Chapter Fifteen

Harper had been driving for two hours east to Nevada. Maybe he would find what he wanted among the species more like himself. He had forgotten about his home and the new structures. He had an architect design plans for his town. That would be his next project. That could keep him busy, and he wouldn’t have time to think about how much he wanted Emily, and how much he wanted to fuck.

The only time he thought about his home was when he drove up to it. The land had looked barren in one particular spot, but now it had the skeleton of a beautiful spacious home.

He thought he would be returning there with a woman he could mate with and spend his life with. He sat in his truck and thought. “I guess I will have to look somewhere else. Emily doesn’t want me. I can’t blame her,” he murmured.

Hopping out of the truck he met the foreman. “It’s good to see you, Mr. Samsa. You said that you wanted this home completed soon and you didn’t care how many men we used. As you can see,” he said walking around to the house which looked like it would take no more than two days, “we’re just about finished, and the carpenters have built your bed.”

“Thank you,” Harper said staring at his home. 

“Everyone here would like to thank you for the opportunity to work.”

“We have more work to do,” Harper said to the foreman. “You and your men have to build me a town with a hospital, a school, and stores. I have designated where the town will stand and I’m going to need one more hospital here. Do you have the plans?”

“I have everything.”

“Then let me get out of your way.”  Harper walked back to his truck and drove around and headed west to the Rusty Nail. He needed a drink.

When he reached there it was getting dark. He strode into the bar. Looking around no one appeared to be in there except Angela. She looked up. “Oh Harper, I’m glad to see you.”

“Why is it so empty in here? Where is everyone?”

“A sheriff from Madison County, about a mile from here, came in and arrested all the male shifters in the bar. He said they found a dead woman and everyone would be held until they found out who it was. They’re always picking on the shifters. We usually keep our business within our pack.”

“They have no reason to round up shifters. The shifters have rights,” Harper said as Angela handed him a bottle beer. He popped the cap with his thumb and drank it all. 

“We have no rights. This is a closed society. Very few humans know we exist. The sheriff wants to keep it that way. When something happens, it’s usually because some human has come to town. We have a small population of humans in this area. The shifters make up the majority of the population and if women go missing, or someone disappears, they herd all the werewolf shifters into town until they can frame one. Then they send the shifter off somewhere and we never know what happens to him again.” Angela shrugged and continued scrubbing the bar.

“What about the were-females?”

“They retreat into the forest until everything is over. Living the best way they can.”

“Close up this place and let’s go into town.” Angela cut the lights and walked out with Harper. It took her only a few minutes before they bounded into the car and headed north to the local sheriff’s office.

The town had one street and it was blacktopped. One gas station sat near one oblong building and to the side sat a building with bars that said JAIL. And in that jail sat twelve werewolves. Some pacing and the others howling and gnawing at the bars as if they thought it would do any good. The only thing that happened was they lost teeth.

Parking the truck he jumped out and Angela trotted over to the jail to stand outside and talk to Nero. Harper glanced at the werewolves sitting inside a cage like room and thought that it could be him, and although he didn’t care for most of them, he had to help them because now they were all he had that resembled his species and family.

Opening the door, he looked at the man behind the desk watching a football game. The man looked up. “Who are you?”

“I’m Harper Samsa.”

The man stood and walked from around his desk and rubbed his hand on his pants and then held out his hand. I’m Sheriff Jimmy Hugh. And I’ve heard of you. You bought all this land around here. You plan on giving jobs to everyone in the area. You know we have a small town and we appreciate a man such as yourself.”

“Well Mr. Hugh, I understand you have a lot of my men in your jail.”

“These aren’t men. They’re...” He stopped short of saying they were werewolves. He couldn’t recognize Harper as being one of them.

“What are they? They aren’t animals where you have to put them in a cage.”

“Well we found a body. I mean a skeleton of a woman and I have to keep them until we find out who it is and how long she’s been dead.”

“And just how long is that going to take?”

“Maybe six months. Maybe a year.” The sheriff shot Harper a disgusting smile. His teeth yellow from tobacco stains and little or no brushing.

“Do you have the resources to feed those men for that long?”

“Well if they die or start to eat each other then my problem is solved.” He shot another smile that made Harper uneasy.

“You will have another problem because I will hold you responsible for murdering these men.”

“Like I said, these aren’t men.”

“Then what are they?”

“I know this may sound strange, since you’re not from here, but... since you’ll one of us men, you need to know that they’re werewolves,” the sheriff said whispering. He waited for Harper to laugh.

“And what do you think I am?”

“A man of course. No werewolf has the money you have so I assume you’re a man.”

“Then you have made another wrong assumption. I am like these men and I want you to release them now.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You’re violating their rights.”

“They don’t have any rights here.” Harper looked around.

“This isn’t a town. I’m building a town. Now if you want to remain on as sheriff and if you do your job and find out who killed that woman, then I will consider making you the head of my police department. I will hire as many men as you can bring in here. With one stipulation, that you have them sign a paper that they will never tell anyone that this town has werewolves and that I am a werewolf.”

“If they tell then what?”

“They will no longer be able to stay in this town or any other. Do you understand me?” Harper’s eyes blazed red and he locked them on the sheriff.

“Yes sir, Mr. Samsa. I’ll let those wolves, I mean men go as soon as...” and he raised his head and looked at the door. The door opened and Angela walked in. Harper saw the look on the sheriff’s face. He had the hots for Angela and there appeared to be a motive for taking Nero in with the rest of the group of werewolves.

“What are you doing here, Angela? You know once I pick up Nero and his pack I keep them.” There was panic on Angela’s face. Her eyes darkened and she growled at him. “Don’t worry. We’re good. I’m letting Nero and the others out in a few. Go on back to the Rusty Nail. He’ll be there shortly.”

“Are you telling me the truth?”

“Would I lie to you, Angela? You know you and I are good.” His voice softened when he spoke those words. “Just ask Mr. Samsa.” He looked to Harper to ease the way with Angela.

“Go back to the bar. I’ll take care of everything, Angela. The pack will want to get a drink and eat. Do you have fresh meat?” She shook her head yes but she never took her eyes off of the sheriff.

Harper saw the signs of jealousy in the sheriff and he had brought Nero and his pack in because he wanted some time with Angela. Harper even doubted that there was a missing and dead woman.

The werewolves he knew wouldn’t kill a woman. They were interested in sex and from all the were-females and the local humans running around they could have all the sex they wanted.

Harper walked Angela to the door and stood outside with her. She glanced up at him. “There is one thing I forgot to tell you about your change,” Angela said.

“What is it?”

“You have three more days before the full moon.”

“I know that.”

“Well...” she paused. “You have to mate with your selected female or the next female you mate with will be yours forever whether you want her or not. She will be devoted to you and may even harm another female of your choosing.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier? I’m married. I will have to get back to Emily. I have so much to do before then,” he murmured. “Wait for us in the truck. I don’t want to travel with Nero’s pack until I speak to him. And from now on I think it’s best that you remain loyal to Nero. It almost cost him his life.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t tell me you haven’t been with that sheriff. I saw how you were looking at him and he was watching you. You’ve been intimate with him. If you don’t put a stop to that he will eventually kill Nero.”

“Please don’t say anything to Nero.”

“I would never do that. Now get in the truck and wait for me. I need to stay here to make sure that the sheriff keeps to his bargain.”