This book was made possible by many helpful and talented people. For his vision, generosity, and support, I am eternally thankful to Manoah Bowman, who gave me a chance to prove myself and asked nothing in return. Thanks to the legendary Roger Corman for being part of this book. I also thank Matt Tunia, David Del Valle, Camilla Jackson, Jasmine Berezich, Marc Wanamaker, and David Wills for their friendship and contributions.

Heartfelt thanks to Gary Lynn De Forest, Kathleen De Forest, Jill Watkins, Fred Damiano, and Jackie Greenfield for spotting my potential and encouraging me to write.

I am also deeply grateful to everyone at Running Press for their unwavering faith in a first-time book author. In addition to the invaluable assistance and kindness of my editor, Cindy De La Hoz, I extend my gratitude to Jason Kayser, Katie Hubbard, Kristin Kiser, Jennifer Kasius, and Seta Zink.

Many thanks to Aaron Spiegeland at Parham Santana, and to the wonderful Turner Classic Movies staff, especially John Malahy, Eileen Flanagan, Heather Margolis, Pola Changnon, Genevieve McGillicuddy, and Jennifer Dorian.

Finally, thanks to Jeremy Arnold for establishing a standard of excellence with his book, The Essentials. It not only served as a template for this book, but inspired me to work harder to match its superior quality.