
Life Rules

#1: Push Yourself.

Life gets hard. It’s easy to give up. Sometimes we just need a tiny, little nudge and doors open or situations change. Don’t be afraid to try.

#2: Stretch Yourself.

One, stretching is relaxing. But two, stretching literally stretches our muscles. How are you going to reach those muffins on the kitchen counter if you don’t stretch a bit? It’s the same for anything else in life. Something may seem too high up or too far away for you, but a good stretch will get you there.

#3: Stop to Sniff the Air.

Breathing in and out does a few things: it gives us the oxygen we need, it slows our heartbeats, and it helps us relax. This is all super good for our health! Plus, the world is full of interesting, mysterious smells, so our curiosity stirs up as our worries go down.

#4: Share Your Chill.

When you feel good or happy or relaxed, share that spirit with others by offering a smile or licking the bacon grease off their sleeves!