I would like to thank the following people for their help with the research and writing of this book. If I mentioned everyone who offered assistance and advice, the list would fill many pages. But these people in particular helped me imagine what it might have been like to be a boy in 1943, living and flying with Bomber Command.

Jack Porter, a wartime corporal with the Army Pigeon Service in North Africa, now living in Stalmine, Blackpool, England, for all his kind help in understanding the world of wartime pigeons and pigeoneers.

Bill Foote, a Halifax pilot in World War II, now retired in Alnmouth, Northumberland, for his wonderful explanations and recollections of an aircrew’s role in Bomber Command, and for showing me, as far as possible, what it must have been like to fly a Halifax.

Guy Jefferson, MBE, a thirty-four-year veteran with the RAF in radar and radio, now of the Yorkshire Air Museum (in Elvington, York), for details of wartime airfields, runways, and flares.

The Yorkshire Air Museum, for providing the names of Guy Jefferson and Bill Foote.

Mrs. Marjorie Southern and Ms. Pat Southern, of Altrincham, Cheshire, for sharing the story of their husband and father, Thomas Edwin Southern, a member of an RAF crew rescued through the efforts of the pigeon White Vision.

Mr. Peter Elliott, senior keeper in the Department of Research and Information Services at the Royal Air Force Museum in Hendon. Also Joanne Ratcliffe, office administrator, Department of Research and Information Services, for technical information on the Halifax and the air force in general.

Tim Stankus, archivist at the Royal Signals Museum in Blandford Camp, Blandford Forum, Dorset, for information about pigeons in the war.

Mary Godwin, curator and archivist at the Museum of Submarine Telegraphy, Cable & Wireless Porthcurno Trust in Porthcurno, Penzance, for information about the role of pigeons in the war.

Derek Partridge, Freshfield, Formby, Lancashire, of the Animals in War Memorial Fund, for contact information.

Margaret Taylor, information officer for the Royal British Legion in London, for contact information.

Stephen Hayter, executive director of the Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum in Brandon Manitoba, for information on the training plan.

RAF pilot Alan Stuart, of the Flying Training Command, now living in Langley, British Columbia, for his help with flying details.

RCAF navigator Bill Lowther, of Vancouver, for assistance in understanding the role of a wartime navigator.

Peter Bryant, general manager of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association, in the United Kingdom, and David Higgins, region secretary, RPRA, for information about racing pigeons.

Deone Roberts, sport development manager with the American Racing Pigeon Union Inc. in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for information on racing pigeons.

Christopher Hunt of the Imperial War Museum in London, for details of pigeons in wartime.

Liliane Reid Lafleur, library technician at the Hartland Molson Library of the Canadian War Museum in Otttawa, for reference and library materials.

Ian Leslie, library assistant at the Canadian Aviation Museum in Ottawa, for information about pigeons in the war.

J. Kevin Ash, a former bush pilot and flying instructor now living in Prince Rupert, British Columbia, for flying lessons by long-distance telephone.

Bruce Wishart, for his suggestions, criticisms, and sympathetic ear.

Raymond Lawrence, my father, for his wartime memories and careful critiquing.

Kathleen Larkin, research librarian at the Prince Rupert Public Library, for absolutely everything. Without her help, advice, and encouragement, this book might not have been written.