The Southern HemIsphere
A number of southern constellations cataloged by Ptolemy were already covered in the preceding seasonal chapters because of their visibility in the Northern Hemisphere. Those that are farther south were “unseen” or not readily noticed by Europeans. As a result, these constellations were not mapped until the fifteenth century. However, most of the constellations introduced in this chapter can be seen in parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
Most of the far southern constellations were created during the age of exploration when many areas of the earth and skies were being mapped for the first time. Dutch astronomer and cartographer Petrus Plancius instructed navigators Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser (1540–1596) and Frederik de Houtman (1571–1627) on how to observe the night sky. The stars that they documented were divided into twelve constellations, which Plancius published on a globe in 1598. Plancius was gratified when the famous Johann Bayer included these constellations in his 1603 star atlas. In this chapter, we will look at a few of Keyser and Houtman’s constellations, many of which depict animals.
French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille (1713–1763) observed and catalogued more than nine thousand stars in the Southern Hemisphere during his two-year stay in Cape Town, South Africa. From this work he created thirteen new constellations. As today, technology was a hot topic and in keeping with the scientific enthusiasm of his day, Lacaille named most of his constellations for instruments and devices. In some cases, he “moved” stars from known constellations into his new ones.
Because a number of southern constellations have already been covered, this chapter makes note of seasonal differences in their use as well as practices that require slight alteration. Reference is made for the chapters in which the particulars, history, and magical uses of these constellations can be found. Because locating these constellations from the Southern Hemisphere is different from in the north, details on how to find them have been adjusted. Also, as in the previous chapters, directions given to locate constellations and stars assume that the reader is facing south.
While the constellations introduced in this chapter are not directly associated with classical myths and do not have lengthy historical backgrounds, they do have relevance for ritual and magic. In the southern skies we will find two birds (a crane and a phoenix), a fish, and a cross. As in the north we also find a snake and a crown. Let’s take a look at the southern sky season by season.
The Southern Spring Sky: September, October, November
Refer to chapter 6 for the particulars and history of spring constellations that were covered in the Northern Hemisphere.
Figure 8.1. The spring night sky showing constellations and the brightest star, Fomalhaut. The Great Square of Pegasus and the Circlet of Pisces asterisms are indicated with dotted shapes.
Aquarius: The Water Bearer/Sea God
To Find: Look for the bright star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus. Aquarius is just to the north.
While a number of northern sea gods were mentioned in chapter 6, I leave it to readers in the Southern Hemisphere to choose gods of Oceania that may better suit their locations and traditions. Also, as you prepare your garden in the spring, call on Aquarius to send nourishing water. Draw the star pattern on a fence or on a couple of stones that you can secret away under some plants. If you have a fountain or water feature, place an image or pendant of Aquarius on it or somewhere nearby to draw this constellation’s influence. Because a garden may not be the only thing you want to nurture, call on Aquarius for support in developing talents and skills. In addition, with a number of stars in this constellation associated with luck, the energy of Aquarius can give good luck spells a boost.
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Aries: The Ram/Power of the Horned God
To Find: Look for the bright star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus. Draw an imaginary line toward the northeast and follow the stars of Cetus. Aries is just north of the circle of stars that form the whale’s head.
Call on the energy of Aries to connect with the Horned God, to enhance dark moon rituals, and to boost the power of spells especially those for protection.
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Cetus: The Whale/Keeper of Traditions
To Find: Look for the bright star Fomalhaut. Cetus is to the northeast of Piscis Austrinus and east of Aquarius. It stretches underneath Pisces.
This whale brings balance to equinox sabbat rituals. In addition, Cetus reminds us that we can always make changes in our lives. This constellation can be instrumental in moving energy toward the changes we seek.
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Delphinus: The Dolphin/Carrier of Souls
To Find: Look for the bright star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus and draw an imaginary line to the northwest through Aquarius and the trapezoid of Equuleus. Angle that line a little to the west and north to the kite shape of Delphinus.
In a number of cultures, the dolphin is associated with carrying souls to the land of the dead. Although this part of the entry in chapter 6 is written for Samhain, it is applicable anytime for support when a loved one passes to the other side of the veil.
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Grus: The Crane/Seeker of Knowledge
Pronunciations: Grus (groos); Gruis (GROO-iss)
Visible Latitudes: 34° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Gru
Bordering Constellations: Phoenix, Piscis Austrinus
Description: A line of stars curves gently from north to south. Three of its brightest stars form a triangle.
