15.3 Summary
No one wants to build a castle that only lasts one day. After spending a lot of time building a process to help the business reach its goal, you’ll want to ensure that the business continues to enjoy the process benefits for a long time. A castle requires regular checks and maintenance work to be kept in top condition. The same applies for your SAP PO server, which requires maintenance in the form of monitoring the running processes and servicing the server.
This chapter explored the different tools and applications that can be used in SAP PO for monitoring purposes. Every one of these tools was discussed and its purpose and use explained. After reading this chapter, you should be able to monitor all running processes in your SAP PO server.
Activities to be performed by an administrator, such as data archiving and investigating logs and developer traces, have also been touched on.
The next chapter will explore ways of migrating your existing processes, built using cross-component Business Process Management (ccBPM), from SAP PI to SAP PO.