Jacob’s shoulders tensed when Dr. Elijah Stewart strode through the door of the restaurant. The sight of his rival for Rosemary’s affections continued to have that effect on him, despite the months that had passed since Rosemary and the doctor were married.

He forced his lips into a welcoming smile.

“Miss Haddon’s been taken ill.” Jacob gestured toward a table at the back of the room, where she sat with her head cradled in her arms. “I’ll be happy to pay your fee for this visit.”

“Not necessary. She’s my wife’s friend, as you know.” The doctor crossed to Miss Haddon’s side and placed his medical bag on the table. Jacob followed a few paces behind.

Miss Haddon raised her head. “You really didn’t need to come, Dr. Stewart. Mr. West was kind enough to bring me some broth and allow me to rest here until I felt better.”

From the flush that suffused her features, Jacob felt sure she must be feverish. And who could blame her? Mrs. Bingham would wear anyone down to a nub. From what Miss Haddon had revealed while they waited for the doctor, her mother had dragged her onto the train from St. Louis without breakfast, and until they reached his restaurant, they’d had nothing to eat. Of course, Miss Haddon hadn’t said one unkind word about her mother in the telling. He shook his head and watched as Doc Stewart counted her pulse.

After a minute or two, and several questions, the doctor lowered his burly frame onto a chair next to his patient. “I don’t find anything medically wrong. You’re overwrought. I prescribe rest—at our house.” He leaned back in the chair and grinned at her. “Rosemary will be beside herself with joy to see you—and your mother too, of course. My buggy’s waiting.”

“I hate to impose . . .” Miss Haddon’s face flamed brighter.

Mrs. Bingham hurried toward them. “Thank you so much, Doctor. You’re too kind. I know Cassie’s eager for a visit with dear Rosemary.” She slipped her hand under her daughter’s arm and helped her to her feet.

While they crossed the room, Jacob ducked around them and held the door open. Miss Haddon’s gaze locked with his. Her green eyes shone. “Thank you for everything. I’m grateful for your concern.” She held out her hand, and he took it.

“If you need anything while you’re here, I’d be pleased to do all I can to help.”

“Just don’t forget to ask about my brother,” Mrs. Bingham said.

Her domineering attitude raised his ire. “No, ma’am, I won’t.” He hoped he sounded courteous.

He stood in the doorway for a moment after Doc Stewart’s carriage turned the corner and traveled south. Aside from her current state, Miss Haddon had blossomed during her time in St. Louis. If it weren’t for that mother of hers, she’d be a lovely wife for some lucky man.

Blowing out a breath, he closed the door. The last time he’d considered a wife, she married someone else. He wouldn’t risk his heart again.


Cassie leaned back against the seat during the brief carriage ride, her pleasure at the prospect of seeing Rosemary tainted by the circumstances. She would have given anything to visit her friend as an equal. Instead, she and Mother would come at the door as—

She bit the inside of her lip.


The doctor stopped the carriage in front of his house and tied the horse to the hitching post. “I’ll stable him later. Right now I want to watch Rosemary’s face when she sees you.”

Grinning, he escorted Cassie and her mother up the porch steps and knocked. Behind the closed door, a dog barked.

In a moment, Rosemary answered the summons. Her eyes widened.

“Cassie! Mrs. Bingham. What a wonderful surprise.” She reached down and grabbed the sable and white dog by the collar. “Bodie, be still.”

He wagged his tail and pushed his head against Cassie’s leg.

Rosemary smiled. “He remembers you.” She stepped away from the entrance. “Please come in.”

Her figure had filled out since Cassie saw her last. She wore a peach-colored dress covered by a white, full-length apron, which couldn’t quite conceal her plumpness. Her eyes sparkled when she gazed up at her husband. “What a treat. How did you manage this?”

“I thought you’d be pleased. I’ll explain later—right now I need to stable the horse.” He bent to kiss the top of her head. “I won’t be long.”

Cassie gazed around the spacious entry, surprised at the elegance of her surroundings. In her letters, Rosemary had mentioned leaving her cottage when she married, but she hadn’t described her new home with any detail.

To one side, a flight of polished oak stairs led to a carpeted landing. On her right, a hall table held a fluted silver tray containing a number of calling cards.

After hanging their cloaks on a hall tree, Rosemary gestured through an archway toward a comfortably furnished room. A lamp glowed on a table placed within the curve of a bay window, illuminating upholstered armchairs and a high-backed sofa. Flames crackled over logs in the fireplace.

“Please, be seated. I’m anxious to hear what brings you back to Noble Springs.”

Cassie settled onto one of the chairs near the fire and waited to hear how her mother would respond to Rosemary’s question.

Mother took a moment to fiddle with the lace collar at her neck, then cleared her throat. “We came here planning to live with my brother. I was told—erroneously, it turns out—that he was working for the railroad in this area.”

