Afghan constitution, 5
Afghan Independent Journalists Association, 69
Afghan Women’s Educational Center, 78, 80
Afghan Women’s Network, 60
Afghan Women’s Organization
Afghani, Jamila
and Noor Education Centre, 61, 62–63
pregnancy, 66
relationship with family, 66–67
aid to, 34
alcoholic beverages in, 250
Canadian troops in, 253
culture of, 251
demographics, 259
effect of changes on, 65
election, 2005, 58
infrastructure improvements, 153
literacy in, 49
restoring arts and culture, 185–92
Soviet withdrawal, 35
treatment of women, 28
troops in, 34
world development index ranking, 48–49
world perception of, 185
Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), 6, 17, 28, 33–34, 45, 55, 92, 168, 200, 208, 215
Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, 156
Ahadgar, Mahooba, 6
Ahady, Anwar ul-Haq, 246
Aksich, Madeline-Ann, 115
Al Jazeera, 42
al Qaeda
and Pakistan, 36
alcoholic beverages, 250
Alexander, Christopher, 39–46, 152, 161, 162, 171
Ali, Cheragh, 197
al-Zawahri, Ayman, 36
Amaaj, Shokiba Sanga, 69
Amanullah, King, 86
Anjoman, Nadia, 96
Annisa (burn victim), 84, 97, 105
Anwari, Hangama, 155, 163, 168
Anwary, Fatima, 223
Arbour, Louise, 31–32, 209, 210, 213, 214
Arbuthnot, Felicity, 109
arts and culture
Ayobi, Sayed Habib, 122–24, 125
bad, 8, 87–90, 88–89, 90, 92, 95, 105, 165
Bano, Husah, 79
Barakzai, Shukria, 100
beatings. See also violence and miscarriages, 96
Bellan, Susan, 224–25, 227, 232
bin Laden, Osama, 2, 35, 130, 157, 171, 218
Bolah, Om, 128
Bonino, Emma, 9
Brahimi, Lakhdar, 36
Breaking Bread for Women in Afghanistan, 225, 226–27, 229, 231, 232, 238
Brunet, Ariane, 9, 30, 97, 98, 101, 225
Buddhas (Bamiyan region), 145–46
Building Bridges, 113–14 and education, 116–17
burkas, 24, 58, 81, 124, 125, 132–33, 139, 142, 179, 185, 217, 249
burning. See also violence of women, 84, 94
“Call for Justice, A,” 55, 209–11
Callwood, June, 193
Campey, John, 117
and NATO in Afghanistan, 37–39
role in Afghanistan, 33–34, 37–39, 40, 45, 56
troops in Afghanistan, 253
Canadian Federation of Medical Students, 194
Canadian forces and medical library, 195–97
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 48–54, 98, 101
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, 70
Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan. See CW4WAfghan
Canadian Women’s Foundation, 131, 132
Caritas, 109
Centre for International
Governance Innovation, 176
Centre for Traditional Afghan Arts and Architecture, 189, 192
Ceric, Ismet, 114
Charles, Prince of Wales, 186, 188, 189
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 26
Chatelaine (magazine), 140, 225
child marriages, 84
ambitions, 112
care of parentless, 231
education of, 111–12, 116–17, 261–62
literacy, 112
Children and War Foundation, 110–11
CIDA. See Canadian International Development Agency
Coalition on Women’s Human Rights in Conflict Situations, 30
Commission for Anti-social Behaviour and Counter-narcotics, 252
Committee to Protect Journalists, 69, 70
community development councils, 50–51
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 169
corruption, 41, 44, 55, 250–51
Côté, Andrée, 25
in Kabul, 44
Criminal Code (Canada), 26
CW4WAfghan, 8, 10, 61–62, 112, 197, 225, 227, 237, 238, 239
Dibah (prison inmate), 117–18, 119
Dietz, Bob, 70
Directorate of Local Governance, 47
disputes settling, 87–90, 88–89
divorce, 118
drug trade, 43, 149. See also poppy trade
of boys, 143
challenges for schools, 228
