Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Aashiana (Kapur-Dromson), 83
Abu-Hasira (saint), 37–38, 41
Abu-Kanaka (saint), 37
Achebe, Chinua, 15, 173
Adamji, Ebrahimji, 13–14, 16, 172, 243n3; background of, 88–89; British colonialism and, 243n6
Adamji, Ebrahimji narrative, 88, 109; on African hospitality, 94–95; on ethnic identities, 93–94; on European relations, 95–96; on family financial matters, 86, 90–91; on Indian community hospitality, 86, 92–94; on Muslim upbringing and Christian schooling, 86, 89; publication of, 96–97; self-praise in, 97–98; on social and family etiquette, 86
Adejunmobi, Moradewun, 220n14
Afrasian, 223n27
Africa: China investment in, 18; free market-oriented capitalist economy of, 119–20; Indian diaspora in, 7–8, 171, 218; Indo-African studies center in, 7; tensions and conflicts, Ghosh on, 48–49; see also East Africa
Africa in Darkness (Darookhanawala), 88
African agriculturalists, 117–18
African Americans, Indian racism toward, 209
African-Asian interactions, 18
African hospitality, 13; Adamji on, 94–95; Mehta and, 127–28
Africanization, 117; policies, Chande on, 168
African National Congress, 155
African relations, Darookhanawala on, 101–2, 104
Africans: hostility toward, 207–8; Indian convergence with, 61; Mbembe on identities of, 21, 220n14; nationalism of, 5; stereotypes of Indians, 4–6; writing of, colonialism influenced by, 65; see also Black Africans
Africa’s Winds of Change: Memoirs of an International Tanzanian (Kassum), 153
Afrindian, 222n26, 223n27
Afrique, je te plumerai film, 1
Aga Khan, 57–58, 75–76, 160, 162
Aga Khan Provincial Council, 144
Age hierarchies, 13
Ahluwalia, D. P. S., 151, 249n26
Ahmed, Gulsham, 82
Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin, 178, 250n29
Aliyeonja Pepo (Topan, F.), 82
American Scholar, 20
Amin, Idi, 146, 148; anti-Asian resentment by, 155–56; Asian expulsions from Uganda, 13, 152, 164, 187, 205, 210–12, 240n47; Madhvani and Mehta praise by, 151
Andrews, C. F., 8, 10, 60–61, 63
Anthropological narrative, in In an Antique Land, 22
Anti Anti-Asianism, 15, 155–56; in The Gunny Sack, 202–5; in Uganda, 126, 148
Anti Anti-Relativism, 202
Anticolonial critique, In an Antique Land as, 16–17
Anti-conquest narrative, Pratt on, 127
Anti-Indian riots, 249n26
Antisyncretism, 36–42
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 18, 154, 255n10
“An Appreciation,” 79
Archer, Kenneth, 61
Articles of Association, of Mwananchi Development Corporation, 164
Arusha Declaration, 14, 152, 162–64, 166, 193
Arya Kanya Gurukul school, 134; Vedic aspects of, 136–37
Asia Before Europe (Chaudhuri), 7
Asian-African literatures, 75–84; Liyong on, 75–76, 114; poetry, 77–80; Singh, M., and, 83; Swahili language and, 81–82; theater, 76–80; Transitions, 80–81
Asian Association, 156, 162, 256n18
Asian community: in Dar es Salaam, 196; The Gunny Sack on African stereotypes in, 15–16; as parochial, 176; in Uganda, 151
Asian entrepreneurial success, 117, 206; African management and labour for, 118; civil society role on, 119; Gregory on, 140; social capital and, 119
“Asian Presence in Two Decades of East African Literature” (P. Nazarath), 178
Asians: agriculture of, Gregory on, 249n25; black Africans stereotypes of, 15, 173, 203; business failure of, 116, 118; community of, as parochial, 176; in Tanganyika narratives, 152–71; see also East Africa Asians
Assimilation, East Africa Asians and, 74–75
Association of Colonial Merchants, 125
Authenticity, racial and territorial, 5
Babri Masjid, in Ayodhya, 138
Babu, A. M., 166
Banaji, D. R., 7
Bazm-I-Adab (Poetry Session), 84
BBC African Service Competition, 76
BEAC British multinational, 141–42
Behdad, Ali, 21
Beja tribes, of Sudan, 48–49
A Bend in the River (Naipaul, V. S.), 11, 68–69, 241n48, 246n10
Benjamin, Walter, 183
Berger, Susan, 156
Bhagavad Gita, 147
Bhatt, Nirmalaben, 82
Bhatt, Shankerprasad, 145
Bhuta shrine, 37–38; Hindu temple incorporation of, 39
The Binding Promise, or, Out of Evil Comes Good play, 77–78
Birla, Ritu, 123, 248n20, 250n29; on Asian philanthropy, 251n40
Black Africans, 208; literature, 3; rights and interests, 224n33; stereotypes, of Asians, 15, 173, 203
The Black Atlantic (Gilroy), 15
Black male aggression, 203
The Blood-Red Arab Flag: An Investigation into Qasimi Piracy (Davies), 235n55
Bobbariya, 38, 40, 215
Bones (Kassam, S.), 81
The Book of Secrets (Vassanji), 173, 181, 203
Bose, Sugata, 8, 17
Bourgeois revolution, 49–50
Brahmabhatt, Vinay Jivanlal, 82
Brave New Cosmos, 177
