Whereas the biomedical model considers only the physical, pathological mechanisms
that underlie mental illness, the biopsychosocial model considers the contributions
of these biological factors along with psychology (thoughts, emotions, or behaviors)
and social situation (environment, social class, discrimination, or stigmatization).
The following disorders occur in greater than 2 percent of the United States population
per year: specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, alcohol
use disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder,
and bipolar disorder
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia including delusions, hallucinations (usually auditory),
disorganized thought, and disorganized behavior are likely to improve from treatment with an antipsychotic medication. Negative symptoms including disturbance of affect and avolition are largely unaffected by antipsychotic medications.
Major depressive episodes include a two-week duration of at least five of the following
symptoms: depressed mood, loss of interest (anhedonia), sleep disturbance, feelings
of guilt, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite, psychomotor
symptoms, and suicidal thoughts. At least one of the symptoms must be depressed mood
or anhedonia. Manic episodes include a one-week duration of at least three of the
following symptoms: elevated or expansive mood, distractibility, decreased need for
sleep, grandiosity, flight of ideas or racing thoughts, agitation, pressured speech,
and engagement in risky behavior.
Major depressive disorder contains at least one major depressive episode with no manic
episodes. Bipolar I disorder has at least one manic episode with or without depressive
episodes. Bipolar II disorder has at least one hypomanic episode with at least one
major depressive episode. Cyclothymic disorder has hypomanic episodes and dysthymia
that is not severe enough to be a major depressive episode.
Obsessions are persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses that produce tension. In this case, the obsession is the patient's thought that someone will break into her apartment. Compulsions
are repetitive tasks that relieve tension but cause significant impairment in a person’s
life. This patient's compulsion is that she must check the latch on her apartment door five times before going to bed. Their relationship is that obsessions raise tension while compulsions relieve that tension.
Personality Disorders
Odd or eccentric
Paranoid, schizotypal, schizoid
Dramatic, emotional, or erratic
Antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
Anxious or fearful
Avoidant, dependent, obsessive–compulsive
In depression, levels of cortisol are increased. Many neurotransmitter levels are
reduced, including norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine.
Mutations in the presenilin genes (chromosomes 1 and 14) and β-amyloid precursor protein gene (chromosome 21) are associated with increased risk
for Alzheimer’s disease.
Dopamine levels are elevated in schizophrenia and reduced in Parkinson’s disease.
Thus, treatments for one disorder may cause symptoms similar to those of the other.