To Find: Locate the bright star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus. Grus is just to the south.
Originally named Krane Grus, which means “crane” in both Dutch and Latin, only the Latin was used when it became an official constellation in 1922. Also, Grus is the genus name for cranes. Like many of the constellations in the Southern Hemisphere, Grus was mapped by Dutch navigators and made public by astronomer Petrus Plancius in the late 1590s. For a brief time during the seventeenth century in England, this constellation was called Phoenicopterus, which means “flamingo” in Latin.
Ptolemy originally mapped these stars as part of Piscis Austrinus and equated them with Venus and Mercury. There are no legends associated with this constellation; however, Celtic myth abounds with stories and references to cranes.
Figure 8.2. Grus is the purveyor of ancient wisdom.
Notable Stars in Grus
Official Designation: Alpha Gruis
Traditional Name: Al Nair
Pronunciation: al NAYR
The traditional name of this star is Arabic and means “the bright one.” It was originally “the bright one in the fish’s tail” and a holdover from when this star was considered part of Piscis Austrinus. On Grus, this star is located on the bird’s wing. Al Nair is a blue-white star.
Official Designation: Beta Gruis
Traditional Name: Al Dhanab
Pronunciation: al DAH-nab
The traditional name of this red star comes from Arabic and means “the tail,” which also dates to its time as part of Piscis Austrinus. On Grus, this star is located on the bird’s body. The alternate spelling “Deneb” can be found in other star names in the Capricornus, Cetus, Cygnus, and Delphinus constellations.
Official Designation: Delta Gruis
This is a set of double stars. Delta-1a is yellow, and its companion Delta-1b is orange. The Delta-2 double stars are both red. These stars mark the bird’s breast.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Grus
Found throughout Celtic myth, the crane is associated with death, rebirth, understanding deep mysteries, and truth. Many legends tell of women shape-shifting into cranes. The famous crane bag of the sea god Manannán mac Lir was made from such a bird when the woman died. The bag that Manannán created and used was said to hold magical objects and things of power. The forfeda, the fifth group of characters in the Ogham alphabet, is sometimes called the Crane Bag and was said to have been created by the sea god.
Grus is the perfect constellation for energetically charging a bag or other container that holds your divination tools. Additionally, buy or make a drawstring bag for your divination tools and then embroider or draw the Grus star pattern with fabric marker. When it is finished, place it on your altar and draw down the energy of Grus, saying: “Powerful crane, starry Grus; Bless this bag for special use. Empower the tools that it will keep; And hold the knowledge that I seek.”
To give your divination or shamanic practices a boost, lay out the Grus star pattern using images of the Ogham forfeda characters. Hold your divination tools or items that you use for shamanic work as you stand in front of your altar. Draw down the energy of Grus as you focus attention on your third eye chakra. When the energy increases to a crescendo, release it into your tools and send any excess energy down through your earth star chakra.
In Celtic myth, a ritual crane posture of standing on one leg with one eye closed was said to have been employed by Lugh and the Dagda. While this was used for general spellwork, it was also instrumental in performing a type of magic known as corrguinecht, “crane-wounding.” I mention this not to advocate the use of retributive magic, but to illustrate the power associated with this bird. For our purposes in star magic, the crane posture can be used while drawing down the energy of the Grus constellation before or during an Ostara ritual or magic work.
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Pegasus and Equuleus: The Winged Horse and the Colt/Powers of Nature
To Find: From the star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus, draw an imaginary line north to the Great Square of Pegasus. Equuleus is located in front (to the west) of Pegasus.
Just as Pegasus is used in the north at the autumn equinox, so too is it appropriate for the spring. The winged horse is a symbol of the heightened power of the natural forces, and the Great Square of Pegasus emphasizes this by representing the four cardinal directions. It also represents the four points of the solar year and the elements. Pegasus is an aid for divination and other psychic practices as well as a vehicle and guide for astral travel.
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Phoenix: The Phoenix/Energy of Self-Transformation
Pronunciations: Phoenix (FEE-nicks); Phoenicis (feh-NYE-siss)
Visible Latitudes: 32° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Phe
Bordering Constellations: Eridanus, Grus
Description: A horizontal zigzag pattern forms the bird’s wings and is intersected by a vertical line that forms the body.
