How to do it...

  1. Let's create a simple scenario of releasing a sales order:
    1. Open your browser and log in to your development sandbox.
    2. Go to the Sales Orders page and click on any order to open it.
    3. In the ribbon, click on Release | Reopen to open the order:
      • Alternatively, you can create a new order, but do not release it.

Do not close the Sales Order page or the web browser tab!

  1. Open your AL project folder in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette and type or select AL: Open Events Recorder. Your web browser will open a new tab. Once you log in to your sandbox, you will see the Event Recorder page, as follows:

  1. On the Event Recorder page, click on Record Events | Start, and select Yes to begin recording events.

Do not close the Event Recorder page or the browser tab!

  1. Now, let's perform the process for the events we want to record:
    1. Switch back to the original browser tab with the open sales order.
    2. On the ribbon, click on Release | Release to release the order.
  1. Now, let's see what events were fired during that process:
    1. Switch back to the browser tab with the Event Recorder page.
    2. Click on Record Events | Stop, and select Yes to view the events that were fired.

Results may vary, but you should see something similar to this screenshot:

This is a listing of the order in which events were fired during the release of a sales order.