for his stupid trick and it is better he goes.”

I have the honor, Sir, to be Major Charles Lovick, U.S. Cavalry, Commanding Fort Garrett.”