Andrea Boyd
To Brianna Barnali, Queen of Aisling:
Dear Brianna,
I was saddened to hear the news that you lost another babe. Not for the first time, I wish we lived closer together so I can be there for you in times of need, and Reagan for his brother. If it were not so close to time for Session, we would certainly make the trip. I know how terribly hard it is on both you and Garrett. You are right though, God has blessed you once when you birthed Deidre, and I am sure He will bless you again.
Although it does not compare to what you are going through, I have some sad news of my own. Rian has run away. I begged Reagan to go after him, but he will not. He thinks Rian is old enough to take care of himself. He says if we were to bring him back now, he would just run again at the next opportunity. He is only fifteen.
His parents’ deaths have been hard on him, making him bitter and unruly. I admit his anger and resentment have made life difficult for everyone who comes in contact with him, but is it any wonder? It is true that he is only our brother-in-law. Still, I love him like one of my own children. I am worried about what will happen to him out in the world alone. Please pray with me that God will keep him safe and bring him home where he belongs.
On a happier note—I cannot wait to see all of you here in Gilvary in a few weeks. Reagan just purchased a pony for August. What he expects a two-year-old to do with a pony, I do not know. The good news is the mount will be available for your own daughter to ride while she is here. Maybe we can take her and Nic on an outing. We can leave August with the men. I swear I do not remember Nic being as rowdy at this age.
Ever your friend,
Matthew 6:14
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: