Chapter Three

EngagIng Star Energy
for MagIc and RItual

Working with Energy

Working with star energy is no different from drawing down the moon or other magical energy. The first step is knowing what energy actually feels like. Here’s a simple exercise using the palms of the hands that most energy workers start with. Secondary chakras/energy centers are located in the center of the palms. They can be used on their own or in conjunction with the major/primary seven chakras located along the spine and head.

Begin this exercise by sitting comfortably in a place that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and spend a minute or two focusing your attention on your breath. This will help quiet your mind and bring your body rhythm into a steady ebb and flow. When you feel relaxed, bring your hands together and rub the palms back and forth over each other until you feel them getting warm. Continue for another moment or two and then separate your hands to about shoulder width apart. Keeping your eyes closed, slowly bring your hands closer together until you can feel a little bit of resistance. When you open your eyes you may be surprised at how far apart your hands are from each other. However, don’t be discouraged if your hands are close together or you end up touching palms. It takes time to be able to sense this energy.

Close your eyes and rub your hands together again. This time, rub them a bit longer to activate the palm chakras a little more. When you separate your hands, quickly move them toward each other and then away several times. As you do this, it may feel as though there is a ball between your palms that keeps them from touching. Rub your hands together again and repeat the exercise. Afterward, sit with your hands in your lap with your palms up. Keep your eyes closed and focus your attention on the sensations in your hands. This is what energy feels like. Take a break for a few minutes; get up and stretch or walk around the room.

When you feel ready to continue, sit down again. Place your hands in your lap with your palms up. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your palms. Recall the sensation of energy without rubbing your hands together. When the feeling becomes strong, bring your palms near each other and try to sense the ball of energy again. This part of the exercise may take several attempts and it may not happen in one session. Spend a few minutes each day on this exercise until you can feel the ball of energy without rubbing your hands together. This is how we learn to activate our energy. Once you are able to raise energy at will and feel the ball of energy between your hands, spend a few minutes each day working with it. See how large (hands far apart) you can make it and still hold a definite sensation of energy. Also experiment with how small you can make the ball. This will create an intense little field of energy between your hands.


In addition to the seven chakras within the physical body, there are several others that have come to be known as gateway or celestial chakras. These can aid us when working with the energy of the cosmos. Three of these are located above the head and the fourth is within the ground beneath our feet. This “earth star chakra” resides approximately three feet below the ground and connects us with the energy of the earth. As Pagans, we may not have put a name to this connection, but we are very much aware of it when we work with the energy of the natural world as well as when ending rituals.

As for the three chakras above our heads, there is disagreement as to how many, where they are located, and their names. For our purposes, we will use the most common names and details applied to them.


Figure 3.1. The chakras are located within the body as well as above and below it.

The “causal chakra” aligns with the spine about three to four inches above the head. It functions as a portal and regulates the flow of energy from the universal/cosmic level to the personal level, helping to prevent overload. The “soul star chakra” is located about six inches above the head. It is our connection beyond the self to the stars. According to some beliefs, this is the entry/exit point of the soul in the physical body. The third one is called the “stellar gateway chakra.” It is approximately twelve inches above the head and provides a multidimensional connection to the cosmos and timelessness as well as to divine energy. These three chakras are instrumental in drawing down and working with energy from the stars.

Table 3.1. Overview of the Chakras




Stellar Gateway

12 inches above head

Multidimensional connection to the universe

Soul Star

6 inches above head

Connection beyond self to the stars


3 to 4 inches above head

Regulates flow of energy


Top of head

Spirituality, awareness

Third Eye

Above and between eyebrows

Intuition, imagination



Communication, expression



Love, compassion, relationships

Solar Plexus


Strength, courage, willpower


1 inch below navel

Creativity, sexuality, emotions, passions


Base of spine

Foundation, survival

Earth Star

3 feet below ground

Connection with earth energy


Center of hands

Energy sensors that support major chakras

Before moving on and working with energy outside of your own, it is important to prepare yourself by being grounded and balanced. As a Reiki practitioner and yoga instructor, I have learned ways to do this simply and effectively. You may hear the terms centered, balanced, and grounded, but what do they mean? Basically they describe a feeling of stability that comes from the core of the body. One of the best ways to engender this experience is through the yoga posture Tadasana, or mountain pose. It is a simple posture, but when it is entered into slowly and mindfully it is very powerful. For this reason, this basic pose never ceases to amaze me. When you become familiar with the energy and sensations of mountain pose, you will be able to evoke the grounding effect without doing the posture.

