The Literary Channel began as a graduate seminar called “The Literary Chunnel,” which we team-taught at New York University during the spring semester of 1996. Our thanks to the students in that seminar and to the Departments of Comparative Literature and English at NYU for sponsoring the course. The Department of Comparative Literature generously funded a conference that enabled us to bring the book’s contributors to New York for a weekend of collective work in December 1999; our special thanks to Chair Richard Sieburth and to Susan Protheroe and Suzanne Daniels for organizing the conference. Warm thanks go to NYU’s International Center for Advanced Studies, where Margaret Cohen worked on the collection while a Fellow in 1999–2000 and to Vanderbilt University, which granted a research leave to Carolyn Dever enabling her to prepare the collection during 1999–2000. We are grateful to David Cobb, head of the Harvard Map Collection, for his assistance with the cover image and frontispiece. The New York University Humanities Council generously helped defray production costs.
From its inception this volume has represented an unusually collective effort among its contributors. We thank April Alliston, Emily Apter, Joan DeJean, Lynn Festa, Françoise Lionnet, Deidre Shauna Lynch, Sharon Marcus, Richard Maxwell, and Mary Helen McMurran for their invaluable contributions, not only their essays but also their help with the introduction. We have learned much from dialogue with Karl Britto, Tita Chico, Shalyn Claggett, Julia Douthwaite, D. A. Miller, Franco Moretti, John Plotz, Tim Reiss, Marvin J. Taylor, Katie Trumpener, and Judith Walkowitz. We are grateful to Mary Murrell and Fred Appel for their constant support of the project and to our anonymous readers at the Princeton University Press.
Our families have provided encouragement, patience, and wisdom: Dan, Sam, and Max Klotz and Kathryn Schwarz.
The Literary Channel