Sources and Bibliography


Aughton, J., Liverpool: A People’s History, Carnegie Press, Liverpool, 1990

Baker, J H., An Introduction to English Legal History, Butterworth, London, 2002

Benson, John, The Working Class in Britain 1850–1939, Longman, London, 1989

Birkinhead, second Lord of, F E: The Life of the First Lord Birkenhead, Eyre and Spottiswoode, London, 1960

Bombers Over Merseyside, Liverpool Daily Post and Echo, 1943

Brabin, Angela, The Black Widows of Liverpool, Palatine, Lancaster, 2003

Campbell, Christy, Fenian Fire: The British Government Plot to Assassinate Queen Victoria, HarperCollins, 2003

Criminal Appeal Records, Sweet and Maxwell, annual (various volumes)

Davenport-Hines, Richard, The Pursuit of Oblivion, Phoenix, London, 2004

Eddleston, John J., The Encyclopaedia of Executions, Blake, London, 2002

Emsley, Clive, Crime and Society in England, 1750–1900, Longmans, London, 1996

Evans, Stewart P., Executioner: The Chronicles of James Berry, Victorian Hangman, Sutton, Stroud, 2004

Fielding, Steve, The Hangman’s Record, 1868–1899, Chancery House, London, 1994

Forwood, William B., Recollections of a Busy Life, Henry Young, Liverpool, 1910

Fraser, Frankie, Mad Frank’s Britain, Virgin, London, 2003

Ffrench, Yvonne, News from the Past 1805–1887, The autobiography of the Nineteenth Century, Gollancz, London, 1946

Guide to Liverpool, 1902, Littlebury Brothers, Liverpool, 1902

Goodman, Jonathan (Ed.) True Crime, Paragon, London, 1999

Hale, Leslie, Hanged in Error, Penguin, London, 1961

Hawkins, Henry, Reminiscences, Nelson, London, 1904

Humphries, Steve and Gordon, Pamela, Forbidden Britain 1900–1960 BBC, London, 1994

Isaacs, R., Rufus Isaacs: First Marquess of Reading, Hutchinson, London, 1942

Jones, D Caradog, The Social Survey of Merseyside, Vol. One, Hodder & Stoughton/University of Liverpool Press, 1934

Kilvert, Francis, Kilvert’s Diary, 1870–1879, Cape, London, 1944

Lane, Brian, The Encyclopaedia of Forensic Science, Headline, London, 1992

Marriner, Brian, Murder with Venom, Pan, London, 2003

Melville, Herman, Redburn (1849) The Modern Library, New York, 2002

Midwinter, Eric, Old Liverpool, David and Charles, London, 1971

Nield, Basil, Farewell to the Assizes, Garnstone Press, London, 1972

O’Mara, Pat, The Autobiography of a Liverpool Slummy, Bluecoat Press, Liverpool, 1994

Pierrepoint, Albert, Executioner: Pierrepoint, Coronet, London, 1974

Porter, Roy, Madness, A Brief History, Oxford, 2002

Powell, Vincent, The Legal Companion, Robson Books, London, 2005

Slemen, Tom, Wicked Liverpool, Bluecoat Press, Liverpool, 2001

Smith, J F., Liverpool, Past, Present, Future, Northern Publishing Co., Liverpool, 1948

Stallion, Martin and Wall, David S., The British Police 1829–2000, Police History Society, Hook, 1999

Sugden, Philip, The Complete History of Jack the Ripper, Robinson, London, 2002

Thomas, Donald, An Underworld at War: spivs, deserters, racketeers and civilians In the Second World War. John Murray, London, 2003

Tibballs, Geoff, The Murder Guide to Great Britain, Boxtree, London, 1994

Tobias, J J., Crime and Industrial Society in the Nineteenth Century, Penguin, London, 1967

Trzebinski, Errol, The Life and Death of Lord Erroll, Fourth Estate, London, 2001

Veale, F J P., The Wallace Case, Clifford Elmer Books, Cheadle Hulme, 2005

(First published in 1950 by The Merrymeade Publishing Company, Brighton.)

Whittington-Egan, Richard, Liverpool Colonnade, Philip, Son and Nephew, Liverpool, 1955

Winder, Robert, Bloody Foreigners, The Story of Immigration to Britain, Abacus, 2004

Periodicals and Newspapers

The Gentleman’s Magazine

History Today

Journal of the Police History Society

The Illustrated London News

Journal of Social History

Liverpool Chronicle

Liverpool Mercury

Morning Advertiser

Police Journal

Police News


The Times Digital Archive

True Crime Magazine

Audio-Visual Materials/Hypertext

The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon, BBC DVD



The Ultimate Price CD ROM from Paul Williams