To Find: Look for the bright star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus, and the Phoenix is to the southeast. It is east of Grus.
Like many southern constellations, the Phoenix was mapped by Dutch navigators and published by astronomer Petrus Plancius. Although there is no classical myth per se associated with it, this constellation depicts a mythical bird that was known in many ancient cultures. The bird was said to resemble an eagle, but with red, gold, and purple feathers making it far more flamboyant and impressive.
According to Greek, Roman, and Arab legends, the bird had a life span of five hundred years. When it reached the end of its days, it built up its nest into a funeral pyre. Once the nest was ignited by the sun’s rays the phoenix went up in flames, but then it rose from the ashes and began a new life cycle. In his work The Metamorphoses, Roman poet Ovid (43 BCE–17 CE) explained that the phoenix built a nest of bark, cinnamon, and myrrh atop a palm tree. As the burning incense lifted the soul of the old phoenix away, a new little bird emerged from the old one’s body.
In Chinese legend, the phoenix lived from one hundred to one thousand years. Known as the magical Firebird, it was a symbol of good luck. Although the Arabs knew the bird in legend, they did not connect it with this constellation and instead called these stars the Boat.
Notable Stars in Phoenix
Official Designation: Alpha Phoenicis
Traditional Name: Ankaa
Pronunciation: ANG-kah
The traditional name of this star comes from Arabic and means “the phoenix.” This orange, spectroscopic binary star marks the neck of the phoenix. Ankaa has been linked with ambition and potential fame.
Official Designation: Beta Phoenicis
This yellow binary star does not have a traditional name. It marks one of the bird’s wings.
Figure 8.3. Like the Phoenix, all that dies shall be reborn.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for the Phoenix
Quite obviously, this constellation is about change and cycles. It is appropriate for an Ostara altar to represent the change in season as well as to symbolize Persephone’s reemergence from the underworld. Lay out the star pattern on your altar with tea light candles to emphasize the fire aspect of the Phoenix. Anoint the candles first with a little cinnamon oil or burn myrrh while you set up your altar. Draw down the energy of the constellation and release it into your altar to enhance your sabbat ritual.
Spring is a time of metamorphoses as the world renews its beauty and splendor. Nature invites us to not only open our windows, but also open ourselves for personal growth. Because in legend the transformation of the phoenix is a solitary act in which the bird gives birth to itself, this constellation can provide support when we need to initiate change and move our lives forward. This exercise will be done during the day, but prepare for it the night before. You will need seven gemstones; a mix of amethyst, red garnet, and citrine. Lay out the Phoenix star pattern outside on a porch or inside on a windowsill. When it is dark and the stars are shining, draw down the energy of the constellation and release it into the stones.
The next day, go outside where you can sit without being disturbed. Take the gemstones and a beach towel with you. Lay out the star pattern on the towel in front of you, close your eyes, and hold your palms over the gemstones as you say: “Stars of beauty, bird of change; Help my life to rearrange. Fire burn as I pass through; Like a phoenix I will renew.” Visualize the energy of the constellation moving from the stones, up your arms, and throughout your body. Imagine yourself as a magnificent phoenix and visualize all the things that you want to let go of burning away around you. Feel the heat consume you and the energy lift you. Feel your fiery wings expand as you rise, knowing that whatever challenges are ahead you will meet them with strength and poise.
Allow the image to fade as you slowly bring your attention back into your physical body. Bring the energy down to your earth star chakra until you feel grounded and stable. Spend a few minutes gazing at the world around you with new eyes. You have been through the fire of change and you will now blossom and grow.
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Pisces: The Fish/Duality, Unity, and Divination
To Find: From the star Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus, draw an imaginary line north and a little east between Aquarius and Cetus.
The Vesica Pisces, “vessel of the fish” associates Pisces with procreation and creativity. These are especially apropos for spring as the world blossoms with new life. A knotted cord joins the two fish depicted in this constellation. A knot, of course, is the symbol of a bond. Although the entry in chapter 6 for this association was written with Samhain in mind, like Delphinus the energy of this constellation can be employed whenever a loved one passes to the other side of the veil.
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Piscis Austrinus: The Southern Fish/Ancient Wisdom
Pronunciations: Piscis Austrinus (PIE-siss awe-STRY-nus);
Piscis Austrini (PIE-siss awe-STRY-nye)
Visible Latitudes: 55° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: PsA
Bordering Constellations: Aquarius, Capricornus, Grus
Description: A crooked rectangular shape.
