
I’ve never been a heavy sleeper, and I actually date that back to my days in the Marine Corps where it was a trained skill. Much of my Special Forces training taught me how to fall asleep in the most inhospitable of environments while easily coming awake at the slightest disturbance.

It’s no wonder then that the minute Avery starts crying, I come instantly awake, as does Anna. I can feel her jerk in my arms, her head coming off the pillow where she listens for a minute more.

When Avery cries again, Anna pulls away from me.

“She okay?” I ask.

Anna reaches back, presses a hand on my chest, and whispers. “Just hungry. Go back to sleep.”

She slips away quickly and quietly through the dark without any light to aid her way from the pull-out couch we’re sleeping on into the one bedroom she’d dedicated to her daughter’s nursery.

I roll over on the thin mattress, coming to sit on the edge. The hinges and coils squeak with the movement, and I know my back will probably be sore tomorrow. I don’t know how Anna handles sleeping on this piece of shit, but I have to sincerely admire her desire to be independent. She had told me tonight over the dinner she had cooked for me—meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn—that her mom had wanted her to move in with her after Jimmy’s death.

Anna had until Avery’s birth, mainly because she was having some pregnancy-related issues due to the stress of it all. But within a month of Avery’s arrival, Anna got this apartment and made a go of it on her own. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t receive help from her mom, because she does, only that it makes her feel good about herself to be as independent as she can. It is her way of showing Jimmy, wherever his soul may be, that she’s okay.

I push up off the bed, wondering how badly the neighbors hated us after the amazing and quite loud sex we’d had on it after she’d put Avery down to sleep. I smile at the not-too-distant memory, because uncomfortable couch or not, sex with Anna is on an almost divine level for me.

Reaching out blindly, I manage to grab my briefs from inside my previously discarded jeans. I pull them up my legs for the sake of some modesty. Personally, I don’t care about staying naked, but in deference to Anna, I cover up. After we’d had sex earlier, then cuddled and talked, she’d slid out of bed to use the restroom. When she’d returned, she’d put on a t-shirt and panties, as well as a bra. She’d explained it was just easier to sleep with the bra especially, given her need for pads to combat the leaking.

I know I should be freaked out by that stuff, but I’m not. I have to admire the no-nonsense way in which Anna handles it. Frankly, it’s damn sexy to me that she’s venturing into a sexual relationship with me while dealing with these issues that aren’t typical when two people start to get intimate with each other.

Maybe I’m just weird.

Padding toward the nursery, I manage to catch my toe on the metal leg of the pull-out. I stifle a curse and hobble toward the nursery, guided by the warm light of the lamp Anna had turned on.

I find Anna sitting in her rocker with Avery suckling at her breast. As I’d done once before, I sit on the floor and lean against the dresser. I’m content to sit quietly as she rocks, noting she hums a song to Avery while she feeds her.

It’s odd to me how beautiful I find this moment to be. Watching Anna feed her daughter—Jimmy’s daughter. I’ve not given kids much thought in regard to my future. I know I’ll have them one day, but it’s been neither a burning desire nor an abhorrence. I just figured it will either happen or it won’t.

It doesn’t seem to matter to me that Anna has a child by another man, though. There’s no jealousy or desire to have her all to myself. I knew coming over tonight would partly be about Anna and me spending time together, developing this new path to our relationship and cementing our bonds—particularly sexually.

But I also know Avery is a part of Anna’s everyday life. As in, there won’t ever be a day I’m with her that I won’t take a backseat to Avery’s needs, and I’m okay with that.

Furthermore, there’s something about Anna being fully in her element of motherhood that is not only beautiful, but also comforting as well. I know she can handle anything, and her stability helps to anchor me, too.

Anna shifts Avery to her other breast. I’m fascinated as she helps position her, and at how easily the tiny human finds the nipple and instinctively knows what to do. I imagine it wasn’t easy at first, but Anna and Avery both seem to be professionals now.

“Will that hold her through the rest of the night?” I ask in a low voice.

“Until the early morning hours,” she replies softly, her smile gentle as she gazes at her little girl. “She usually gets up sometime between five and six. Which is perfect as that gives me plenty of time to get ready for work, then get her over to my mom’s house.”

