About the Author

Nancy C. Muir is the owner of a writing and consulting company that specializes in business and technology topics. She has authored more than 100 books, including Computers For Seniors For Dummies and iPhone For Seniors For Dummies. Nancy holds a certificate in Distance Learning Design and has taught Internet safety at the college level.


To my husband Earl for going above and beyond in supporting me while writing these books. Honey, you’re the best.

Author’s Acknowledgments

Thanks to Katie Mohr, who has been a loyal and supportive acquisitions editor through the years. Also my gratitude to Brian Walls, book juggler supreme, for very ably handling all the many details of several of my books this year. Thanks to Lisa Bucki for tech editing the book to keep me on track.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Acquisitions Editor: Katie Mohr

Project Editor: Brian H. Walls

Technical Editor: Lisa Bucki

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Cover Image: ©iStock.com/Art Wager