of children, 111–12, 117, 134–35, 150
corporal punishment and, 235
council of parents, 235
enrolment rates, 233–34, 242, 261–62
of girls, 7, 124, 142, 175, 218, 226, 227, 230, 232, 241–42
job training programs, 50
madrassa schools, 236
of men, 100
promotion by Samar, 229–30, 232
and Taliban, 242
university level, 242
Eisenhauer, Janice, 8, 61, 62, 225, 230, 232, 237, 238, 239
elections 2005, 58
women in, 5
employment for women, 218
engineering library restoration, 197–98
Esteqlal Hospital, 83–84, 94, 97
Excel-erate Education, 237
disputes in, 25
fundamentalist view of, 21
honour, 21
and sharia law, 25
women’s role in, 21
family law, 163. See also tribal
benefits of reform, 104
Fariba (disappeared teen), 88
Feminist Majority Foundation, 9
food lack of, 49
foreigners antipathy to, 200
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 25
Gah, Shirkat, 9
Gailani, Pir Sayyid Ahmad, 245
Genghis Khan, 189
God’s Terrorists (book), 35
corruption in Afghanistan, 55
Gozar, Amanullah, 212
Graham, Bill, 207
Grameen Bank, 23
Gulf War, 109
Hamidi, Farid, 215
Haneefi, Najia, 59
awards to, 80
background, 75
career, 78
character, 77
education, 76
threats against, 81
and vice-and-virtue department, 78–80
Hasan, Palwasha, 98, 99–101, 102–3, 104–5
Hazaras, 146, 147, 148, 150, 171–72
immunization campaigns, 262–63
maternal, 263
of women, 7
Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin, 246
Hennen, Brian, 193
Hulusic, Belma, 117
Afghan view of, 152
in Afghanistan, 45–46, 97–99, 208–15
classes in, 100
and education, 98
radio programs on, 175
UN commission, 209
and victims of violence, 30
Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium, 170
Human Rights Watch, 215
ICI. See International Children’s Institute
illiteracy. See literacy
immigration, 136
immolation. See burning, self-immolation
IMPACS. See Institute for Media, Policy, and Civil Society
Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan (Manley report), 38
India, 120
infant mortality, 49
Institute for Media, Policy, and Civil Society (IMPACS), 71, 72, 76, 176
Institute of Orthopaedics, 132
Institute of War and Peace Reporting, 72
Integrity Watch, 250
International Assistance Force in Afghanistan (ISAF), 48
International Children’s Institute (ICI), 115
International Crisis Group, 158
International Development Research Centre, 160
International Monetary Fund, 23
International Press Freedom Award, 70
International Service Award for Women’s Human Rights, 80
Internews Europe, 176
and anti-woman doctrines, 229
and bad, 95
customs of, 85
and extremists, 229
interpretation of, 101
treatment of women, 27
Jahingar, Asma, 209
Jalal, Masooda, 180
Jamiat-e-Islami, 207
Jeanne Sauvé Foundation, 173
jihadist movement, 35
John Humphrey Freedom Award, 206
Joint Task Force Two, 130
as career for women, 175
violence against, 68, 69–70, 73
women as, 74
justice issues
changes in, 54
crime in, 44
living conditions, 44
population makeup, 44
riot, 44
Kabul Children’s Centre, 230
Kabul Medical Library Project, 194
Kakr, Fazal Dhani, 64, 65–66, 67
Karzai, Hamid, 39, 44, 46, 53, 55, 58, 78, 92, 131, 170, 171, 175, 186, 189, 200, 207, 209, 212, 214, 215, 236, 250
Keilburger, Craig, 149
Khan, Ismail, 99, 174, 175, 177, 232
Khane, Murad, 187, 189, 191, 192
Kler, Gurinder, 197
Kroeker, Nancy, 225
Kujath, Magda, 194
Lewis, Stephen. See violence
destruction by Taliban, 193
restoration of engineering, 197–98
restoration of medical, 193–97
Lima (orphan). See Amiri, Lima
