Try one of these easy dog food recipes and watch your pup smile.
250g minced meat, stir-fried in 1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 boiled eggs, chopped
150g cooked plain oatmeal
125g puréed green beans
125g puréed carrots
2 tbsp cottage cheese
Instructions Combine all ingredients and shape into ‘hamburgers’. Serve at room temperature.
250g boiled chicken, chopped
12g cooked brown rice
125g boiled mixed vegetables
3 to 4 tbsp unsalted chicken stock
Instructions Stir together and serve at room temperature.
1 (see page 250)
600g whole wheat flour
60g white flour
60g oatmeal
1¼ tbsp baking powder
1 tbsp honey
250g peanut butter
250ml milk
Instructions Combine flour, oatmeal and baking powder. Combine milk, peanut butter and honey in a separate bowl and mix well. Stir peanut butter mixture into flour/oatmeal mixture. Knead dough and roll out on floured surface to one centimetre thickness. Cut out treats using a cookie cutter. Place on aluminium foil on a baking sheet and bake in a 200 degree oven (gas mark 6) for approximately 15 minutes.