Start in a comfortable stance with your arms at your sides and your feet about hip-width apart. Hip-width is not the outer sides of the hips; it is measured from the part of the pelvic bone that juts forward. Position your feet in alignment with the pelvic bone so they point straight forward. This brings your big toes slightly closer together than your heels. Already the posture may seem slightly odd because we are not used to standing this way. However, the subtle alignment of this posture opens the body for optimal energy flow.

Continuing with the posture, bring your attention to your feet. Lift your toes and become aware of the soles of your feet on the floor and the stability they provide. Lower your toes to the floor, and then bring your awareness up the body. Your knees should be soft, not locked or bent. Bring your attention up to the front thigh muscles, the quadriceps, and make a tiny adjustment of moving the muscles toward the center of the body. It is a movement that may seem difficult at first, but make it your intention and eventually the physical will follow. This positioning of muscles creates a little space between the legs. Tuck the tailbone slightly, which will flatten the lower back making it easier to hold the posture. Continue to bring your attention up the spine; feel each vertebrae lift. Adjust the shoulders by bringing them up, back, and down so the shoulder blades are closer together. Keep your shoulders relaxed; you are not a cadet at West Point. Let your arms rest comfortably at your sides with fingers together and fingertips pointing toward the floor. Keep your chin parallel to the floor and the crown of your head lifted.

Close your eyes and bring your awareness back down to the soles of your feet. Sense the power of the earth star chakra keeping you connected with Mother Earth. Imagine that you have roots extending from your feet down through the floor, through the earth star chakra, and deep into the earth. Feel the stability of Mother Earth and your connection with her. You are part of her and she is part of you. Now bring your awareness up through your body to the crown of your head. Feel your energy extending up through the causal chakra, into the soul star chakra, and finally the stellar gateway. Sense the lightness of air above you and the vastness of the heavens. Feel it lift you and know that you are part of the stars. Become aware of the difference between these two exquisite energies: one keeping you rooted and stable, the other lifting you to higher purpose. Picture yourself as the fulcrum between these energies as they merge with yours like the delicate kiss of a summer breeze. Hold the posture as long as you can do so comfortably and then slowly bring your awareness back to the room and back into your body. Let go of the sky energy and give yourself a moment or two as you hold the connection with Mother Earth. Slowly release the posture and then move or stretch. Practice this posture every day until you are able to evoke the energy and physical sensations without doing the pose.

In addition to physically sensing energy, engaging the mind with visualization is another component in magic work. Visualization is the use of mental images that run like a cinema in our minds. Daydreams are an example of this; however, in magic it is important to stay for the whole film. In daydreams we may flit back and forth between the images in our minds and the outside world in front of us, but visualization in magic requires focus. A way to achieve this is through the use of multiple senses as well as engaging our emotions. The following is an example to help strengthen your visualization abilities.

Sit comfortably (on the floor if you can) and close your eyes. Imagine that you are at the beach. It’s a bright, sunny day and you have just spread a large, soft towel on the warm sand. You notice a conch shell beside your towel and pick it up. Turn the shell over in your hands and examine it. The pale tan outer surface has a rough texture, but the vivid pink opening to the shell’s inner spiral is smooth and cool to the touch. The shell is a little heavier than you expected, but you hold it up to your ear to hear the echo of the ocean. After placing it back on the sand, you close your eyes to bask in the heat of the sun and listen to the breaking waves. They begin with a mild thunder and then dissipate into a hiss of roiling water that pushes toward dry sand. The whisper of a salty breeze caresses your skin. A couple of seagulls squabble sharply, then they carry their disagreement farther down the beach. As the noise of the gulls recedes it is replaced by the sound of two children squealing with delight. You open your eyes and watch as they wade into the chilly surf, then laugh and call as they run to their mother. A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as you soak in the playful spirit of simply being at the beach. Enjoy this feeling for a minute or two, and then gradually bring your attention back to the room where you are sitting. Leave your physical eyes closed for another moment before making the transition to the outer world.

