The Boys in the Band

Mart Crowley

The Boys in the Band, copyright © 1968, 1996 by Mart Crowley. Reprinted with permission from Alyson Publications.


CAUTION: Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that The Boys in the Band is subject to royalty. It is fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and of all countries covered by the International Copyright Union (including the Dominion of Canada and the rest of the British Commonwealth), the Berne Convention, the Pan-American Copyright Convention, and the Universal Copyright Convention as well as all countries with which the United States has reciprocal copyright relations. Particular emphasis is laid upon the matter of readings, permission for which must be secured from the Author’s agent in writing. Inquiries concerning rights should be addressed to Mitch Douglas, International Creative Management, 40 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO You, by Mildred J. Hill and Patty S. Hill © 1935 (Renewed) Summy-Birchard Music, A Division of Summy-Birchard Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. WARNER BROS. PUBLICATIONS U.S. INC., Miami, FL 33014


Laurence Luckinbill (Hank), Keith Prentice (Larry). Reuben Greene (Bernard), and Cliff Gorman (Emory) in The Boys in the Band, at Theater Four, 1968. (Photograph reprinted with permission from the John Willis Theatre World/Screen World Archive.)

The Boys in the Band was first presented Off-Broadway at Theater Four on Sunday, April 14, 1968. It was produced by Richard Barr and Charles Woodward, and directed by Robert Moore. It was designed by Peter Harvey, and the Administrative Director was Barry Plaxen.The General Manager was Michael Kasdan, the press agents were David Rothenberg and Lawrence Schneider, and the stage managers were Charles Kindl and Richard Foltz. The photographer was Friedman-Abeles.


Michael Kenneth Nelson
Donald Frederick Combs
Emory Cliff German
Larry Keith Prentice
Hank Laurence Luckinbill
Bernard Reuben Greene
Cowboy Robert La Tourneaux
Alan Peter White
Harold Leonard Frey
Donald, Larry, Cowboy William Leet
Michael Eric James
Hank, Alan Jered Mickey
Bernard Bob Broadway
Harold, Emory Page Johnson

The play is divided into two acts. The action is continuous and occurs one evening within the time necessary to perform the play.

Description of Characters

MICHAEL: Thirty, average face, smartly groomed.

DONALD: Twenty-eight, medium blond, Wholesome American good looks.

EMORY: Thirty-three, small, frail, very plain.

LARRY: Twenty-nine with a starkly simple sense of individual style and color in his clothes. Dark eyes, dark hair, extremely handsome.

HANK: Thirty-two, tall, solid, athletic, attractive.

BERNARD: Tiventy-eight, Negro, tall, gaunt, nice-looking, dresser in Ivy-League clothes.

COWBOY: Twenty-two, light blond, muscle-bound, too pretty.

HAROLD: Thirty-two, dark, lean, strong limbs, unusual semitic face.

ALAN: Thirty, aristocratic Anglo-Saxon features.