British colonialism: Adamji and, 243n6; Darookhanawala on, 87, 99; Madhvani, 148
British development, of East Africa, 98–99
Broken Reed (Mustafa, S.), 158–59
Buckingham Palace: District Six (Rive), 3
Bugandan riots of 1949, 148
Burke, Edmund, 55–56
Burton, Richard, 56
Butler, Judith, 243n3
Cairo, Jewish tolerance in, 43
Cairo Geniza, 21–22; free market, minimalist state and, 44–45; Goitein on, 23; religious syncretism and, 36
Capitalism, 120, 227n55; development of, 15, 115, 119, 247n14; ethnic character of, 115; role of ethnicity in growth of, 116–17; slavery and, 49–54; socialism and, 17
Cary, Joyce, 67
Cassam, Annar, 17
Centre for Indian Studies in Africa, of University of Witswaterstand, 7
de Certeau, Michel, 24
Certificate of good conduct, 2
Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 11
Chande, J. K., 15–17, 45, 152–54, 160, 259n35; awards of, 165; on Nyerere, 161, 165; philanthropy of, 168–69
Chande, J. K. narrative, 165–71; on Africanization policies, 168; on nationalization of private industry, 166; on Nyerere’s principled leadership, 165; on racialist consciousness, 167; on Tanzanian history, 169–70
Chaudhuri, K. N., 7, 17, 47
Chege, Michael, 117–19; deregulation advocacy, 119; on social capital, 119
Child of Two Worlds (Gatheru), 2–3
China: Africa investment by, 18; economic rise in, 17
Chinondoya, Shimmer, 3
Christian: civilization, white settlers on, 60; schooling, of Adamji, 86, 89
Churchill, Winston, 58, 238n13
Cinema, of Indians, 1–2, 217n2, 218n7
Civilization: Christian, white settlers on, 60; East Africa Asians and, 197–98; of West, 30
Civil society role, in Asian entrepreneurial success, 119
Claiming History: Colonialism, Ethnography and the Novel (Coundouriotis), 174
Clifford, James, 20, 21, 24
Cohen, David William, 214–15
Cohen, Mark, 42–43, 262n27
Colonial Development and Welfare Fund, 135
Colonialism: African nationalist struggles against, 5; African writing influenced by, 65; British, 87, 99, 148, 243n6; as dispersed process, 64; Fanon on Manichaean, 64–65; Indian women and, 225n43; Kenya settler, 58; racism and, 2, 65–66, 141, 143
Colonial legacy, Manichaean aesthetics and, 64–75
Colonial racism, 2, 65–66, 141, 143
Colonial state: of Kenya, 45; as modernity hindrance, 122
Color consciousness, 2
Commercial development, of East Africa, 14
Community networks, 144–45
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 81
Conqueror/native binary, of JanMohamed, 67
The Conservationist (Gordimer), 66–67
Cook, David, 76
Cosmopolitanism, 14, 232n32; Ghosh on, 12, 20; Mehta narrative on, 129
Coundouriotis, Eleni, 174
Couto, Mia, 3
Critical Inquiry, 67
Cross-racial, see Interracial
Cultural exchange, 13
Cultural traits, for entrepreneurial success, 116
Dakshin Afrika Ke Sayragraha Ka Itihas
(Dayal), 8
Dames, Nicholas, 34
Dar es Salaam: Asian community in, 196; racial division in, 190–91
Darookhanawala, Sorabji, 13–14, 16, 45, 86, 172; background of, 89–90
Darookhanawala, Sorabji narrative, 88; on African relations, 101–2, 104; on African slaves, 107–8; on British colonialism, 87, 99; on East Africa development by British, 98–99; on European relations, 100–1; on exceptionalist ethnic identity, 86–87; on modernity, 87, 98–99, 109; on racial passing, 87, 101
Dass, Mangal, 59, 60
Dave, Jagdish, 82
Davies, Charles, 235n55
Day After Tomorrow (Tejani), 76, 174–77, 187
Dayal, Bhawani, 8
Delamere, Lord, 61, 224n34
Deregulation, Chege advocacy of, 119
Desai, M. A., 60, 208, 239n32; Thuku political solidarity with, 61–62
The Detainee (Kayira), 3
Detective narrative, In an Antique Land as, 26
Devereux, Cope, 56–57
Devi, Nalini, 75
“Dhow Cultures,” 16
Diaspora, 7–8, 15, 123, 171, 183, 218
Dikobe, Modikwe, 3
Dissident novel, The Gunny Sack as, 192–93
Dissidents and activists, The Gunny Sack on, 193–95
Dravidian India, 221n19
Dream Half-Expressed (Mehta): on philanthropy, 122; on social responsibility, 122
Dukawallah, in East Africa, 3–5, 126, 169, 229
Dying in the Sun (Palangyo), 3
EAA, see East African Association
East Africa: British development of, 98–99; commercial development of, 14; dukawallah in, 3–5, 126, 169, 229; Indian immigration to, 57–59; modernity, 122; trade liberalisation in, 144; see also Indian in East Africa
East Africa Asians, 13–14, 173, 195–202, 222n26; black citizens and, 208; business acumen of, 206; civilization and, 197–98; equality and nonracialism principles for, 14; lack of assimilation by, 74–75; lack of political power, 208; Mehta as representative of, 16; postcolonialism and, 68; seduction and, 198; Theroux on hatred toward, 73–74; writing, 242n66