To Find: Look for Fomalhaut, the brightest star in the spring sky.
Figure 8.4. Piscis Austrinus is a symbol of otherworldly knowledge.
Also called Piscis Australis, this constellation’s name means “the southern fish” in Latin. The Babylonians simply called it the Fish. In Egypt, this constellation was also regarded as a fish and associated with a legend about Isis being rescued by a fish. The Greeks called it the Great Fish and depicted it floating on its back swallowing the water poured from the jar of Aquarius. The two fish of the Pisces constellation were said to be its offspring.
In the late 1590s when Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius was mapping the new constellations created by explorers, he took some stars away from Piscis Austrinus to form Grus. Additionally, for a period of time in the 1800s, it was known as Piscis Notius, which means “famous fish.”
Notable Stars in Piscis Austrinus
Official Designation: Alpha Piscis Austrini
Traditional Name: Fomalhaut
Pronunciation: FOE-mal-haht
The name of this white star comes from an Arabic phrase that means “the mouth of the fish.” It was one of the four Persian royal stars and known as the Guardian of the South. Ptolemy equated it with Venus and Mercury. Throughout time, Fomalhaut has been considered a fortunate and powerful star. Fomalhaut is an amplifier of energy.
Official Designation: Epsilon Piscis Austrini
This blue-white star is the second brightest in the constellation. It marks the top of the fish’s head.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Piscis Austrinus
A fish and its watery realm are symbolic of the subconscious, the mysterious unknown, and knowledge that comes from deep sources. In Celtic legend, a fish in the form of a salmon was considered one of the oldest and wisest of creatures. It served as a symbol of wisdom and otherworldly knowledge, and it was associated with prophecy, divination, and inspiration. The salmon was said to have received knowledge by eating the hazelnuts of the nine trees of wisdom that fell into the water. When you engage in divination, psychic work, or shamanic travel, lay out the Piscis Austrinus star pattern with hazelnuts and draw down the energy of this constellation to boost your practices. Since Fomalhaut is a bright and powerful star, use a piece of white quartz in place of a hazelnut to mark its position in the star pattern.
The Southern Summer Sky: December, January, February
Refer to chapter 7 for the particulars and history of summer constellations that were covered in the Northern Hemisphere.
Figure 8.5. The southern summer sky showing four of the brightest stars. The Winter Triangle asterism of the Northern Hemisphere becomes the Summer Triangle in the Southern Hemisphere.
Canis Major and Canis Minor: The Great Dog and the Little Dog/
Guardians and Guides
To Find: Look for Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, located in Canis Major. The dog’s body stretches to the southeast, and his front leg is to the west of Sirius. To find Canis Minor, draw an imaginary line from Sirius to the northeast to the next bright star, Procyon, which is the little dog’s alpha star.
Throughout time and around the world, dogs have served as guardians. The Babylonians considered even the image of a dog to be magically protective. Refer to the main entry on these constellations for details on calling on the celestial dogs as guardians. In some of the very ancient cultures of Europe, dogs represented the energy of spring. They were the guardians of life who oversaw the growth of vegetation. Fulfilling their dual nature, Canis Major and Minor take on the qualities of Canes Venatici, the northern dogs of spring. Refer to chapter 4 for information on their influence for gardens.
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Eridanus: The River/Flowing Sacred Waters
To Find: Locate Orion’s Belt and then look southwest to the bright star Rigel that marks a foot of the hunter. Cursa, the beta star in Eridanus, is to the west of Rigel. Follow the trail of stars west and then south. The constellation meanders east and then south again.
In many cultures, rivers were thought to have special powers or were used for worship. As a result, a number of goddesses became associated with rivers. These goddesses and their waterways represent power, wisdom, and transformation. We can call on the energy of river goddesses or any river deity with the help of the celestial river Eridanus for ritual, spellwork, and meditation.
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Hydrus: The Southern Water Snake/Ancient Goddess Energy
Pronunciations: Hydrus (HIGH -drus); Hydri (HIGH-dry)
Visible Latitudes: 8° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Hyi
Bordering Constellation: Eridanus
Description: A triangle asterism of its alpha, beta, and gamma stars is easiest to see. The other stars in the constellation form a zigzag pattern through the triangle.
To Find: The head (alpha star) of Hydrus is located just below and to the southeast of Achernar, the last star in Eridanus.
