THE IRISH BROTHERHOOD would not have been possible without the help and assistance of a great many people.
Sander Vanocur, a gifted, tough minded, no nonsense journalist. He is a class act. It was Sandy who was determined doggedly insistent on getting my Dad on tape especially at a time in my Dad’s life when he was ready to speak about his friendship with Jack and Bobby Kennedy. It would prove to be the only time my father spoke with such candor, honesty and with such detail and length. The tapes are a tribute to Sandy’s gifts as a journalist, his ability to ask the right question and know when to be wise enough to step back and let my father talk. It is also a tribute to a friendship that Sandy shared with my Dad, Jack and Bobby Kennedy. Their trust in him, as these tapes show, was complete. Nobody is more a member of The Irish Brotherhood than Sander Vanocur, whose interviews made this book possible.
Kathleen and Chris Matthews like Sandy have in so many ways made this book possible. I had the deep honor and privilege of working with Chris on his marvelous book, JFK, Elusive Hero. In that role Chris had me transcribe and edit all of my Dad’s taped recorded interviews with Sandy Vanocur. That work made this book possible. It is a tribute to Chris’s willingness to help others move forward, that rather than keep the material for himself, he instead urged me to write this book. He is a tough minded journalist and political junkie, but he is one of the few people who completely understood my Dad, his role with Jack and Bobby, and the importance of that role in the Kennedy story. His support of me and my endeavors to tell this story has been boundless. He is very much a Kenny O’Donnell type of fellow and I can imagine that he, Jack and my Dad would have had some very long tough conversations and damn good arguments about politics were such an opportunity to exist. He, like Sandy, belongs inside the Irish Brotherhood as well.
A special thank you to Tina Urbanski, Chris’s producer at “Hardball.” She never turned away a request or phone call from me for help, advice or assistance. Without her help on many occasions, things would have been difficult indeed. She is owed a debt of gratitude.
A special thank you to a dear friend, Gary B. LaForest and his family. While Gary editorial assistance, historical knowledge of the Kennedy clan and willingness to do the tough job that had to be done was critical, most important was his friendship, which can always be counted on through the good times and the bad. He will always have your back no matter the political weather, good or bad. He is the kind of fellow that my Dad would have loved to call a friend. I am honored to do so. A special thank you also to his sister Susan, his brother Jamie and Miss Nala for their support and faith in getting this story told.
Included in this thank you list is my sister Kathleen O’Donnell Schlichenmaier, along with her terrific husband Tom, son Jason & his wife Allison, as well as, Kathy & Tom’s son Erin, brother-in-law John and his wife Cindy. I include in this list for special thanks and encouragement for many years, Christine Anderson O’Donnell & Kenneth O’Donnell, Jr. and their children, Molly and Jamie. Special appreciation for allowing unfettered access to the taped recordings. Thanks for all their support which made this story possible. A special note of thanks for Yvonne and Jack Schlichenmaier and Fran and Al Anderson, all of whom, loved my Dad and Mother, who invited me into their home with unquestioned love and support.
They all shared a love for my Dad, my mother, Jack and Bobby—and shared my belief that in the end this story is about my Dad, Jack, Bobby and their journey and that we will always be privileged to have had such fantastic parents whose belief in John Kennedy knew know bounds. They understood how lucky and blessed they were to have experienced extraordinary history unfolding in their lifetimes. They encouraged my love of history, reading and writing, which made me understand what a true gift one has been given as a writer.
The list of friends who each helped in their own way is far too long to list here, but among those who helped us in this journey with great honor must be included, Bob and Barb Benenson whose early support was a life saver and Bob especially is a man of deep honor, whom I will always respect. Joan & Jerry Boylan, Joanne & Greg Lagueux, Kathy, Tim and the extended Boylan Clan, too numerous to name! Dianne & Chuck Davis, Deborah Baeder and her terrific boys, they are a remarkable family.
The inspiringly elegant, smart & savvy ladies at 4101 Cathedral, a great place to live, each of whom inspired in their own way, they include, Jessie Hackes, Eleanor Blank, Evelyn Woolston-May, my dear Elia, wonderful Marguerite and dear Monica. Also, special thanks to the Carla and Don Seifman.
Kelly Paisley, Kirk and Amy Eklund for their support and encouragement, to Betsy Magee (wherever in the world you are tonight. . ., Sheila Murphy, Jim Martin and the good folks at Mount Ida College, who encouraged my love of writing and history. And, of course the Irish contingent over in Ireland and the UK, dear Martin McBride, Patrick & Daniel Silke, David Harvey of Circle Films, producer Martin Dwan and Mairead from Irish TV. A special acknowledgment to the Irish Film Board, who we plan to be bothering very shortly!
