Dedicated to
all those who flew, are flying, or will fly the Lockheed C-130, one of the classic aircraft of all time, in any of its configurations
and to those who flew the C-130 in Southeast Asia, especially to those who died in the line of duty,
and to the following individuals,
who were important to me personally in my flying career: Al Williams, Larry Fordham, Virgis Hill, Jerry Coleman, Irving Torchinsky, Les Fredericks, Sidney Richardson, Kirk Waldron, Gomer Lewis, Howard Dallman, Ross Kramer, Horace “Horse” Pemberton, Frank Passarello, Bill Knipp, Tommy Lee Butler, Edgar “Bill” Lorson, Elmer “Dusty” Watkins, Frank Kricker, Ed Scholes, Mike Brown, Mike Jones, Roger Wright, and Don Greenwade
and most especially to the memories of
Karl Klein and Dave Risher