for all my dead & loved ones

(for gail, tracie & viola)

whatever shall i do with my dead

my tombs & mausoleums

these potted plants tended by strangers

over yr eyes  closed

maybe dreamin   dead/loved

so particularly     i dont know

what to do with you

shall i see you dancin/

hold yr child askin/  what’s mommy like

should i sleep with yr husband

who sees yr childself in my memories

yr mother  will she bosom talk me to death with you

pretend she has been no mother

our smokey robinson fantasies set aside

recollections comin to no good end

grandma/ grandma

must i ride with yr daughters to sit

in the cemetery on sunny days/ weedin

yr womb/ wdnt it be better if i stayed

in my kitchen/ makin gumbo/ codfish cakes

watchin edge of nite/

rubbin my hands on my apron/ hummin

his eye is on the sparrow

yr photograph at 25 is on my wall

awready you had given yr woman over/

no one wd know you/ only mama is remembered

when waz there more

i shall not lie fondling a dead man’s love

bakin apples for a locket jammed with hair from

a head no longer arrogant

but what shall i do

with my dead/ loved so particularly

leavin me/ specifically

some never stop breathin

wantin kisses

some disappear/ slammin the door

bangin the phone

one went off in a VW bus/ another

stole my sleep

i sit here drinkin memories

entertainin ghosts/ longin for arms

no longer warm/ too enchanted

to tend the pulse pushin me on

to go off from you/ my dead & loved ones

when i meet a someone/ i must know

i place you round me like a court of holy seers

if this stranger is to have a space in my life

she must pull yr spirits to her own

for i wander regularly in moments of the dead

if you wd have me speak

you must learn the tongue of my dead & loved ones

i have been left behind

a survivor

holdin out for more

From nappy edges