East Africa Drama Festival, 76
East Africa Indians: Churchill on, 58; immigration and, 57–59; Indian-African social mingling, 129; popular representations of, 228n5
East Africa Journal, 112
East African Association (EAA), 61–62
East African Chronicle, 60
East African Indian Congress (1924), 9
East African Standard, 60, 62–63, 77
Economic Commission and the Petition of the Convention of Associations, 60
Economic interests of state, religious tolerance, and, 44
Economic liberalism, 16–17
Economic policies, of Nyerere, 153
Economics: free market, 45; managed, 15
“The Economy of Manichean Allegory: The Function of Racial Difference in Colonialist Literature” (JanMohamed), 67
Egypt: India trade with, 21; Judaism in, 37; Mamluk rulers of, 47–48
Empire Review, Traveller on Indian in Kenya, 58–59
Entrepreneurial narratives: African agriculturalists in, 117–18; Subrahmanyam on, 115
Entrepreneurial success: of Asians, 117–19, 140; cultural traits for, 116
Equality, principle of, 14
The Ethics of Identity (Appiah), 18
Ethics of locality, 220n14
Ethnic history, The Gunny Sack as, 174, 180–82
Ethnic identity, 13; Adamji on, 93–94; exceptionalist, 86–87; politics of dissent and, 187–95; in postcolonial Africa, 180; racial, 220n12
Ethnicity: class analysis and, 179–80; gender and, 243n3; history, memory and writing of, 179–87; markers, in The Gunny Sack, 187; Ojwang on, 180; role, in growth of capitalism, 116–17; Vassanji on, 173
Eurocentrism, 231n28
European colonialism, 1, 129
European racism, 71
European relations: Adamji on, 95–96; Darookhanawala on, 100–1
Exceptionalist ethnic identity, 86–87
Export Import Corporation of Uganda, 146, 152
Export license, 141–42
Expropriated Properties Act (1982), 147
Family: Adamji narrative on, 86, 90–91; role, 144–45
Fanon, Frantz, 177–78; on Manichaean colonialism, 64–65
Film, see Cinema
Fischer, Michael M. J., 24
Foden, Giles, 147
Forster, E. M., 3
Frank, Andre Gunder, 17
Freedom Fighters in Kenya, 148
Free market: capitalist development and, 115; minimalist state and, 44–45;-oriented capitalist economy, in Africa, 119–20; in Uganda, 120
Frere, Bartle (Sir), 56
Friends of Fort Jesus Museum, 87
From Citizen to Refugee (Mamdani), 205; on Amin Asian expulsion, 210–12
From Jhelum to Tana (Kapur-Dromson), 83
Fukuyama, Francis, 17
Gajjar, Shantshila Keshubhai, 82
Gandhi, Kasturba, 9
Gandhi, Mahatma, 8, 16, 60, 116, 161; nationalism inspiration by, 5; nonviolence of, 4
Gandhi, Manilal, 134
Gandhi, Mohandas; see also Gandhi, Mahatma
Gandhi Memorial Academy in Nairobi, 135
Gatheru, Mugo, 2–3
Geertz, Clifford, 15, 20, 29, 202
Geiger, Susan, 154
Gender: ethnicity and, 243n3; role, in politics, 15
Geniza documents, 36, 44, 229n12
George, Rosemary Marongoly, 200
George, William, 145
Ghosh, Amitav, 7–8, 12, 184, 226n47; on African tensions and conflict, 48–49; In an Antique Land, 10, 16, 20–31, 33–34, 45, 184; Granta, 20, 30; on imperialist history of West, 45–46; on Indian Ocean, 46–48; on Jew, 231n24; nostalgia use by, 34–36, 42; on slavery, 50–52; as social scientist, 25
Gikandi, Simon, 15, 75, 173
Gilroy, Paul, 7, 15
The Girl from Abroad (Kahiga), 3
Global connectivity, 33–34
Goan community, 191, 244n19; Nazareth, P., on, 177–78
Goan Institute of Nairobi, 77
Goitein, S. D., 39–40, 43–44, 229n10; on bourgeois revolution, 49–50; on Cairo Geniza, 23; on free market economics, 45; on minimalist state, 45; on slave, 52–53, 236n66; on state intrusion in trade, 234n48
Gordimer, Nadine, 66, 67
Granta (Ghosh), 20, 30
Gregory, Robert, 75–76, 99, 224n33, 247n13; on Asian agriculture, 249n25; on Asian entrepreneurial success, 140; on Asian philanthropy, 251n40; on Mehta Uganda schools, 135; on slavery, 108
A Guide to the Swahili Language in Gujarati Characters (Lilani), 81
Gujarati massacres, 138
Gujarati text, 110
The Gunny Sack (Vassanji), 12–13, 21, 46, 156, 170, 172–204, 242n66; on African stereotypes in Asian community, 15–16; anti anti-Asianism in, 202–5; on Asian identity, 191–92; on Asians and black Africans ethnic stereotypes, 173, 203; on black male aggression, 203; as dissident novel, 192–93; on dissidents and activists, 193–95; on East African Asians, 173; as ethnic history, 174, 180–82; ethnicity markers in, 187; on ethnic stereotypes, 15–16; on interracial relations, 183–86, 190; on Kenyan Freedom Struggle, 189–90; literary precursors of, 174–79; Ojwang on, 197–99; on political mobilization, 190; on primitivism, 201, 203; racism in, 173, 198–200; religious fundamentalism and, 184–85; on socialism, 17; on traveler and trader, 183
