


no. 12 flat • no. 10 filbert


Yellow Citron • Thicket • Wicker White • School Bus Yellow • Yellow Light • Yellow Ochre • Periwinkle


1. The background for the buttercups is the Crackled Frame. Follow the instructions in the techniques section, but change the colors to Baby Blue for the center, Maple Syrup for the frame’s basecoat, and Linen for the crackled topcoat. Let dry. Double-load a no. 12 flat with Yellow Citron and Thicket, and pick up a little Wicker White on the yellow side. Paint the grass blades and leaves.


2. Double-load a no. 10 filbert with School Bus Yellow and Yellow Light, picking up some Wicker White on the Yellow Light side. (See the techniques section for directions on double-loading a filbert brush.) Paint the back petals of the buttercup, keeping the School Bus Yellow to the outside.


3. With the same brush and colors, paint the front petals. Buttercups face upwards from the grass in spring, so paint the petals in the back a little longer than the ones in front.


4. Load a no. 12 flat with floating medium and side-load into Yellow Ochre. Float shading around the petals to separate them. Pick up School Bus Yellow and Wicker White and tap in the center stamens using the chisel edge of the no. 12 flat. To finish, load a no. 12 flat with floating medium and side-load into a tiny bit of Periwinkle. Shade around the inner edge of the crackled frame on the blue background to separate the frame from the painting and create a cast shadow.