in Afghanistan, 49
of children, 112
Little Women for Little Women in Afghanistan, 10, 241
to women, 50
Login Brothers Canada, 196
L’Oreal, 132
magazine publishing, 100
mahar, 19
maharam, 163
Mahfouz, Mohammed, 191
Mai, Mukhtar, 23
importance of, 166
Manley, John, 38
Manley report, 38
marriage practices and customs, 17–22, 28, 89, 90–91, 93, 101, 105, 144
child marriages, 84
Marzia (clinic patient), 124, 171
maternal mortality, 49
McElhone, Jane, 71–72, 73, 76–77, 78, 81, 99, 176, 177
McLachlin, Beverley, 119
McPhedran, Marilou, 26, 157, 224, 225
medical care. See also health for women, 205
medical library restoration of, 193–97
Meshrano Jirga, 5
micro-credit programs, 50
Ministry of the Interior, 41
Ministry of Women’s Affairs, 5, 58, 79, 118, 137, 150, 157, 179, 224
miscarriages and beatings, 96
Mohammadi, Mary, 99
mortality rates, 50
children, 123
maternity, 123
power of, 104
Muqimyar, Robina, 6
Musadiq, Horia, 170–71, 172–73
Naibi, Mohammad Yousaf, 228
Nairobi Declaration, 29–30, 31
Naseeb, Nafisa, 100
National Association of Women and the Law, 25
NATO in Afghanistan, 37–39, 442
Nawabi, Ghullam Habib, 16
Need for Islam, The (book), 167
Nekzad, Farida, 59
attacks on, 68
marriage, 69
press freedom award, 70
Niazi, Wassay, 196
Noor Education Centre, 60, 61, 62, 65
North-South Institute, 23
Norway Serena Hotel attack, 199–202
Noury, Manouchehr Saadat, 15
Oates, Lauryn, 239
Omar, Mariam, 196
Omar, Mullah Mohammed, 35, 36, 47, 146
Ontario sharia law in, 25
Open Society Institute, 73
Pajhwok News, 72
and al Qaeda, 36
and drug trade, 149
intelligence agency, 159
support for Taliban, 35
and Taliban, 41–42, 47, 58, 200
treatment of women, 23
Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence agency, 159
gender as voting bloc, 156, 160, 161
Pearson, Allan, 115
Peter M. Goodrich Memorial Foundation, 134
Places in Between,The (book),187
Platform for Citizen Initiative in Truth and Justice, A, 213
Podmorow, Alaina, 10, 238, 240–41
politics and women, 5–6, 21, 100, 152–63
Popal, Jalali, 47
post-traumatic stress disorder, 114
and rape, 21
Prince’s School of Traditional Arts, 186
Pul-e-Charkhi, 159
Profile in Courage Award, 220
publishing, 100
Pul-e-Charkhi prison, 159
Qanooni (minister), 41
Quebec treatment of women, 27
radio broadcasting, 76, 77, 99–100, 175–77
Radio Peace, 69
Radio Rabbia Balki, 77
Rajani, Aly-Khan, 49
Rapchuk, Janis, 197
rape. See also violence
as dispute settlement, 84
and power, 21
as punishment, 23
as war crime, 22
as weapon of war, 31
Razayee, Friba, 6
Reform of Family Law, 101
religion. See also Islam and status of women, 22
Responsive Fund for the Advancement of Women, 160
Rezayee, Shaima, 69
Rights and Democracy (Montreal), 8–9, 30, 97, 206, 225
Roqia Center for Rights, Studies, and Education, 51
Russia. See Soviet Union
Sadiq, Faisia, 118
Sadiqi, Safia, 152, 157–58, 159
Sagheb, Sabrina, 152, 153–57, 159, 160
Samander, Rahimullah, 69
Samar, Rauf, 203
Samar, Sima, 79, 80, 104, 157, 169, 171, 179, 180, 241, 242, 249, 255
and Breaking Bread initiative, 229
education for girls, 7
fatwah against, 207
and human rights commission, 6, 208–15
and promotion of education, 229–30, 232
on reopening of schools, 224
on violence against women, 91
Samar, Tamanna, 202
Saudi Arabia
support for Taliban, 35
schools. See also education
attacks against, 229
challenges of running, 228
madrassa, 236
Shuhada, 222, 226, 229, 230, 233
self-immolation, 94, 95–96. See also burning Senlis Council, 49, 50, 253
