~ Epilogue ~


TOO LATE, JAZZ realized she could have avoided the deep plunge into the frigid, swirling stream. She could have hovered before she broke water.

However, suddenly she found herself caught up in a human moment.

As the rushing stream pulled her along, she found herself tossed and flung about. She hit a few smooth, algae-covered rocks as the raging river took her downstream.

The current was strong, and she was temporarily confused; however, as the water’s force began to ebb and she felt the current’s pull lighten up, she realized she could jump shift out of the river and find some dry land.

She swam for a few moments as she tried to regain her senses and saw a grassy slope up ahead. With something of an effort, she jump shifted, landed on her butt, and stayed there as she recovered from the experience.

She knew that she had, somewhere in her new mind, the skill to blink her clothes and shoes dry, but just as she tried concentrating on this, something else caught her attention.

She cocked her head as she watched the water in the middle of the narrow river begin to part. “Huh,” she said out loud.

She froze in place for a fraction of a minute as she watched a red, horny, glaring thing that looked much like a prehistoric creature rise partially out of the river. Then she saw the little arms and then the talons—it was an oversized prehistoric raptor!

Its pin-like eyes took a sweeping gaze of the surroundings. Those eyes were cold, and suddenly its gaze was directly on her. It was as though it smelled her presence. It was as though she could hear its tiny brain say ‘food’, just as she watched it take a flying leap.

It was no more than ten feet from her.

She didn’t wait for more; she jump shifted.

However, in her panic she did not calculate where she was jumping to, and she hit a tree with a force that left her on her butt.

At her back, she could hear its thunderous clumping over brush and small trees, so she jump shifted again. It still came at her. She wasn’t getting far enough away!

Okay, she told herself, Hover—hover high!

She was pleased with herself when she accomplished this and found that she was well out of its reach. Then a swooshing sound through the tree tops caught her attention.

The next thing she knew, she was dangling in the air, flying, held in the talons of what looked like a prehistoric and a hairless vulture the size of a Cessna plane!

So not good,” she told no one in particular.


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