Hydrus is one of two circumpolar constellations in the southern sky covered in this book. The name of this constellation is derived from Greek and means “the water snake.” It is sometimes called the Lesser Water Snake in regard to the larger Hydra constellation in the north. There is no mythology directly associated with this constellation. It was mapped by Dutch navigators and was first published by astronomer Petrus Plancius. Although French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille thought it should be known as l’Hydre Mâle, “the male Hydra,” gender distinction is not often made.
Notable Stars in Hydrus
Official Designation: Alpha Hydri
Official Designation: Beta Hydri
Official Designation: Gamma Hydri
The stars in Hydrus do not have traditional names. Alpha Hydri is a yellow-white star and the second brightest in the constellation. It marks the head of the snake. The yellow Beta Hydri is the brightest in the constellation. Gamma Hydri is a red star and forms a triangle with the other two.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Hydrus
The snake is one of the oldest symbols of the Great Mother Goddess. She represents the principle of life, reproduction, and the forces of the natural world. All of the attributes and powers of Hydra noted in Chapter Four can be applied to Hydrus.
Figure 8.6. Hydrus is a symbol of the Great Goddess and her power.
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Lepus: The Hare/Magical Moon Energy
To Find: Lepus is directly south of Orion and west of the bright star Sirius in Canis Major.
We can call on the energy of Lepus for aid in divination practices. In addition, because the hare is associated with the moon, the energy of this constellation can enhance esbat rituals and boost moon magic. It also aids in working with the energy of the new moon.
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Monoceros: The Unicorn/Power of the Crone
To Find: Look for Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, located in Canis Major. Draw an imaginary line from Sirius to the northeast to the next bright star Procyon in Canis Minor. Monoceros is between these two constellations.
Monoceros can be called upon to deepen spiritual meditations, to stoke the flame of creativity, and to initiate self-transformation. This symbol of beauty, enchantment, love, and wisdom carries the power of the crone.
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Orion: The Hunter/Artemis the Huntress
To Find: Located northwest of Sirius, the distinctive arrangement of three bright stars in a straight line marking Orion’s Belt makes this constellation easy to find. The bright star Rigel, southwest of the belt, represents the hunter’s left foot.
Quite naturally, this constellation represents male hunter gods. In addition, legends of the spectral Wild Hunt can be equated with furious storms. These storms can be used to boost a spell, or they can be an opportunity to experience the power of the natural world. Because her story is intertwined with Orion’s, I like to think of this constellation as Artemis herself. She can help us find our strengths and independence to live as we choose. In addition, as an archer she can empower us to target and reach our goals.
The Southern Autumn Sky: March, April, May
Refer to Chapter Four for the particulars and history of autumn constellations that were covered in the Northern Hemisphere.
Figure 8.7. The southern autumn sky. Four of the brightest stars are shown.
Centaurus: The Centaur/Chiron the Healer
To Find: Look for the two bright alpha and beta stars, Rigil Kentaurus and Agena, respectively. These mark the front feet of the centaur and are located east of Crux the Southern Cross.
The bright alpha and beta stars of this constellation are called the Pointers in the Southern Hemisphere because they point toward Crux. Centaurus presents us with duality and balance. When we find ourselves struggling with two aspects of self, we can call on this constellation for guidance. Because Centaurus represents Chiron, we can also call on these stars to boost healing energy.
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Corvus: The Crow/Messenger from Other Realms
To Find: Locate the two bright stars that mark the front feet of Centaurus and draw an imaginary line north and slightly west through Hydrus. The next constellation is Corvus.
The crow is considered to be on the edge between light and dark, life and death. Because crows are scavengers and feed on dead things, they were considered messengers from the otherworld. This association is particularly apropos for divination at Samhain. Like many of the spring and autumn constellations, Corvus has a dual nature. To the Greeks, crows functioned as messengers of the gods bearing wisdom and secrets. We can call on Corvus to aid us in divination as well as otherworld journeys.
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Crater: The Cup/Chalice of the Goddess
To Find: Locate the two bright stars that mark the front feet of Centaurus and draw an imaginary line northwest through Hydrus. Crater is just west of Corvus, tucked into a curve of Hydra the Water Snake.
