Ad Block Plus, 26
Address collection, 29, 30
AdNauseam, 26, 27
Ahearn, Frank, 35
Anonymous text, 31–33
Anonymouth, 33
Apple, 36, 37
Asymmetry, 78–80
Audio surveillance, 20, 21
Babble tapes, 20, 21
Bayesian flooding, 38, 39
Behavioral advertising, 26, 27, 82
Best practices, 60, 61, 74, 86, 97
Big data, 51–53, 82
BitTorrent Hydra, 29, 30
Barocas, Solon, 51
Bogus individuals, 35
boyd, danah, 86
Business competitors, 25, 26
CacheCloak, 23, 65, 66, 89, 90
Camouflage, 25, 47, 48, 29
CCTV recording, 49
Chaff, 7–9, 88, 92
Cloning service, 36, 37
Code obfuscation, 33–35
Collective identities, 15, 16
Concealment, 88, 89
Conflicting evidence, 41, 42
Context of use, 95
Cookie manipulation, 37, 38, 90
Craigslist, 16, 17
Credit management, 52, 53, 82
Data collection sales, 60, 61
Decoy strategy, 8, 25, 47, 48
Deniability, 89
Disappearance, 35
Dishonesty, 64, 65
Distributed denial of service (DDoS), 9–12
Eavesdropping interference, 20, 21
Echoes, 8, 9
Electronic profiling pollution, 36, 37
Encryption, 21–24, 62
Ends v. means, 70–74
Ethics, 30, 60, 61, 63–70, 83
Excessive documentation, 17, 18
Exclusivity, 90, 91
Exposure prevention, 89, 90
Facebook, 38, 39
FaceCloak, 39, 40
Facial-recognition software, 40, 41
Fairness, 74–80
Fake requests, 29, 30
False leads, 35
False orders, 25, 26
False tells, 15
False trades, 27, 28
File-burying, 14
Freedom, 79, 80
Free riding, 67–69, 75, 77
General obfuscation, 92–94
Genuine signals, 8, 9
Goldman, Francisco, 41
Government regulation, 61, 62
Grocery shopping, 28, 29
Group identity, 15, 16
Guatemalan political struggle, 41
Hidden transcript, 56–58
High-frequency trading (HFT), 27, 28
Human analysis limitation, 33–35
Identical confederates and objects, 16, 17
Identity prosthetics, 40, 41
Imitation attacks, 32
Imitations, 9–12
Implementation questions, 84–90
Information asymmetry, 48–53
Jenkin, Tim, 22–24
Justice, 74–80, 83
Justification, 63, 64
Likefarming, 40
Linguistic constructions, 30, 31
LiveJournal, 9–10, 9–12
Location-based services (LBSs), 12, 13
Loyalty card swapping, 28, 29
Ludlow, Kevin, 38, 39
Lying, 64, 65
Marx, Gary, 56, 63
Masks, 40, 41
Means v. ends, 70–83
Medical information, 31, 93–95
Mexican political struggle, 11, 12
Misleading signals, 8, 9
Morality, 70–83
Moral responsibility, 68, 69
National Security Agency (NSA), 18, 19
Necessary visibility, 85, 86
Network effect, 90, 91
Obfuscation attacks, 32, 33
OpenLeaks, 14, 15
Operation Vula, 21–24, 88, 89
Opting out, 53–58
Overproduction of documents, 17, 18
Oversupply, 17, 18
Patterns, 7, 15
Personal disinformation, 35
Plausible deniability, 14
Political questions, 71, 75–78, 83
Political uses, 9–12, 90
Pollution, 69, 70, 77
Power, 9–12, 48–53, 55–58, 78–80
Predictive software, 51
Press, Ronnie, 24
Privacy, 45–48, 50, 58, 61, 62, 72–76, 87–89
Privacy systems, 58–62
Profiling interference, 90
Protest expression, 90
Quote stuffing, 27, 28
Radar, 7, 8, 26, 88
Rawls, John, 76–78
Resource limitations, 65–67
Robots, 50
Rob’s Giant Bonus Card Swap Meet, 29
Russian political struggle, 9–11
Scott, James C., 55–57
Selective obfuscation, 92–94
Selvaggio, Leo, 40, 41
Service denial, 9–12
Shopping pattern tracking, 28, 29
Shuffling SIM cards, 18, 19
Social benefits, 80–82
Social media, 86
Social stenography, 86
South African political struggle, 21–24
Stand-ins, 25
Stock exchanges, 27, 28
Stylometric analysis attacks, 31–33
Subversion, 69, 70
System damage, 69, 70
Taxi-replacement companies, 25, 26
Threat models, 85–87
Time-buying, 8, 88, 92
Tor relays, 19, 20
Total surveillance, 54, 55
TrackMeNot, 13, 14, 36, 63–66, 72, 73, 77, 89, 90, 92
Translation attacks, 32
Troublemaking, 62
Twitter bots, 9–12
Ultimate Shopper project, 29
Uploads to leak sites, 14, 15
URME surveillance, 40, 41
Vortex, 37, 38, 90
Wastefulness, 65–67, 72, 76, 77
WikiLeaks, 14, 15
Zarsky, Tal, 51