Gurnah, Abdulrazak, 218n5
Hall of the Servants of India Society, 9
Hammond, Dorothy, 104–6
Harambee, 213–15
Hari Katha recital, 124
Harris, Joseph, 7
Harvest of Thorns (Chinondoya), 3
Henderson, Gwyneth, 76
Himbara, David, 117
Hindu customs, 27, 28
Hindu-Muslim: relations, 231n24; riots, 16; tensions, Mehta on, 137–38
Hindu temple: Bhuta shrine incorporation in, 39; in Magariva, 38–39
Historical narrative, In an Antique Land as, 22–23, 25
History, writing on, 24–36; see also In an Antique Land
A History of the Beja Tribes of the Sudan (Paul), 48
A History of the Indians in East Africa (Somia), 82
Hofmeyr, Isabel, 8
Hospitality: Adamji on Indian community, 86, 92–94; African, 13, 94–95, 127–28
How Colonialism Pre-empted Modernity in Africa (Taiwo), 169
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (Rodney), 169
Hukumchand, V. S., 145
Human solidarity, 18
Hybridity, 15
Ibo traditions, 173
Idealism, 154–55
Identity: African, 21, 220n14; Asian, 191–92; ethnic, 13, 86–87, 93–94, 180, 187–95, 220n12; racial, 220n12; terminology on, 222n26
Imaginary texts, 67
Imam, 231n25; Western modernity embrace by, 30–32
Immigration, 15; human rights and, 155, 163; of Indian into East Africa, 57–59
Imperialist history of West, 45–46
In a Brown Mantle (P. Nazareth), 76, 177
In an Antique Land (Ghosh), 7–8, 45; anthropological narrative in, 22; as anticolonial critique, 16–17; on cosmopolitanism, 12, 20; as detective narrative, 26; on global connectivity, 33–34; on Hindu customs, 27; historical narrative in, 22–23, 25; on Indian Ocean trade, 10, 21, 29; on intercultural exchanges, 21; on Orientalism, 28, 30–31; on religious fundamentalism, 184; source documentation in, 23; on upward mobility, 33–34
The In-Between World of Vikram Lall (Vassanji), 173, 189, 203–4
Independence struggle, in India, 8, 122–23, 134; Mehta role in, 16
India, 6; African diaspora in, 7–8, 171, 218; color consciousness in, 2; commercial growth, Himbara on, 117; Dravidian, 221n19; Egypt trade with, 21; Independence struggle in, 8, 16, 122–23, 134; interracial sexuality taboo, 3; untouchability social taboo in, 3
Indian-African relations, 4
Indian Association Club, 134
Indian Association in Nairobi, 59
Indian colony: Churchill on, 58; Johnston and Lugard on, 57; Morison and Aga Khan on, 57–58
Indian Congress Party, Kassum of, 160
Indian National Congress, 10
Indian Ocean: Chaudhuri on, 7; exchanges, 18; Ghosh on, 46–48; pirates throughout, 46–47, 235n55; slave trade, 10, 51–52; studies, 220n17; trade, 6, 10, 21, 29, 45, 47, 51–52, 235n60
Indian Opinion, 8
Indians: African convergence with, 61; African stereotypes of, 4–6; cinema of, 1–2, 217n2, 218n7; colonization of, 237n11; European prejudice against, 102; immigration into East Africa, 57–59; independence struggle, 8, 16, 122–23, 134; in Kenya, Traveller on, 58–59; nationalism of, 16, 134–35, 160; see also East Africa Indians
Indian traders, African cheating of, 59
Indian Voice, 77
Indian women, 71–72; colonialism and, 225n43; writings of, 219n9
Indo-African studies center, in Africa, 7
Intercultural exchanges, 21
Interethnic alliances, 18
Interfaith utopia, myth of, 42–43
Interracial alliances and relations, 9, 13, 18, 183–86, 190
Interracial marriages, 71–72, 209–10, 264n40
The Invention of Africa (Mudimbe), 11
Islam: on humane treatment of slaves, 50; Sufism influence on Judaism, 233n39
“Islam and the Jews: Myth, Counter-Myth, History” (M. Cohen), 42–43
Islamic Almohad persecutions, 29
Islamicization of Judaism, 40
Islamic persecution of Jews, 42
Jablow, Alta, 104–6
JanMohamed, Abdul, 65–75; on African writing, 65; on imaginary and symbolic texts, 67
Japan: Mehta on, 133–34; militarism of, 122
Jevanjee, A. M., 70
Jew, 44; Cairo tolerance of, 43; Ghosh on, 231n24; Islamic persecution of, 42; patriarchal, 36
A Jewish Archive from Old Cairo (Reif), 234n49
Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts Through the Ages (Goitein), 23
Johnston, Harry, 59; on Indian agricultural colony in East Africa, 57
Jones, Stephanie, 202
Joseph, May, 69, 153
Joshi, P. S., 80
Judaism: in Egypt, 37; on humane treatment of slaves, 50; Islamicization of, 40; Islam Sufism influence on, 233n39
Kagwa, Apollo, 63
Kahiga, Samuel, 3
Kama Sutra, 5
Kambona, Oscar, 193
KANU political party, 73
Kapur-Dromson, Neera, 83
Karume, Abeid, 193, 265n49
Kashmiri, Agha Hashr, 78
Kassam, Amin, 76
Kassam, Sadru, 81