The cup, or chalice, is the magical and ritual tool for the element water. The cup represents the vessel of plenty, and on our altars it represents the Goddess. We can use it to receive the energy that we draw down from this constellation to amplify her presence. The energy of Crater can also be used to bless your altar and ritual space. Because the cup/chalice represents a womb, Crater is an appropriate constellation for spellwork relating to fertility.
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Crux: The Southern Cross/The Power of Four
Pronunciations: Crux (krucks); Crucis (CREW-siss)
Visible Latitudes: 20° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: Cru
Bordering Constellation: Centaurus
Description: Four bright stars form an easily recognizable cross-shaped pattern.
To Find: Although Crux is bright and well known, it can be confused with the False Cross asterism, which is not as bright, but larger. The way to check that you have found the correct cross is to look for the Pointers, Rigil Kentaurus and Agena in Centaurus. Crux is located under the body of the Centaur.
Although Crux is the smallest of the eighty-eight constellations, it is one of the best known in the Southern Hemisphere. Its name means “the cross” in Latin. Crux is one of the two southern circumpolar constellations covered in this book. While there are no bright stars that mark the south celestial pole, Crux points to the pole’s location.
The earliest recorded notation about Crux was made by the Greeks, who regarded it as part of Centaurus. However, it was so low in the sky that by 400 CE the precession of the equinoxes had pushed it out of sight below the horizon. Those in the north forgot Crux until Europeans began exploring the southern regions in the fifteenth century. In 1679, French astronomer Augustin Royer gave Crux its due and made it a constellation independent from Centaurus.
To Australian Aboriginal people, Crux forms part of the head of a figure they call the Emu. In addition, Crux is featured on the national flag of Australia. The Inca of Peru called this constellation Chakana, which is the name of their sacred stepped cross.
Figure 8.8. Crux represents the power of the four directions and elements.
Notable Stars in Crux
Official Designation: Alpha Crucis
Traditional Name: Acrux
Pronunciation: AY-krucks
Acrux is a multiple star system composed of a spectroscopic binary (Alpha-1) and a single star (Alpha-2 ). All three are blue-white. Acrux is the southernmost star in the constellation. The name Acrux is an abbreviation of its designation as the alpha star and the name of the constellation (A’Crux). Ptolemy equated this star with Jupiter. It has been associated with magic and mystery.
Official Designation: Beta Crucis
Traditional Names: Mimosa; Becrux
Pronunciations: mim-OH-sah; BAY-krucks
Mimosa is a blue-white, spectroscopic binary star that marks the eastern (left) arm of the cross. The reason for this name is unknown. Some sources indicate that it was derived from the Latin mimus, which means “actor” or “mime.” Others say that it is related to the star’s color, which is also a vague interpretation since mimosa blossoms are usually pink or lavender and white. This star is sometimes referred to as Becrux, an abbreviation of its beta designation and the name of the constellation.
Official Designation: Gamma Crucis
Traditional Name: Gacrux
Pronunciation: GAH-krucks
Like the other two stars, the name of this one is an abbreviation of its Greek letter and the name of the constellation. Unlike the others in this constellation, Gacrux is a red star. It marks the northernmost star in the cross.
Official Designation: Delta Crucis
This blue-white star marks the western arm of the cross. Unlike the other three stars that form the cross, this one has not been named. It is a variable star that has a slight change in brightness approximately every four hours.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Crux
Pagans and Wiccans should not shy away from this constellation because it is a symbol of Christianity. In other times, crossed lines represented the four directions and the four phases of the moon. It also served as a symbol of life and elemental energy. Use these associations to bring power to your rituals. Position the Crux star pattern on your altar so that your direction/element candles are in the spaces between the arms of the cross. Either before your ritual or prior to lighting the candles and calling in the directions, draw down the energy of Crux. Release it into your altar as you follow the pattern of the cross with your finger and say: “Crucis, Crucis, your pattern I trace; Bring your energy to this space; As I call the directions and deity; Shine brightly above, so mote it be.”
Because Crux also represents a crossroads, we can use the power of this constellation for support when we are at a turning point in our lives. Take a piece of paper and cut out a small cross with the arms wide enough to write a few words upon. On a starry night, spend a few minutes thinking about whatever crossroad or change you are facing, and then write a couple of keywords about it on the paper cross. Go outside, locate Crux, and hold the paper between your hands. Draw the star energy into the paper as you say: “From above, stars of Crux; Help me through this time of flux. Shine your light so I may see; The path ahead that’s best for me.” When you go back inside your house, place the paper cross under a candle on your altar. Leave it in place until change has occurred or your crossroad has been resolved.