I shake my head, a little awestruck. “It’s amazing how well you juggle it all.”

She waves me off. “Nah.”

“Yeah,” I say pointedly. “You’re amazing.”

Anna’s gaze moves from Avery to me, her eyes sober. “You’re amazing. I’m glad we’re giving this a go.”

“Me too,” I assure her softly. Despite my fears, some lingering doubts, and, of course, waxing and waning guilt, I’m glad, too.

“Well,” Anna drawls, smiling down at Avery as she pulls her away from her breast. Anna deftly pulls her bra back into place. “I think this little monkey is all done.”

In the lamplight, I can see the baby yawn mightily. Anna pushes up from the rocker, so I do the same from my position on the floor. There’s a part of me that feels like an outsider, yet another that wants to insinuate myself deeper into this family dynamic. I’m fascinated by Anna and Avery’s bond. The way Anna nurtures her daughter and the way Avery depends upon her mother for everything.

Anna moves to the dresser, which has a thickly cushioned pad covered in a soft, pink material on top. “I’ll just give her a quick diaper change, then she should fall right back asleep.”

I’ve seen babies have their diapers changed before. In the Marine Corps, I had buds who were married with kids. Growing up, my sister was a babysitter, so we sometimes had little humans running around our house. My older cousin, Kathy, started having kids as soon as she reached adulthood, and they were always around.

And yet, I’ve never done the task myself.

As Anna lays Avery on the thick padding and starts to unzip the front of her onesie pajamas, I ask, “Can I try?”

Appearing startled, she regards me with round eyes.

“Is that weird?” I ask. “Am I overstepping my bounds?”

“God, no,” she exclaims with a laugh, shaking her head. “You just caught me by surprise. No offense to my stereotyping of you as a man, but I don’t think that’s a natural curiosity most men want to fulfill.”

Chuckling, I step in closer to her, shoulder to shoulder as we gaze down at Avery. “She’s part of you. Of course, I’m curious.”

I don’t dare look over at Anna, but I can feel her body sag slightly against me, a gentle touch of her arm against mine that indicates my sentiment touches her.

Under her direction, I manage to pull the onesie off Avery, who is thankfully sleepy with a full belly and not overly wriggly. Also, she’s a bit sturdier at five months as compared to being a newborn, so I’m not afraid of breaking her.

Mostly thankful she’s apparently only wet her diaper, so I don’t have to deal with a stink-filled pile of poop, because call me a sissy but I have no desire to do that right now.

Anna gives step-by-step instructions, even guiding my hands to Avery’s little ankles to pull her bottom up to remove the soiled diaper. I’m awkward at it, but I eventually accomplish the task. I don’t secure the tabs tight enough around her waist. The diaper is way too loose, so Anna has to fix it. For the most part, though, I feel accomplished.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Anna asks.

“Ask me that next time when I change her poopy diaper,” I reply with a grimace.

Anna picks her daughter up, brings her close to her face, and brushes her lips across Avery’s fuzzy head. I step in close, peering over Anna’s shoulder while wondering what the baby thinks of me staring at her. Probably nothing as she only has eyes for her mom.

However, she gives another huge yawn, her tiny fists curling tight as Anna whispers, “Sleepy girl.”

I stay by the dresser as she moves back to the crib, bends, and then places Avery on her back. There’s no blanket in there—Anna having told me before it could be a smothering hazard at this age—which is why she dresses her in fleecy onesies and keeps the heat at a sufficient level in the apartment.

When Anna turns back to me, I hold my hand out to her. When she takes it, I lead her out of the nursery, whispering, “Let’s get you back to sleep. Not going to be long before she’s up again.”

Anna follows, her hand gripping mine tightly, but I falter when she says, “I’m not tired.”

When I start to turn to her, I’m met with her body and her mouth, hands going around my neck and fisting into my hair. My body instantly reacts, arms encircling her and meeting her kiss with hungry demand. Palming her ass, I draw her into me, knowing she can feel the evidence of my arousal.

I have a feeling we’re both going to be exhausted tomorrow, but I don’t give a flying fuck. If I could just halt time and be like this with Anna forever, I’d give up any amount of sleep.