Also try your own visualizations. Imagine the sights, sounds, and smells of a familiar place. Winter holiday gatherings are always a good place to start because they are usually attached to emotions. These exercises provide practice for focusing the mind, emotions, senses, and energy for magical work.

When we draw on star energy or any magical energy, we become a conduit for it as we modify it. We draw it in, shape it with our intentions through visualization, and then send it out with our own energy and willpower. Of course, in order to send it we need to raise our energy level. Chanting, singing, drumming, and dancing are common methods for raising energy, but we can also do it using a more subtle method. You can use the mountain yoga posture or simply come into a straight, comfortable stance. Rub your palms together as in the first energy exercise and when they feel warm, place your left palm on your stomach and your right palm over your heart.

The left hand is over the solar plexus chakra, which is the seat of courage and power. This will activate the energy of this chakra and move it up to the heart chakra, which is being activated with the right hand. The heart chakra is the seat of love and compassion. It serves to moderate the energy of the solar plexus, which our egos can sometimes throw out of whack. With your hands in these positions, feel the energy of both these chakras expanding and merging. Now bring your attention down to your feet and draw earth energy up through your body to the expanding chakra energy. Let it continue to build until you feel that you cannot hold it any longer and then release it. The beauty of this method is that by drawing on earth energy we are tapping into a continuous flow that will enhance but not deplete our own energy. This, of course, also keeps us grounded.

The previous exercise is a particularly good method for working with star energy with only one adjustment. Once the chakra energy is activated and you have pulled earth energy through the earth star chakra into your body, release your hands and turn both palms up toward the sky. The hands can be held in front of the two chakras or at shoulder height. Experiment to find a hand position that is comfortable for you. Just as you drew earth energy up through your feet, draw down the energy of the star or constellation with which you are working. Feel the energy move through the stellar gateway chakra, into the soul star chakra, then through the causal, and into your crown chakra. Pull the energy down through your body. While you are doing this, use visualization to focus on your purpose.

Your hands may begin to tingle as a result of the energy movement. When you feel that you cannot hold the energy any longer, release it as you imagine your intention and energy going with it. This technique can be used to charge a talisman, crystal, or something fashioned for a spell with the star energy you have drawn. Have that object close by so you can pick it up or touch it when you release the energy. Visualize the star energy and your energy going into that object.

Accessing Star Energy with a Spiral

The most common type of galaxy is the spiral, which has long arms that wind toward the center. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is a spiral. The spiral is one of the most common motifs in a wide range of cultures from around the world and throughout time. The earliest example consists of a series of seven spirals carved into a mammoth’s tusk that was found in Siberia dating to approximately 24,000 BCE. Spirals dating from between 13,000 and 10,000 BCE found in the LaPileta Cave near Gibraltar, Spain, have been interpreted as symbolizing energy and cyclic time.

The spiral motif has been found on Neolithic (New Stone Age) pottery dating to 6300 BCE in southeast Europe as well as in Australia. To the Hopi people of the southwestern United States, it is a symbol of the powerful Earth Mother. A famous spiral carved into a rock in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, was created by the Anasazi (900–1250 CE). It catches a thin ray of light at sunrise on the winter solstice. Likewise, on the same day of the year at the Newgrange passage tomb in Ireland, a ray of light travels down the sixty-two-foot corridor to illuminate a set of triple spirals on the back wall of the inner chamber.

The spiral is a dynamic symbol of primary life-force energy, which is most evident when it is depicted morphing into plants. We find this from Minoan Crete to high Celtic design, symbolizing growth and transformation of both plants and animals. The spiral held a symbolic role in the myths of people who were in tune with their environments and lived in respectful relation with the natural world. To many ancient people, this moving cosmic energy was evident in the natural world in the form of meandering streams, the curling ocean wave, and the eddy of a whirlpool. Representing the birth of a star in the swirling nebula of space, the spiral is “symbolic of the mystic center and the unfolding of creation.” 8

This leads us to our application of a spiral that can be used like a labyrinth, the design of which is believed to have evolved from the spiral. According to Dr. Lauren Artress, founder of Veriditas, a worldwide labyrinth project, a labyrinth functions like a spiral, creating a vortex at its center.9 This may be due to the movement of energy because one half of the walk moves clockwise and the other half moves counterclockwise. I have found that walking a spiral can provide just as profound an experience as walking a labyrinth.