Kassum, Al Noor, 15, 16, 45, 153, 154; background of, 160–61; of Indian Congress Party, 160
Kassum, Al Noor narrative, 161–64; Nyerere loyalty in, 162
Kavi Darbar (Poetry Gathering)., 83
Kavirondo, 106–7
Kavi Sammalam (Poetry Session), 83
Kawawa, Rashidi, 167
Kayira, Legson, 3
Kelly, John, 8
Kenya: Asians in, Salvadori on, 69–73; colonial state of, 45; Freedom Fighters in, 148; Indian paranoia in, 73; racism in colonial, 2; settler colonialism in, 58; Traveller, on Indian in, 58–59; white settler discrimination policies, 8
Kenya Cultural Center, 75
Kenya Daily Mail, 82
Kenya Drama Festival, 76
Kenyan Capitalists, the State and Development (Himbara), Chege critique of, 117–19
Kenyan Freedom Struggle (Mau Mau Uprising), 159, 187, 189–90, 252n49
Kenyatta, Mzee Jomo, 73, 225n43
Khakar, Dalpatram, 81
Khimasia, Mulchandbhai, 145
Khusurat Bala (Kashmiri), 78
Kiwanuka, Benedicto, 148
A Knight in Africa: Journey from Bukene
(Chande), 153
Kokan Urdu Writers Guild, 82–83
Kyle, Keith, 62
Labor unrest and strikes, 130
Labour Government Act of Parliament (1967), 254n56
Larkin, Brian, 217n2
The Last King of Scotland (Foden), 147
Leavisite criticism, 178
LEGCO, 161–62
Legislative Council of Tanganyika, 154; on racial parity, 156
Letters of Medieval Jewish Traders (Goitein), 23
Lewis, Bernard, 43
Liberal imaginary, 42–49
Liberalization, 17
Life, Wanderings and Labours in Eastern Africa (New), 55–57
Lilani, Alidina Somjee, 81
Livingstone, David, 56
Liyong, Taban Lo, 75–76, 114
Lodhi, Abdulaziz, 82
“Looking East, Heading South” (Verges), 220n15
Lubega, Bonnie, 3
Lugard, Frederick, on Indian agricultural colony in East Africa, 57
Lugazi sugar factory, 126–27, 249n26
Macaulay, Thomas, 59, 123
Madhvani, Manubhai, 14, 16–17, 114; Amin praise of, 151; on capitalist development, 119; on Indian nationalism, 160; on Indian Ocean commerce, 21; philanthropy of, 254n58
Madhvani, Manubhai narrative, 152; on Asian prejudice, 148; on British colonialism, 148; on five generations of family, 145–46; on Makindye Prison, 147; on sugar factory, 149–50, 253n52, 254n58; on Uganda political turmoil, 149
Madhvani Group, 114, 246n4, 253n50
Maharana Textile Mill, 127
Maillu, David, 3
Maimonides, Abraham: religious reforms of, 39–40; on slaves, 51
Majeed, Javed, 132
Maji Maji rebellion, in Tanganyika, 187–88
Makerere University, 178, 210
“Makhan Singh Gharjakia” (Singh, M.), 83
Makindye Prison, 147
Malik Ambar, 5
Mamdani, Mahmood, 6, 205–13, 220n12, 228n5; on African hostility, 207–8; on slave trade, 222n25; on Ugandan trading class, 207
Mamluk rulers of Egypt, 47–48
Managed economics, 15
The Man-Eaters of Tsavo (Patterson, J. H.), 241n59
Mangat, J. S., 112, 247n13
Manichaean aesthetics: colonial legacy and, 64–75; Fanon on, 64–65; post-, 55–84
Manichean Aesthetics: The Politics of Literature in Colonial Africa (JanMohamed), 65–75; liberal, white South Africans and, 68
Manji, Madatally, 14, 17, 114, 139–45; on capitalist development, 119
Manji, Madatally narrative: on colonial racism, 141, 143; export license and, 141–42; on National Flour, 142–43; on racial prejudice, 142–43
Manumission of slaves, 49–51
Manyema, alleged cannibalism of, 105–6
The Marabi Dance (Dikobe), 3
Marcus, George, 24
Marriage Ordinance (1913), 9
Mau Mau Uprising; see Kenyan Freedom Struggle
Mauss, Marcel, 127
Mayanja, M. P. Abu, 80–81
Mazrui, Ali, 220n11
Mbembe, Achille, 5, 11; on African identity, 21, 220n14
Mbilinyi, Marjorie, 154, 155, 158
A Mediterranean Society (Goitein), 23, 44
Meena, Ruth, 154
Mehta, Nanji Kalidas, 9, 14, 15, 114, 182, 223n27; Amin praise of, 151; autobiography of, 17; background of, 121; on capitalist development, 119; as East Africa Asian representative, 16; highlights of, 124; Indian independence struggle and, 16, 122–23, 134; on Indian Ocean commerce, 21, 45; land acquisition, 249n25; on modernity, 250n30; Saurashtra Cement and Chemical Industries Ltd. of, 127; Visram as role model to, 136
Mehta, Nanji Kalidas narrative, 121–39; African hospitality and, 127–28; on Ayodhya, 138; on cosmopolitanism, 129; on European colonialism, 129; on Gandhi, Manilal, 134; ginning business of, 125–26; on Hindu-Muslim tensions, 137–38; on Indian independence struggle, 122–23, 134; on Indian nationalism, 134–35; on Japan, 133–34; on literature, 123–24; Lugazi sugar factory and, 126–27, 249n26; philanthropy of, 135–36; on religious readings, 123–24; on religious syncretism and tolerance, 122; travel accounts in, 131–32; on travel as education, 130; on women’s role, 136–37
Mehta Group, 114, 126
Melancholia, 34–36
