How to do it...

  1. In your web browser, navigate to and log in with your Azure DevOps account.
  2. Open the televisionShow project.
  3. In the bottom-left corner of the screen, click Project settings | Agent Pools.
  4. In the top-right corner of the screen, click Add pool.
  1. Select New, and populate televisionShow-local for the agent pool name:

Make sure to enable Grant access permission to all pipelines so that all pipelines can use the new agent pool.
When pipeline agents are installed, they are assigned to an agent pool. This helps you in that you do not have to administer the agents individually. Agent pools can be shared across all the Azure DevOps projects.
  1. Click Create.
  2. In the list of available agent pools, click the one you just created (televisionShow-local):

  1. Click New agent:

  1. Make sure that Windows | x64 is selected, and then click Download. Save the file (do not open it or rename it) to your default download folder:

While we're performing this on a Windows machine, notice that there are also agents available for macOS and Linux!
  1. Now, we will create the agent on your local machine. Open the PowerShell console.
You must open the PowerShell console in administrator mode.
  1. Enter the following command and press Enter:
cd c:\
  1. Enter the following command and press Enter:
mkdir agent ; cd agent
  1. Enter the following command and press Enter:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem ; [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("$HOME\Downloads\", "$PWD")
The filename and location should match what you downloaded in Step 9. You may need to update the preceding code to reflect that before you can run it.
  1. In the PowerShell console window, type in the following command and press Enter to configure the pipeline agent:
  1. Enter the URL for your Azure DevOps system and press Enter; for example,<yourOrganization>.
  1. Press Enter to accept the Personal Access Token (PAT) as the authentication method.
  2. Enter the token that you generated prior to starting this recipe, and then press Enter.
  3. Enter the following name for the agent pool, and then press Enter:
  1. Press Enter to accept the default agent name.
  2. Press Enter to accept the default work folder.
  3. Press Y to run the agent as a service, and then press Enter to move to the next step.
  4. Enter in the account that the agent service should run under and press Enter.
This account must be a local administrator on the machine!

Upon successful completion, you should see a message similar to this:

  1. Close the PowerShell console.
  2. In Azure DevOps, close the Get the agent window and click the Agents tab. You should now see your new pipeline agent, which is similar to the following:

Any time that there is an update in the pipeline agents, you can come to this screen and press Update all agents to have all of the agents in the pool updated.