When we walk a spiral, going toward the center is symbolic of moving inward toward the self as well as moving toward primal source—star stuff. Walking a spiral is both a descent and ascent that provides an opportunity to find balance and wisdom. Each journey on a spiral provides a unique opportunity for us to gain personal insight and connect with star energy. A spiral walk is an excellent method to prepare for ritual, astral travel, divination, magic, or any type of psychic work.

To make a spiral, clear as much floor space as you can, or if you have privacy you can create one in your backyard. The easiest thing to use to make a spiral is a couple of strands of Christmas garland. Occasionally this type of garland may include star shapes, which is perfect but not necessary. Rope also works well. Begin laying out the garland or rope at the center of the spiral and leave enough space to sit. Make the space within each wind of the spiral wide enough to form a path for walking. Use this setup time to focus on your purpose and to quiet your mind.

When the spiral is finished and you are ready to walk it, stand at the entrance for a moment or two with your eyes closed to further focus the mind before stepping onto the path. When we walk a spiral, we move slowly and with intention. It is important to move at your own pace, and if you feel the need to pause during the walk, do so. The walk itself consists of three parts: preparation, intention, and integration.

“Preparation” is the walk into the center. This provides time to release attitudes or emotions that may inhibit us as well as time to fully focus on our purpose. We are spiraling inward and releasing the ego’s control as well as anything that may hold us back. The walk inward toward inner self also prepares us to reach outward to connect with the cosmos.

The “intention” part of the walk occurs when we come to stillness at the center of the spiral. After sitting down, it is helpful to activate the palm chakras and place them on the solar plexus and heart center as you draw down star energy. Take time to sit with this energy to experience it and know it with your body. Let your intuition guide you for the appropriate time to bring this part of your walk to a close. Release the star energy, and then pause for a moment before initiating your walk out.

“Integration” takes place as we wind our way out of the spiral and begin to assimilate any insights and experiences that may have occurred while sitting in the center. The power of the inward and outward movement may make us feel extremely grounded or even a little wobbly from the energy that has been generated. Upon emerging from the spiral, it is helpful to take a moment or two to stand or sit in silence.

If you want to charge an object with star energy, carry it with you or place it at the center of the spiral when you set it up. After you walk to the center and begin to draw down star energy, hold or place your hands on the object and envision the energy passing through you into it. Take the object with you when you walk out or leave it in place for a while in its own swirling spiral galaxy of energy.

How to Use Star Magic

As mentioned in the above exercises, we can draw star energy into a talisman, crystal, or something fashioned for a spell to boost the energy of our intentions. Additionally, a cord that you want to use as a special belt for ritual, divination, or other practices can be prepared by drawing star energy into it and making a knot for each of the stars in a particular constellation. To give the belt a little more punch, the color of the strands within the cord can be coordinated with the colors of the stars in a constellation. We can also draw down star energy for use in ritual and, quite appropriately, before astrology work. While specific suggestions are provided for each constellation, these are by no means the only ways that star energy can be used. Let your creativity and intuition guide you to find uses that you can tailor to your personal situation. In some of my suggestions I have provided specific words, but don’t hesitate to use your own.

One of the items I frequently mention for working with star energy is the star-shaped glitter/confetti that is sold at many arts and crafts stores. While this is available in various sizes, the larger ones are easier to work with when laying out pieces to create a star pattern. Laying out the pattern of a constellation on your altar is one way to incorporate star energy into your rituals or other activity. Each constellation entry in the following chapters includes a picture of its star pattern. For example, to draw down the energy of Corvus the Crow lay out six pieces of glitter/confetti, one for each star, to match the pattern in the picture. As an alternative to the glitter/confetti use gemstones, flowers, or any other object that seems appropriate to mark the position of each star. Also, if you are drawing on a constellation’s energy to aid your garden for growth in the spring or to protect your property, natural objects can remain in place to hold the energy and strength of your purpose.