September 11, 2001, 2, 9, 36, 114, 115, 126, 135, 141, 223, 255
Serena Hotel attack, 199–204, 217, 218, 248
and women’s rights, 26
sexual violence. See violence Shah, King Zahir, 86, 159, 246
Shaheed, Farida, 9
sharia law, 9, 19, 24–25, 28, 45, 87, 206–7
Sharifa (mother of six), 128–36
Shear, Miriam, 27
Shinwari, Fazl Hadi, 78, 119, 152, 207
Shuhada Bosaid School, 226
Shuhada School, 222, 229, 230, 233
Sobhrang, Soraya Rahim, 168–70
Somerville, Margaret, 9
South Asia Free Media Association, 75
Soviet Union
attitude to Afghan ways, 52
and Herat, 174
occupation and women’s life, 86
withdrawal from Afghanistan, 35
Stewart, Rory, 186–90, 192, 218
in Afghanistan, 6
Sultani, Abdul Ghafoori, 220
Sultani, Homa, 17, 18, 19, 20, 95–97, 103–4
treatment of women, 26
Swaziland Positive Living, 26–27
and 2005 election, 58
after Soviet occupation, 86
and al Qaeda, 9–10, 35–36, 228
attacks on villages, 138
destruction of Buddhas, 145–47
destruction of libraries, 193
drug trafficking and, 43
effects of, 65
focus of, 34
growth of, 39
news fabrication, 42
opinion of women, 76
protection of, 143
restrictions on broadcasting, 75
restrictions on footwear, 129
rule of, 141
supporters of, 141
treatment of women, 24, 132–33
violence of, 179, 180, 193, 228–29
Tapper, Jason, 194
tribal law
purpose, 85
recommendations for changes to, 91–92
Truth and Justice Commission (Afghanistan), 31
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (South Africa), 31
Tunisia, 168
Turquoise Mountain Foundation, 185–86, 188, 189–90, 191, 218
UNESCO World Heritage site, 146
UNICEF Canada, 119
United Nations role in Afghanistan, 39–48
United Nations Development Fund for Women, 159
United Nations Development Program, 162
United Nations Human Rights Commission, 209
University of Manitoba, 193, 194
Urgent Action Fund, 30
vice-and-virtue department, 78–80
burn victims, 84
family, 169
against journalists, 68, 69–70, 73
of Taliban, 179, 180, 193, 228–29
against women, 58, 63, 73, 84, 86–87, 91, 96–97, 218, 254–55
virginity, 99
Walizada, Shakilla, 94
Walker, Carl, 197
effect on children, 107–11, 113, 116–17
trauma therapy for children, 111, 113, 115
war crimes, 22, 161, 170, 171–72
warlords, 54–55, 149, 152, 172, 177, 246
power of, 108
WCLRF. See Women and Children Legal Research Foundation
Whab, Hamza Salahuddin, 65
Wolesi Jirga, 5. See also parliament
Womankind Worldwide, 254
as chattels, 89
and education, 93, 98–100, 180
effect of religion on, 22
employment, 218
in journalism, 175
lack of education, 91
maternal health, 263
medical care for, 205
in Pakistan, 23
place in family, 93
political activity, 21
and relationship with husband, 93
as sacrifices, 88
in Saudi Arabia, 24
and Soviet occupation, 86
Women and Children Legal Research Foundation (WCLRF), 84–85, 86–91, 101, 164
Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML), 9, 102, 163
Women’s Mirror (magazine), 100
women’s movement
Women’s Parliamentary Resource Centre, 159
Women’s Political Participation Committee, 79
women’s rights, 45, 46, 55, 90–91, 170–71, 254
importance of in Afghanistan, 51–52
and sex, 26
Women’s Rights in Afghanistan Fund, 97–98, 101, 102
Wordsworth, Anna, 156
world development index, 48–49
World Health Organization, 120
Wright, Ellen, 49
Writers’ Development Trust, 225
Yaqubi, Ahmed Ali, 203
Yassin, Commander, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142–43, 144
Yosufi, Habiba, 226
Zvizdic, Edina, 113