The suicide doesn’t go alone, he takes everybody with him.
William Maxwell
This is not my book alone. It could not have been written without the contributions of my father, my aunt, my stepmother, and other members of my family, and of Hannah’s friends and colleagues, who so generously dug up old memories, photographs, diaries, letters. Some are mentioned in these pages; others, not. I owe a great debt of gratitude to all of them.
Carmen Callil and Joan Aleshire read earlier drafts and gave invaluable advice. Clare Alexander, wise and never wavering, did the same and much more. Philip Gwyn Jones, Molly Slight, Sarah Braybrooke, and Henry Rosenbloom guided me on the final steps.
Henry Singer gave friendship.
Rafi Gavron responded from the heart.
Leah and Mima Gavron grew up with this book and never complained, always understood. Leah helped me see the ending.
Judy Henry helped me see. In you I do.