Memoirs of a Biscuit Baron (Manji), 139–40; on family role and community networks, 144–45
“Message from the Prince,” 79
Metcalf, Thomas, 8
Mfalme Juha (Topan, F.), 82
Military service, slaves in, 50
Miller, Christopher, 180
Minimalist state, free market and, 44–45
Ministry of Industries and Mineral Resources, 162
“Minute on Indian Education” (Macaulay), 59, 123
Missionaries, white settlers alliance with, 60
Mississippi Masala (Nair, M.), 12, 69, 205, 208–9, 213
Mistry, Maghanbhai, 145
Mixed-race children, 72
Modernity: colonial state as hindrance to, 122; Darookhanawala narrative on, 87, 98–99, 109; Mehta, 250n30; of West, 30–32, 122–23
Mohammed, Bibi Titi, 171, 256n18, 257n21
Moi, Daniel arap, 139
Morison, Theodore, 57–58
Mudimbe, V. Y., 11
Muecke, Stephen, 226n44
Multicultural bazaar, Geertz on, 29
Multicultural Levant, 42
Multiparty liberal democracy advocates, 17
Muponde, Robert, 218n8
Museveni (president), 147
The Muslim Concept of Freedom Prior to the Nineteenth Century (Rosenthal), 50
Mustafa, Fawzia, 154, 156
Mustafa, Sophia, 15, 16, 153, 158–59; background of, 154; on Nyerere’s non-racial understanding of citizenship, 155
Mustafa, Sophia narrative: on East Africa independence, 159–60; on idealism, 154–55; TANU party and, 16, 155–57
Mwananchi Development Corporation, 162, 164
My African Journey (Churchill), 58
My Journeys to the Interior (Adamji), 88
Naidu, Sarojini, 9–10, 225n43
Naipaul, Shiva, 74, 84
Naipaul, V. S., 11, 241n48, 246n10; on East Africa Asians, 68–69
Nair, Mira, 12, 69, 205, 208–9, 213
Nair, Savita, 136, 248n23
Nairobi Indian Association, 223n30
Nairobi Indian Theatre, 77
Nairobi Municipal Council, 77
Nandy, Ashis, 226n47
Narratives, 85–111; Adamji, 86, 88–98, 109; anthropological, in In an Antique Land, 22; anticonquest, Pratt on, 127; Chande, 165–71; Darookhanawala, 86–104, 107–9; detective, In an Antique Land as, 26; entrepreneurial, 115, 117–18; historical, in In an Antique Land, 22–23, 25; Kassum, 161–64; Madhvani, 145–50, 152, 253n52, 254n58; Manji, 141–43; Mehta, 121–39, 249n26; Mustafa, S., 16, 154–60; Tanganyika, Asians in, 152–71
Nassir, Ahmed, 82
Nathwani, Kamala Chunilal, 82
National Cultural Center, 76
National Flour, 142–43
Nationalism: Gandhi, Mahatma, inspiration for, 5; of Indians, 16, 134–35, 160; racial, 5
Nationalization of private industry, 166
National Service, 193–94
Nation building: Mustafa, S., on, 157; Nazareth, P., on, 177; of Nyerere, 153–54; in Tanzania, 153
Nazareth, A. R., 77
Nazareth, Peter, 76, 178–79; on nation building, 177
Negritude, 221n19
Neogy, Rajat, 80–81
Neoliberalism, 120
New, Charles, 55–57
New Indian Opera and Theatrical Company, 77
New Rising Star Company, 77
New York Times Book Review, 20
Ngugi wa Thiongo, 3, 211; on Indians in East Africa negative stereotype, 4–6, 218n8; Muponde on, 218n8
Nine African Plays for Radio (Henderson/Pieterse), 76
Niranjana, Tejaswini, 8
No Bride Price (Rudabiri), 3
Nomadic Identities (Joseph), 69
Nonracialism, principle of, 14
Nonviolence, of Gandhi, Mahatma, 4
North of South (Naipaul, S.), 74
Nostalgia, Ghosh use of, 34–36, 42
Nyerere, Julius (president), 17, 119, 162; on Arusha Declaration, 163; Chande on, 161, 165; economic policies of, 153; imaginative literature and, 257n26; on immigrant’s human rights, 155, 163; on nation building, 153–54; partnering with, 152–71; socialism path of, 147, 153, 192; socialist state vision by, 14
Ocaya-Lakidi, Dent, 240n47, 262n28, 264n40
Ojwang, Dan Odhiambo, 264n46; on ethnicity, 180; on The Gunny Sack, 197–99
Oonk, Gijsbert, 116, 246n9
Oriental Art Circle, in Nairobi, 75–76
Orientalism, 28, 30–31, 218n8
Oriental Nairobi: A Record of Some of the Leading Contributors to Its Development (Preston), 135
Outcasts (Lubega), 3
Oweyo, Jaluo Obner, 62
Palangyo, Peter, 3
Pan-Africanism, 5
Panjabi Kavi Sabha (Punjabi Poetry Society), 82
Pant, Apa, 2, 75
Paroo, Sewa Haji, on Asian philanthropy, 251n40
Parsi community, 102, 243n8; Zoroastrianism of, 89
Patel, N. I., 16, 134
Patel, Zarina, 83
Patterson, J. H., 78, 241n59
Patterson, Orlando, 51
Paul, A., 48
Pearson, Michael, 7, 223n27
People’s Democratic Party, 168
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (Al-
Masudi), 6
Philanthropy: Birla, Gregory, and Paroo on Asian, 251n40; of Chande, 168–69; Dream Half-Expressed on, 122; of Madhvani, 254n58; of Mehta, 135–36; of Visram, 113, 251n40
Philip, Robert, 157
Pieterse, Cosmo, 76
Pirate, 12; raid on Aden, 46–47; throughout Indian Ocean, 46–47, 235n55
Poems from East Africa (Cook/Rudabiri), 76