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Hydra: The Water Snake/Symbol of the Goddess and Transformation
To Find: Locate the two bright stars that mark the front feet of Centaurus and draw an imaginary line north. The tail of Hydra is above Centaurus. The snake winds to the west and north. Look for the bright star Alphard and a compact group of stars to the northwest of Alphard that marks the head of Hydra.
It seems appropriate to have one of the most ancient symbols of the Great Mother Goddess, the snake, balancing the night sky in the spring (Hydrus) and the autumn (Hydra). Call on this constellation to represent the power of the Goddess for Mabon and Samhain rituals.
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Libra: The Scales/Balance and Justice
To Find: Locate the two bright stars that mark the front feet of Centaurus and draw an imaginary line to the northeast. Libra is the next constellation in that direction.
Representing weighing scales, Libra is a reminder that balance is important in our lives. The energy of this constellation fits well with autumn equinox rituals. We can call on Libra for aid in bringing our health and the energy of our homes into balance, too. Additionally, just as ancient people equated Libra with the goddesses of justice, we can call on the power of this constellation for support in legal matters or whenever we need to right a wrong.
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Virgo: The Virgin/Maiden and Mother Nurture the World
To Find: Locate the two bright stars that mark the front feet of Centaurus and draw an imaginary line north through Hydrus and Corvus. Virgo stretches above Corvus and Crater. Look for Spica, just above Corvus. It is the brightest star in Virgo and one of the brightest in the night sky.
In the Northern Hemisphere, Virgo represents the goddess of fertile soil and spring’s renewal. In the Southern Hemisphere, she is the lady of the harvest bringing abundance to our Mabon rituals. If you use wine in your celebrations, call on the Star of Bacchus, Vindemiatrix, to pour forth special blessings.
The Southern Winter Sky: June, July, August
Refer to chapter 5 for the particulars and history of winter constellations that were covered in the Northern Hemisphere.
Figure 8.9. The southern winter sky showing the two brightest stars.
Aquila: The Eagle/Power of the Sun
To Find: Locate the bright star Antares in Scorpius and draw an imaginary line east and slightly north. Look for the bright star Altair, which is the middle of three stars across the eagle’s back.
While the eagle embodies the spirit of summer in the north, here in the Southern Hemisphere it represents the return of the sun at winter solstice. Call on the power of Aquila for Yule as well as for honoring the powerful gods who are associated with the eagle.
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Ara: The Altar/Heavenly Sacred Space
To Find: Locate the bright star Antares in Scorpius. A line of stars that trail to the southeast delineate the scorpion’s tail. Ara is below the tail.
Ara serves as a reminder of the importance of an altar as a place to give thanks both indoors and out. An outdoor altar is a good place to leave food for birds or other animals to help them get through the winter. With the Latin meaning of ara being “a place of refuge and protection,” the energy of this constellation can be used to charge a protective talisman for your house or land.
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Capricornus: The Sea Goat/Horned One of Abundance
To Find: Locate the bright star Antares in Scorpius. Capricornus is east on the other side of Sagittarius.
Linked with Pan and, quite naturally, the Horned God, call on Capricornus to celebrate him at Yule. In addition, because Capricornus is associated with the horn of plenty, call on him for abundance through the winter months or to boost prosperity spells.
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Corona Australis: The Southern Crown/Heavenly Heart
Pronunciations: Corona Australis (cuh-ROE-nuh awe-STRAL-iss);
Coronae Australis (cuh-ROE-nee awe-STRAL-iss)
Visible Latitudes: 40° North to 90° South
Constellation Abbreviation: CrA
Bordering Constellations: Ara, Sagittarius, Scorpius
Description: The stars form a graceful semicircle.
To Find: Locate the bright star Antares in Scorpius. A line of stars that trail to the southeast delineate the scorpion’s tail. Continue that line to the southeast between Sagittarius and Ara to Corona Australis.
The name Corona Australis is Latin for “the southern crown,” as opposed to the northern constellation of Corona Borealis, which means “the northern crown.” This constellation is sometimes called Corona Austrina. Located near the front feet of Sagittarius, it was formerly known as Corona Sagittarii, “the crown of Sagittarius.” Instead of a jeweled crown, the ancient Greeks regarded this constellation as the type of laurel wreath used to bestow honors on athletes and other people of talent. In addition, Corona Australis is sometimes associated with Semele, the mother of Dionysus, and commemorates his rescue of her from the underworld.