Candles are an important component for ritual and spellwork, and they are especially apropos for star magic because we do a great deal of it at night. There are several ways to employ candles, one of which is through color. When it comes to stars, most may appear white or bluish-white when viewed without the aid of binoculars or a telescope, so it may be a surprise that some stars are rather colorful. Actually, the color of some of the brightest stars can be seen with the naked eye. A star’s color is related to its surface temperature, and according to scientists, white is hotter than red, and blue is hotter than white. The most common colors found in stellar classification are as follows: Class O stars are blue, B stars are blue-white, A stars are white, F are yellow-white, G are yellow, K stars are orange, and M stars are red. Less common are the purple and violet stars. Green or a greenish tint is considered fairly rare.

A simple way to amplify star energy is to coordinate its color with that of a candle, gemstone, or other object that you may use when laying out the star pattern of a constellation. For example, you may want to use something red when drawing on the energy of the red star La Superba in the Canes Venatici constellation. Red helps to support intentions such as love and passion, quite obviously, but this color also aids in breaking hexes, building defensive magic, finding guidance, and acquiring wisdom. I have included color along with other information about stars within the information for their respective constellations. For convenience, appendix B lists the colors of all the stars mentioned in this book.

As we have already learned, a star is not always just “a” star. This means that without a telescope it may appear as a single star when it is actually more than one. It may be a binary star, two stars that revolve around each other, or groups of stars. Where possible, I have included color information for each star in these multiples, which can provide flexibility for color magic because one “star” can have several colors. For example, Algorab, the delta star in Corvus the Crow, has two components one of which is yellow-white and the other a lilac/purple. On the other hand if you want to keep it simple, use the color of the primary star. For example, Regulus, the alpha star in Leo, has three components and each is a different color. You can use one gemstone (or other object) in the color of Alpha-1, which is blue-white.

Whether or not you decide to coordinate star and candle color, you can still combine candle and star magic by drawing the star pattern of a constellation on your candle. There are two ways to do this. One is to use a fine-point, felt-tip pen to draw on the candle surface. The other is to use a large sewing needle (or other finely pointed object) to scratch the pattern into the candle. Use the graphics provided with each constellation for the basic star pattern. You can simply use dots to indicate each star and its place in a constellation or connect the dots as in the graphics. If you are working with one particular star, you can draw the whole constellation and make that star larger than the others or simply write the name of the star on the candle.

Because our personal energy is vital to working magic or engaging in psychic work, aligning the chakras and balancing the aura can significantly enhance our experiences and aid in developing abilities. To do this, sit comfortably and follow the suggestions to ground and center your energy, or use any method that works best for you. When you feel ready, lift your hands (palms upward) to shoulder height and visualize the energy of the stars entering through your hands. See this as pure white light moving down to your root chakra located at the base of the spine. As the chakra energy is activated, it glows a bright red color and radiates upward. Visualize the chakra energy and the white light of the stars moving up to the sacral chakra located an inch or so below the navel. As it becomes activated, it glows orange and radiates upward. Visualize the chakra energy and the white light of the stars moving up to the solar plexus chakra, which will radiate a yellow light. Continue up through the remaining chakras: The heart chakra radiates a green color, the throat chakra radiates blue, the third eye chakra located between and slightly above the eyebrows radiates indigo, and the crown chakra at the top of the head radiates violet.

From the crown chakra, think of the energy radiating a rainbow of colors out from the top of your head, up through the three celestial chakras, and then down over your body. Visualize these colors being replaced with pure white star light coming down through the stellar gateway chakra, surrounding you and washing your aura, the energy field that extends out from the body. With your hands a few inches from your body, act as though you are raking your fingers through your hair. Start at the crown of your head and work downward. Continue this raking motion down over your entire body. When you get to the area of your feet, use a sweeping motion to whisk any negative energy away from you. Sit for a moment with your hands in your lap, palms up, to allow the energy to settle. You have just completely activated, cleansed, and balanced the energy within and around your body. Magic or psychic work that you engage in after this process will not be hindered by the little negativities that crop up in daily life and sometimes stay with us.

Astral Travel, Dream Work, and Ritual

What could be more perfect than using the power of the constellations to boost astral travel? According to author and scholar John Michael Greer, the astral plane is important because it is where “most magical energies come into manifestation.” 10 In addition, some believe that the astral plane is where deities and spirits reside.