“You’re saying he’s not here?” Concern wrinkled Rosemary’s forehead.

“No, he isn’t. I plan to write to the railroad company first thing tomorrow. They’ll be able to tell me where he is.”

Rosemary leaned forward. “In the meantime, please consider yourselves our guests.” She rested a fond gaze on Cassie. “It will be like old times to have your company.”

“You’re very kind. We appreciate it.” Mother shot an “I told you so” glance in Cassie’s direction.

She squirmed on her chair. When her uncle Rudy told Mother they’d be his guests, the visit had stretched to nearly a year. Cassie promised herself they wouldn’t abuse the Stewarts’ hospitality in the same fashion.


Late that evening, Cassie and Rosemary sat alone in the kitchen sharing a pot of mint tea. A plate of lemon-thyme bread rested between them on the table.

Grateful her stomach had settled, Cassie lifted a slice and nibbled one corner, then rested the treat on a dessert plate beside her teacup. “You and the doctor—”

“Please, call him Elijah.”

“I’ll try. It’s hard to break old habits.” She moistened her lips and began again. “You and Elijah are so gracious to take us in like this. Mother . . . I don’t understand how she could have left my uncle’s home without—”

Rosemary squeezed Cassie’s hand. “Having you here is a blessing. I’ve missed you dreadfully.” She hitched her chair closer until their knees touched.

“But still, to arrive without warning . . .”

“I’d have been devastated to learn you were in Noble Springs and staying at the hotel.”

“No chance of that.” She inhaled the fragrance of mint as she sipped her tea. “Mother was so sure she’d find her brother that she didn’t think about the cost if he wasn’t here.” She lowered her voice, although her mother had retired to the guest room for the night over an hour ago. “We never should have left St. Louis, no matter how poorly my uncle treated us.”

“Will you please stop apologizing?” Rosemary smiled and pushed the plate of sweetbread closer to her. “Try another bite or two. You’re looking better by the minute.”

Cassie surveyed her friend. Her skin bloomed with health, and her glossy hair shone in the lamplight.

“You’re the one who looks wonderful. I know it’s rude to ask, but are you . . . ?”

Rosemary blushed. “Yes. In June sometime, we think.” She rested her hands over her abdomen. “We’re planning to turn our guest room into a nursery soon.”

A bite caught in Cassie’s throat. Her friend couldn’t have her nursery until the guest room was vacant.

Apparently reading her expression, Rosemary said, “Not that soon! You and Eliza are welcome to stay as long as necessary.”

How long would that be? If they couldn’t find her uncle, she and Mother had nowhere else to go.


Cassie stood in West & Riley’s with her arms folded across her chest, listening to her mother berate Mr. West.

“We all know a railroad crew spent the past two weeks in Noble Springs. The Observer had a long story about how much money their presence brought to the community. What I don’t understand is why no one told you one thing about my brother. Are you sure you asked?”

Mr. West’s face grew thunderous. “I wouldn’t lie to you, ma’am. I’ve told you before, the railroad has workers all over this part of the state. You can’t expect them to know each other.”

Cassie stepped forward. “We appreciate your help. You’ve been very kind.”

“Wish I could do more, Miss Haddon.” His expression relaxed. “One of these days your uncle will turn up. Just be patient.”

Time was running out for patience. As each day passed, she felt more self-conscious about their presence in Rosemary’s home.

“I’m trying, Mr. West.” She took her mother’s arm. “It’s a lovely day. Let’s enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.”

With an irritated huff, Mother tugged her arm free. “I’m quite capable of walking without assistance.” She stalked out the door. Once they were on the boardwalk, her steps slowed. “I just don’t know why I haven’t heard from the railroad. They must keep a list of their workmen.”

“It could take weeks for a response.”

“No matter. I’ll wait.”

Cassie’s heart plummeted. The thought of imposing on Rosemary’s kindness for an indefinite period made her cringe. She tightened her jaw as they approached the Stewarts’ two-story brick home. In St. Louis, her uncle called her useless. She’d show him. She’d show everyone.

Rosemary’s dog, Bodie, left the porch and scampered down the walk when he saw them. Cassie bent and scratched him behind the ears. To her surprise, her mother stroked the fur on his back.

“I thought you were afraid of Bodie.”

“I’ve grown used to him. If we have to live here, I might as well accept the dog.”

Cassie straightened. “We don’t have to live here.”

“We certainly do. We can’t even buy tickets to St. Louis, not that Rudy would take us in if we got there.” The look she gave Cassie was tinged with fear. “I’m afraid I’ve brought us to a dead end.” Her lip trembled. “I don’t know what to do next,” she whispered.

Taken aback by her decisive mother’s vulnerability, Cassie gave her a hug. “We’ll be fine.” She sounded braver than she felt. First thing tomorrow, she’d make a plan.

Tonight, she’d pray for guidance.