Ptolemy equated the energy of this constellation with Saturn and Jupiter.
Notable Stars in Corona Australis
Official Designation: Alpha Coronae Australis
Traditional Name: Alphecca Meridiana
Pronunciation: al-FECK-ah mer-ID-ee-ah-nah
This white star is located in the upper left of the semicircle and in between two of the other brightest stars (beta and gamma). Its traditional name is a mix of languages. Alphecca, which is also the name of the alpha star in Corona Borealis, comes from Arabic and means “break” or “broken,” referring to the open or broken circle of stars that form the constellation. Meridiana is Latin and means both “south” and “midday.” In this case, it means “south” to distinguish this star from its northern counterpart.
Figure 8.10. Corona Australis is the celestial heart that represents the power of love.
Official Designation: Beta Coronae Australis
Although this orange star rivals Alphecca Meridiana in brightness, it does not have a traditional name. It occupies the lower position in the trio of bright stars.
Official Designation: Gamma Coronae Australis
Gamma is a yellow-white binary star positioned at the top of the three bright stars. It does not have a traditional name.
Magical Interpretations and Uses for Corona Australis
Although Corona Australis is described as a semicircle, its star pattern resembles half of a heart. Use imagination and intention to create the other half, making it whole. Located at the core of the body, the heart is considered as the center of emotions. In many traditional cultures and religions, it is also the sacred center of being and spirit. The heart is the everlasting symbol of love, and as such, the energy of this constellation can aid in sparking love.
Prepare a red, pink, or white candle with jasmine or rose oil. Light the candle and then lay out the Corona Australis star pattern using red agate, garnet, pink jasper, or red tourmaline creating half a heart. Draw down the energy of the constellation. Use your finger to trace the other half of the heart three times as you say, filling in the blank with the other person’s name: “Corona Australis, crown like a heart; How can I give this love a start? If this relationship is to be; May it blossom for ____ and me.” End by drawing a circle with your finger around the gemstones.
Because the word “crown” is in the name of this constellation, like Corona Borealis we can consider this symbolism. Refer to chapter 4 for details on Corona Borealis.
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Lupus: The Wolf/Spirit Guide
To Find: Locate the red star Antares, which marks the heart of Scorpius. Lupus is to the south and slightly west.
The wolf is a symbol of community, loyalty, protection, and spirit. It also represents freedom and the power of the wilderness as well as discipline and the power of the group. The wolf is a spirit animal and a powerful ally for psychic and shamanic work. If a wolf presents itself during astral travel, it will be your guide and guardian. The Lupus constellation can help you call on the power of the wolf for these and other endeavors.
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Ophiuchus and Serpens: The Serpent Bearer and the Serpent/Harmonic Energy
To Find: Locate Antares in Scorpius and Ophiuchus is just to the north. The triangle of stars to the northwest marks the head of Serpens.
These constellations can be instrumental in activating Kundalini energy, which is described as a sleeping serpent coiled around the first chakra at the base of the spine. When this energy is activated, it rises through two energy channels that weave back and forth across a central path along the spine. Working with these channels and the energy of these constellations can help us generate powerful personal energy for ritual and magic as well as healing.
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Sagittarius: The Archer/Wildness of Nature
To Find: Locate Antares in Scorpius. Sagittarius is directly east of Scorpius.
Centaurs symbolize male virility, stallion energy, and sexuality in general. They epitomize sensuality and aid in developing comfortable awareness of the physical body. Although the visualization in chapter 5 was written for the summer season, it can be adapted for any time of year. Sagittarius also serves as a reminder to aim high and put our talents out for all to see. When making changes in your life, call on the energy of this constellation for aid in targeting and reaching your goals.
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Scorpius: The Scorpion/Death Wielder and Protector
To Find: Locate Antares, which marks the heart of this scorpion. A line of stars that trail to the southeast delineate its tail. Scorpius is west of Sagittarius.
Although the scorpion has had negative connotations, in some cultures it was a symbol of protection. This constellation can aid in attracting good luck and repelling negativity. Scorpius also helps us embrace the dark, the place of incubation for creativity, spirituality, transformation, and clairvoyance. Let Scorpius give your efforts a boost when engaging in activities to explore deeper aspects of the self and/or develop psychic abilities.