4.5 Summary
The functionality provided by the ES Repository and its subcomponents (ES Registry and ES Builder) plays a crucial role during the design, creation, and administration of service interfaces. Whether those repository objects are custom built, externally developed and imported, or standard business content delivered by SAP, you need to deal with this multifaceted component of SAP PO. Mastering its tools, knowing when to apply them, and acknowledging the consequences of your choices made during design time will definitely deliver great advantages and put you in control when gluing everything together at configuration time.
This chapter also discussed the unconditional but valuable relationship that exists between the ES Repository and its companion, the ES Registry, when publishing and discovering services. We went through the different categories and types of design objects, from the most common to the very exotic. Now, you should be able to explain all the relevant concepts about the ES Registry and to design and build ES Repository objects.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to put all the pieces of an SAP PO interface together by exploring the tools and features provided by the Integration Directory.