Our bodies consist of layers: the physical, etheric, and astral. The astral body, sometimes called the “star body,” is often described as shimmering as though it consists of a multitude of tiny stars. There is disagreement as to whether the aura is part of the astral or etheric bodies or both. At any rate, the astral body is our vehicle of consciousness, and astral travel is generally defined as any state in which the consciousness is immersed somewhere different from the physical body.

Astral travel has also been referred to as a soul flight, dimensional journey, psychic travel, and astral shifts. Some people consider these as very similar and others make distinctions among them. However, the common point is that the consciousness goes somewhere out of the physical body. Whether it goes to the astral plane, the underworld, or the fairy realm, the stars can aid us with energy for travel and protection. When I have journeyed, I usually have something like a wand or crystal on my physical body that the astral body will have, too. Using methods previously described, I draw protective energy into these objects. When I’m ready to travel, I raise energy in the physical body and then visualize it rippling out through the etheric and astral bodies. As I see the stars in my astral field twinkling, I visualize energy coming from the constellation or star I’ve chosen to work with and transporting me to my destination. Support from the stars also helps to enhance contact with power animals, spirit guides, and astral familiars that we meet during these travels. This method for initiating astral travel can also be used to prepare for divination or any type of psychic work.

Because most of us sleep at night when the constellations are visible above, star magic is an aid to dream work. In the fertility of darkness, stars help us kindle the spark that will guide us on new paths, open our creative channels, and illuminate the areas of our lives that we may not be able to access during waking hours. Unlike other practices for which we raise energy, in dream work we want to avoid too much active energy that will keep us from reaching a deep sleep. This is where the use of an object such as a dream pillow is instrumental. It can be imbued with star energy ahead of time using the technique described for talismans. In place of a dream pillow, draw a constellation star pattern on a piece of paper or cloth that you can slip under your pillow. If you choose to work with an individual star, you can write the name of the star and coordinate the color of the cloth with the color of the star. In addition to writing the name of a star or drawing a constellation on a piece of paper, also write down your intention for the dream work. On the evening after your dream work, create sacred space and burn the paper; ideally outdoors under the stars or wherever it can be done safely.

The fixed stars used in medieval magic were associated with particular plants into which the star’s energy is easily drawn. If you are working with one of these fifteen fixed stars and making a small dream pillow, stuff it with leaves or flowers of the dried plant or plants that correspond with the star. For extra measure, also coordinate the color of the pillow fabric with the star color and sew or draw the name of the star on the outside of the pillow.

In ritual, the directions are often called in as guardians and in this respect the ancient Persian royal stars fit well. The star Aldebaran in Taurus is the Guardian of the East, Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus is the Guardian of the South, Antares in Scorpius is the Guardian of the West, and Regulus in Leo is the Guardian of the North. All of these are alpha stars in their respective constellations. An example of using a star to call in a direction would be: “We call to the Guardian of the East, Aldebaran, brightest star of Taurus, bring the power of air as you send forth your light from on high.”

Because a star’s color can be an important feature for its use, you may want to incorporate it into whatever you say when drawing down a star’s energy. Refer to appendix B for a detailed list of stars and their colors. Using La Superba in the Canes Venatici constellation as an example: “La Superba, red and bright; Send energy to this circle tonight. Amongst the stars in the dogs of spring; La Superba, the power of fire bring.”

An alternative to using the royal stars or star color for calling in the directions is to select four stars or constellations that will be in the sky during the time of your ritual. Throughout the book you’ll find suggestions on how the energy of various constellations can be relevant to the sabbats. However, don’t hesitate to use others if you feel that they are more appropriate to your ritual and magic work. Also consider the circumpolar constellations, those that never rise or set: Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Ursa Major and Minor, and Draco. I like to think of Cepheus and Cassiopeia as the Lord and Lady who watch over my rituals throughout the year. More on these later in the book.

And now, let’s leave our backyard of the solar system and explore beyond to the stars.


8. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, 242.

9. Artress, Walking a Sacred Path, 67.

10. Greer, The New Encyclopedia of the Occult, 43.