Poems from Kenya (Nassir), 82
Poems of Black Africa (Soyinka), 76
Political mobilization, The Gunny Sack
on, 190
Political power, East Africa Asians and, 208
Political resistance to syncretism, 37
Politics: of autochtony, 220n14; of dissent, 187–95; role of gender in, 15
Popat, Kusumben Ishwarlal, 82
Porbandar Girls Institution, 135
Postcolonial Africa, ethnic identity in, 180
Postcolonialism, 180; East Africa Asians and, 68; Scott critique on, 12; Tanzania socialist state, 14
Post-Manichaean aesthetics, 55–84; Asian-African literatures, 75–84; colonial legacy and, 64–75
Postmodernity, 15
Pratt, Mary Louise, 95; on anticonquest narrative, 127
“Prayer in the Qur’an” (Goitein), 23
Preston, R. O., 135
Preventive Detention Act, 193
Primitivism, 201, 203
Public service, 153
Punjabi Poetry Society, see Panjabi Kavi Sabha
Rabinow, Paul, 24
Racial authenticity, 5
Racial division, in Dar es Salaam, 190–91
Racial identity, 220n12
Racialist consciousness, Chande narrative on, 167
Racial nationalism, 5
Racial passing, 87, 101
Racism: colonial, 2, 65–66, 141, 143; European, 71; in The Gunny Sack, 173, 198–200; Indian toward African-Americans, 209
Radhakrishnan, R., 180
Rai, B. A. Viveka, 26
Railway Indian Institute, 84
Rastogi, Pallavi, 222n26, 223n27
Reif, Stefan C., 234n49
Religious documents, geniza deposit of, 22
Religious fundamentalism, 184–85
Religious persecution, 29
Religious reforms, of Maimonides, 39–40
Religious syncretism, 32; antisyncretic tendencies and, 39; Bhuta shrine, 37–39; Cairo Geniza and, 36; limits of, 39–40; Magariva Hindu temple, 38–39; Mehta on, 122; survival of, 38–39
Religious tolerance, economic interests of state and, 44
ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age (Frank), 17
Rigby, C. P., 107
Rive, Richard, 3
Rodney, Walter, 169
Roman Catholic Mission, 98
Rorty, Richard, 18
Rosenthal, Franz, 50–51
Roshan, 78
Ross, McGregor, 223n30, 238n26
Rotich Bin Mabuwi, Kip, 62
Routes (Clifford), 21
Rudabiri, David, 3, 76
Sabry, Ustaz, 41, 49
Salvadori, Cynthia, 69–73, 82; on Goan community, 244n19; on Indian women lives, 71–72; on interracial marriages, 71–72
Samaj, Arya, 83, 123
Saraswati, Dayanand, 124
Sastri, Srinivasa, 9
Satyagraha, 8–9
Satyartha Prakash (Saraswati), 124
Saurashtra Cement and Chemical Industries Ltd., 127
“Scholar of Footnote 78,” of Subaltern Studies, 26
Scott, David, 12
Seduction, East Africa Asians and, 198
Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 7
Sentogo, Z. K., 62–63
Serote, Mongane, 3
The Serpent play, 77
Seths, 92
Settler: colonialism, in Kenya, 58; United Tanganyika Party dominated by, 155; see also White settlers
Shah, H. V., 145
Shamsi community, 181–83
Shanti Sadiq Ali, 7
Shariff, Madatally Alibhai, 144
Sheriff, Abdul, 16, 220n17, 228n5
Shivji, Issa, 228n5
Short East African Plays in English, 81–82
Shrimad Bhagavata, 123
Sicherman, Carol, 178
The Silver King play, 77
Singh, Jagjit, 76
Singh, Makhan, 83–84
Single-party state-controlled economy, 17
“Slave of MS H.6,” of Subaltern Studies, 25
Slavery: capitalism and, 49–54; Ghosh on, 50–52; Gregory on, 108; Indian Ocean, 10, 51–52
Slaves, 107–8; Goitein on, 52–53, 236n66; Islam and Judaism humane treatment of, 50; Maimonides on, 51; manumission of, 49–51; in military service, 50; Patterson, O., on social death of, 51; social death of, 53; social status, 52–53
Slave trade: in Indian Ocean, 10, 51–52; Mamdani on, 222n25; New on, 56; in Zanzibar, 52
Smouldering Charcoal (Zeleza), 3
Smuts (general), 8–9, 59, 238n20
Social capital, Chege on, 119
Social death, 53; of slave, 51
Social etiquette, 13
Socialism: capitalism and, 17; state, 46; Tanzanian, 173; Ujamaa, 119, 147, 152–53, 192
Social science, Ghosh and, 25
Social status, of slaves, 52–53
Social taboos, in India: of interracial sexuality, 3; of untouchability, 3
Somali pirates, 12
Somia, Vanoo Jivraj, 82
Somnathne Khole (Suchak), 82
Sondhi, Kuldip, 76
Sources of the Self (Taylor), 85–86
South Africa: Indian struggle in, 8; liberal and white in, 67
South African Communist Party, 223n30
South African Indian, 222n26
South African Non-European Arts Congress, 80
Soyinka, Wole, 76, 81, 219n11
Speke, John Hanning, 6, 105
State: colonial, 45, 122; commerce regulation and monitoring by, 119; economic interests of, 44; intrusion in trade, 234n48; minimalist, 44–45; socialism of, 46
State of Israel, 43
Subaltern Studies, 20; “Scholar of Footnote 78,” 26; “Slave of MS H.6,” 25
Subrahmanyam, Sanjay, on entrepreneurial history, 115
Suchak, Tulsidas Purushottam, 82