Special thank you to the late, but magnificent Angie Novello, Bobby’s right arm who is no doubt in Heaven still keeping an eye on him! To Roseann Fitzgerald, my Aunt Justine’s dear friend, who was there whenever she was needed. For Theresa Fitzpatrick for her support and help, Rob Swan who was a dear friend of the late Senator Edward Kennedy. Rob showed no hesitation in sharing his memories, photos and was terribly helpful. The remarkable and elegant Provi Paredes, Jackie’s personal assistant, who played so critical a role in the life of Jack, Jackie and John Kennedy, Jr. She is remarkable for her story and for her insistence on staying in faith and true to their memory. Her son Gustavo, who was John’s dear friend.
A special thank you to the late Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Senator Edward Kennedy, Joe Kennedy and dear Michael, who always encouraged my writing and specifically this book though it took longer than we imagined, they all endorsed and encouraged my love of history and this era, and encouraged my dream to get the story told.
Special acknowledgement to the late, truly divine Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee, who inspired me always. To the late but always helpful and inspiring Washington Post Reporters, Mary McGrory and David Broder, all of whom my Dad adored. Mary especially held a special place in his heart. The terrific Bob Ajamien of Time Magazine, Bob Merry of Congressional Quarterly who I had the honor to work for, the terrificly talented Warren Rogers and Jim Bellows. Thank you’s to Aimee Bell at Vanity Fair Magazine who was always encouraging and inspiring, Liz McNeil at People Magazine for going the extra mile when needed.
A special thought on Ben in particular in my last conversation with him, before beginning this book, he sat with me and helped to outline the story, the scope and to educate me on the true importance of my Dad. This book is especially for him. Ben encouraged me to let me Dad tell the story, to help facilitate, but not get in the way. I hope I have done that and that Ben would be pleased.
My terrific agent Peter Beren is owed a special thank you and debt of gratitude for helping hone the book’s direction and for bringing us to Charlie Winton and Counterpoint Press. Peter is an excellent agent and a good friend.
Finally, a sincere thank you and deep debt of gratitude to Charlie Winton. He is not only a top flight editor with a great sense of story, he has a wonderful way of guiding and encouraging you as a writer, which only serves to get the best out of you. He also showed how committed he was to the story and this book and how willing he was to go above and beyond the call of duty! His help was at times quite critical. He never hesitated to step up and is very much a KPOD kind of fellow.
Both he and Peter subscribe to the “no writer left behind theory”—they were always their when needed most, through the good and the bad times. For Charlie’s help in bringing The Irish Brotherhood to life, I am deeply grateful.
Both Charlie and Peter have restored my faith in the publishing business; their help in guidance not only was important for this story, but for getting me and my writing career back on track.
Special hug and thanks to Kelly Winton, Megan Fishmann and the hard working, terrific staff at Counterpoint Press.
None of this could have been possible without Laurie Austin, MaryRose at the John F. Kennedy Library. As always, they were helpful, professional and fabulous. I cannot look at the photos that graces the cover of this book without thinking how blessed I am to have their help. They were indispensable in my first book as they are with this new book.
And, finally to two places that made the writing of this book possible, the terrific staff, who made me feel so at home, Michael, Lisa, Danielle, Maria and Mary at La Quinta in La Palma, California, which became my home base while researching the West Coast side of the story.
Finally, a special thank you to Ann Terry, Managing Director of the Hotel Harrington in Washington, D.C. The hotel is the oldest family owned hotel in Washington, D.C., while large, has the feel of a bed and breakfast with a terrific staff, most of whom have been here for 10, to 20 to 30 years or more. It is a blessed place and has been a Godsend for me. Ann Terry and her staff, Gail, Yolanda, Sergio, Jorge, Charneece, Deborah and to the terrific staff at Harriet’s restaurant who kept me fed and full.
Specials thanks to the folks that make the Hotel Harrington work so well, my dear friends Lucy, her little darling daughter Angie, her sister Lolita, fabulous Alice and Sabrina quite literally stepped in to at times, offer encouragement, a good meal, a well-timed hug that kept you going. Ann, herself is very much a Kenny O’Donnell kind of person and I am better for having known her. I am honored to call her a friend and her hotel my home base in Washington while finishing the book. It is a delightful old Washington, D.C. kind of hotel, blocks from the White House where I could stroll and be inspired while writing, it is full of charm and a warm welcome. A special thank you to one and all, and a special thank you from Eunice and Tiger Baby Man!
Finally, my own personal thank you to my Dad, Mother Helen and my Aunt Justine. Justine especially pushed hard for this book, which I wrote despite some substantial challenges. In writing this story, I have come to a deeper understanding of my Dad, my Mother Helen, Jack and Jackie. This book help bring my mother to life, and since I lost my parents when I was young, that was so special and helped me bring clarity to my life. My parents and Justine were remarkable, wonderful people and I hope they would be pleased and proud of this book and me. I have tried to do their memory honor. I only hope I have succeeded.
A special thank you to my dear, beloved Ron Joy, my dear RJ who always encouraged me to this new beginning in the belief that I could and would succeed in my dreams. He was right. It was just hard work! A special thank you to Mr. Sinatra and MM, who have inspired this and more stories to come.
Finally, I thank God for seeing me through the tough times and I know with this book we feel we have completed an important step in this new beginning.