
Please note that page numbers are not accurate for the e-book edition.

Abramowitz, Yosef, 189

Adams, Patrolman John Quincy, 80, 81

Ahmad, Eqbal, 136

Ali, Mohammed, 122

Alperowitz, Gar, 96

Ansara, Michael, 148

Baker, Ella, 51, 75

Baldwin, David, 59

Baldwin, James, 59, 60, 63, 64

Barrett, James, 149–50

Barsamian, David, 206

Berrigan, Daniel, 126–38

Berrigan, Philip, 134, 136

Bertolino, Steven, 148

Bevel, James, 74

Black, Capt. John, 132–33

Block, Sam, 71–72

Bogart, Humphrey, 174

Boit, Dorcas, 39

Bond, Julian, 22

Boudin, Leonard, 159

Boynton, Amelia, 57, 61

Braden, Anne, 33

Braden, Carl, 33

Branfman, Fred, 129–30

Brown, Julia Prewitt, 195–96

Buckley, William, 120–21

Bundy, McGeorge, 159

Campbell, Sheriff Cull, 46–48

Carmichael, Stokely, 53

Chaney, James, 103

Chase, Oscar, 76, 78–79

Chomsky, Noam, 124–25, 146, 156, 159, 193

Clark, Sheriff Jim, 58, 60, 61

Cochrane, J. Preston, 32

Coffin, William Sloane, 116, 121

Columbus, Christopher, 1–2

Commager, Henry Steele, 121

Conyers, John, 63–64

Cook, Samuel DuBois, 42–43

Cullen, Countee, 20

cummings, e. e., 99, 165

DeLeon, Daniel, 179

Dellinger, David, 108, 126, 127

Dennis, Dave, 75

Dibner, Andrew, 191

Dickens, Charles, 168–69

Doyle, Father Jim, 205

Dreiser, Theodore, 174

Du Bois, W.E.B., 174

Edelman, Marian Wright, 29–30, 38, 72

Egan, Sister Joques, 136

Ellsberg, Daniel, 146, 156–61

Ellsberg, Mary, 157

Ellsberg, Patricia, 156, 157

Ellsberg, Robert, 157

Engels, Frederick, 175

Falk, Richard, 159

Featherstone, Ralph, 108, 110

Ferber, Michael, 116

Fonda, Jane, 123

Forman, James, 58–59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 74, 77

Frazier, E. Franklin, 34–35

Frederick, Cynthia, 146

French, Marilyn, 192

Fulbright, Sen. William, 111

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 159

Gamson, Zee, 146

Garlin, Sender, 206

Genouves, Vaneski, 142

Gide, Andrew, 178

Goldman, Emma, 201, 202

Good, Elizabeth, 155–56

Good, Robert, 155

Goodman, Andrew, 103

Goodman, Mitchell, 116, 146

Gregory, Dick, 58, 73

Gruening, Sen. Ernest, 111

Hamer, Fannie Lou, 74, 75, 78, 81

Hansen, William, 46–47

Harney, James, 154

Harris, Fred, 72

Hartsfield, Mayor William, 32

Hayden, Tom, 127, 159

Heller, Joseph, 97

Hersey, John, 95

Hertz, Alice, 121

Hofstadter, Richard, 121

Hollowell, Donald, 28, 43

Hoover, J. Edgar, 49–50

Horton, Myles, 33

Humphrey, Hubert, 117

Jackson, Irene Dobbs, 23

Jackson, Jimmie Lee, 65

Johnson, Lyndon, 65, 103, 111, 112, 116

Judge, Maureen, 189

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 202

Kabat-Zinn, Myla, 202

Kabat-Zinn, Naushon, 202

Kabat-Zinn, Serena, 202

Kabat-Zinn, Will, 202

Kennedy, John F., 49

Kennedy, Robert F., 49, 50, 75

King, C. B., 47

King, Lonnie, 27

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 48, 49, 67, 82, 186

King, Rodney, 82

King, Mrs. Slater, 49

Kinoy, Arthur, 159–60

Kitt, Eartha, 122

Klein, Maxine, 202

Koestler, Arthur, 178

Kovic, Ron, 123–24

Krause, Allison, 118

Krause, Laurie, 118

Kunstler, William, 188

Lafayette, Bernard, 57