Sudan, Beja tribes of, 48–49
Sugar factory, of Madhvani, 149–50, 253n52, 254n58
Sunil’s Dilemma (Sondhi), 76
Supplement to the Indian Voice, 78–79
Swahili language, 81–82, 96, 110
Sweet Scum of Freedom (Singh, J.), 76
Symbolic texts, 67
Syncretism, 36–42, 232n34; Geniza world and, 233n39; political resistance to, 37; religious, 32, 36–40, 122
Tafkira (Lodhi), 82
Tagore, Rabindranath, 80, 124
Taiwo, Olufemi, 169
Tandon, Yash, 120
Tanganyika: Legislative Council of, 154, 156; Maji Maji rebellion in, 187–88; narratives, Asians in, 152–71
Tanganyika African National Union (TANU) party, 154, 187, 257n21; Mustafa, S., and, 16, 155–57; tripartite system, 156
Tanganyika Executive Council, 166
The Tanganyika Way (Mustafa, S.), 153–54; on nation building, 157; on TANU nationalist party, 16, 155–57
TANU; see Tanganyika African National Union
Tanzania: history, Chande narrative on, 169–70; nation building in, 153; postcolonial socialist state in, 14; socialism in, 173; villagization program in, 258n34
Taylor, Charles, 85–86
Tejani, Bahadur, 76, 174–77, 187
Téno, Jean-Marie, 1–2
Ten One-Act Plays (Pieterse), 76
Territorial authenticity, 5
Theroux, Paul, 73–74
Things Fall Apart (Achebe), 15, 173
Through Open Doors: A View of Asian Cultures in Kenya (Salvadori), 82
Thuku, Harry, 208; Desai political solidarity with, 61–62; jail experience, 239n33
Tide of Fortune (Madhvani), 16, 145–50, 152
Times Literary Supplement, 20
Times of India, 8, 161
“To Africa,” 79
To Every Birth Its Blood (Serote), 3
Topan, Farouk, 82
Topan, Tharia, 108
Trade, 183, 207; Indian Ocean, 6, 10, 21, 29, 45, 47, 51–52, 235n60; religious warfare and, 234n46; slave, 10, 51–52, 56, 222n25; state intrusion in, 234n48
Trade liberalisation, in East Africa, 144
Transition, 73, 80
“Traveling Cultures” (Clifford), 20
Traveller, on Indian in Kenya, 58–59
Tripartite system, 156
Tutu religious history, 26
Twaddle, Michael, 63
Two Indian Travellers, East Africa, 1902–1905 (Salvadori/Aldrick), 87–111
Uganda: Amin expulsions from, 13, 152, 164, 187, 205, 210–12, 240n47; anti-Asian protests and violence in, 126, 148; Asian community in, 151; cotton purchase restriction in, 125; free enterprise in, 120; Madhvani, on political turmoil in, 149; Mamdani, on trading class in, 207; trading class in, 207
Ujamaa (African socialism), 119, 152; Nyerere role in, 147, 153, 192
Ujamaa Declaration (1967), 187
Umbulla, Geoffrey, 193
Undesignated (Sondhi), 76
United Democratic Party, 192
United Tanganyika Party, settler-dominated, 155
University of Witswaterstand, Centre for Indian Studies in Africa, 7
The Untouchable (Maillu), 3
Upward mobility, 33–34
Urdu Poets Group, 82
Vassanji, M. G.: The Book of Secrets, 173, 181, 203; The Gunny Sack, 12–13, 15–17, 21, 46, 156, 170, 172–204, 242n66; The In-Between World of Vikram Lall, 173, 189, 203–4; on women stereotype, 186–87
Verges, Francoise, 220n15
Villagization program in Tanzania, 258n34
Vishnu, 38–39
Visram, Allidina, 70, 153; background of, 112–13; as Mehta role model, 136; philanthropy of, 113, 251n40
Visram, Sugra, 257n20
Viswanathan, Gauri, 232n34
Voices Made Night (Couto), 3
“Was Allidina Visram a Robber Baron, or a Skillfull and Benevolent Commercial Pioneer?” (Mangat), 112
Washbrook, David, 227n55
Watkins, O. F., 59
Weber, Max, 115
We Came in Dhows (Salvadori): on Indian women lives, 72; on interracial marriages, 71–72; on Kenyan Asians, 69–73; on mixed-race children, 72
Wednesday Arts Circle, 82
Weep Not Child (Ngugi), 3, 211; on African stereotypes of Indians, 4–6, 218n8; on Indian-African relations, 4
West: aggression of, 32; civilization and modernity, 30; Ghosh on imperialist history of, 45–46; modernity of, 30–32, 122–23
When Victims Become Killers (Mamdani), 220n12
White, Hayden, 24
White settlers: exclusivity claims of, 99; Kenya discrimination policies and, 8; missionaries alliance with, 60
Williamson Diamond Corporation, 162
Wink, Andre, 48
With Strings (Sondhi), 76
Wizard of the Crow (Ngugi), 4–6
Women: Indian, 71–72, 219n9, 225n43; Vassanji on stereotype of, 186–87
Writing: African, colonialism influenced by, 65; East Africa Asians, 242n66; of ethnicity, history, and memory, 179–87; on history, 24–36; of Indian women, 219n9
Writing Culture, 24–36
Yahudi film, 2
Yiju, Ben, 121, 172, 233n36
Young Baganda Association, 62
Zanzibar: revolution, 196, 219n11, 240n37; slave trade in, 52
Zanzibar: City, Island and Coast (Burton), 56
Zanzibar Slave Market, 107
Zar rituals, 49
Zeleza, Tiyambe, 3
Zionism, 43
Zoroastrianism, 106; of Parsi community, 89