


34-inch (19mm) flat • no. 12 flat • no. 2 script liner


Thicket • Fresh Foliage • Wicker White • Brilliant Ultramarine • Yellow Light


1. Create an Antiqued background following the directions in the techniques section. Let dry. Double-load a 34-inch (19mm) flat with Thicket and Fresh Foliage and paint the stems and long slender leaves, keeping the Thicket to the outside. Extend the tips of the leaves into long points. If your brush starts to drag or feel dry, dip into floating medium after you’ve loaded your colors.


2. To begin the petals, double-load a no. 12 flat with Wicker White and Brilliant Ultramarine. Work a lot of the white into the blue before you start painting. Glory-of-the-Snow flowers are a light sky blue, not a deep blue. Paint the long, pointed single-stroke petals.


3. Pick up Wicker White on a no. 2 script liner and pull little white streaks out from the center on some of the petals. Pick up Brilliant Ultramarine on the liner and accent the streaks here and there.


4. Stroke in the center stamens with Yellow Light and Wicker White on a no. 12 flat. Load a no. 2 script liner with inky Brilliant Ultramarine and accent some of the edges of the blue petals, pulling the line to a curved, extended point.