Lamott, Janet, 81

Lawson, Jeff, 179

Lawson, John Howard, 179

Lee, Herbert, 70

Levertov, Denise, 192

Levin, Murray, 191

Lewis, John, 50, 75, 77

Lingo, Col. Al, 61

Lockwood, Lee, 138

Long, Margaret, 33

Long, Worth, 57

Luce, Don, 159

Lunney, Robert, 79

Luria, Salvadore, 192

Lynd, Alice, 42

Lynd, Staughton, 42, 108, 181

McAlister, Elizabeth, 136

McBay, Shirley, 42–43

Mahady, Judge Frank, 162

Malcolm X, 82, 201

Manley, Dr. Albert, 37–42

Marcuse, Herbert, 108

Marshall, Burke, 65

Marx, Karl, 175

Mays, James, 55

Melville, Marjorie, 134

Merrill, Charles, 41

Metcalf, Arthur, 187

Methany, Lt. David, 132–33

Moreland, Lois, 42

Morrison, Norman, 121

Morse, Sen. Wayne, 111

Moses, Robert Parris, 69, 70, 72, 77, 79, 80, 81, 103–4, 108

Moylan, Mary, 134, 135

Neblett, Chico, 62

Nelson, Jack, 33

Nesson, Charles, 159

Nixon, Richard, 117, 118

Norris, Judge Mildred, 79–80

Oda, Makoto, 108

Offner, Arnold, 192

O’Reilly, Eugene, 142–43

Ouillet, Father Maurice, 57, 64

Overly, Maj. Norris, 132–33

Paley, Grace, 192

Perry, Joseph, 11–12

Piercy, Marge, 192

Pilcher, Ruby, 73–74

Plato, 138

Plotkin, Ed, 11–12

Ponder, Annelle, 74, 75

Pope, Roslyn, 27–28

Popwell, Johnny, 31

Powledge, Fred, 33

Pratt, John, 79–80

Pritchett, Chief Laurie, 47–48

Ptashne, Mark, 146

Quarterman, Ola Mae, 52

Raskin, Marcus, 116

Reagon, Bernice Johnson, 53

Rebelsky, Freda, 192

Reeb, James, 65

Ridolfi, Kathleen, 154–55

Ringer, Fritz, 191

Rivers, Caryl, 191

Rivers, Rep. Mendel, 111

Robeson, Paul, 174

Rudavsky, Dahlia, 195

Rusk, Dean, 184, 185

Russo, Anthony, 156, 157, 159, 161

Samstein, Mendy, 76

Sanders, Earl, 23

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 159

Schwerner, Michael, 103

Seaton, Esta, 43

Seldes, George, 170

Sheehan, Neil, 157

Sherrod, Charles, 52, 54

Silber, John, 184–96

Silone, Ignazio, 178

Sinclair, Upton, 175

Smith, Larry, 205

Smith, Dr. Otis, 24–25

Snyder, Mitch, 128

Socrates, 138

Sorenson, Theodore, 159

Steinbeck, John, 175

Stevens, Betty, 43

Stockwell, John, 162

Stone, I. F., 125

Stringfellow, William, 138

Sullivan, Herschelle, 37

Supina, Philip, 113–14

Sutherland, Donald, 123–24

Taitt, Lenore, 52

Taylor, Lana, 39

Thomas, Marie, 40

Tiyo Attalah Salah-el, 149

Towne, Anthony, 138

Travis, Brenda, 70

Travis, Jimmy, 72

Tsurumi, Shunsuke, 108–9

Unamuno, Miguel, 114

Walker, Alice, 44–45, 197–98

Wasserstrom, Richard, 65

Watters, Pat, 33

Weinberger, Eric, 67

Weinglass, Leonard, 159, 160

West, Henry, 23, 202

West, Henry, Jr., 23

West, Patricia, 23, 202

White, John, 148

Williams, Avery, 62, 76, 77

Wolf, Renate, 43

Wright, Richard, 178

Young, Andrew, 66, 67

Young, Ernest, 113

Young, Marilyn, 113, 146

Young, Whitney, 23, 68

Zahn, Gordon, 154

Zellner, Robert, 52–53

Zinn, Bernie, 168

Zinn, Crystal Lewis, 202

Zinn, Eddie, 164–66

Zinn, Jeff, 16, 30, 42, 123, 181, 202

Zinn, Jenny, 166–68

Zinn, Jerry, 168

Zinn, Myla, 30–31, 42, 181, 202

Zinn, Roslyn, 30–31, 42, 44, 69, 72, 73, 81, 89–91, 96, 97, 119, 127, 144, 149, 156, 157

Zinn, Shelly, 168