Partnerships for Change: A Directory of Organizations

The following organizations are working for positive change in the world. Many of them can use volunteer help, most can use donations, and many supply information and support for action in local communities. The list is only a sampler; once you begin to investigate, you will find many more. Some organizations mentioned in this book are also listed here.


AIDS Action Committee
131 Clarendon Street
Boston, MA 02116

Confidential AIDS information and referrals for the Boston area. Brochures on specific issues

AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power-New York (ACT UP)
135 West 29th Street
New York, NY 10011

Chicago House and Social Service Agency, Inc.
P.O. Box 14728
Chicago, IL 60614

“A special place to call home in a time of need” Provides housing and helps coordinate social services for people with AIDS

U S Department of Health and Human Services Hotline 800-342-2437

A source of information and names of organizations in your area


Equal Exchange
101 Tosca Drive
Stoughton, MA 02072

A food importer trading directly with small-scale farmers in Nicaragua, Peru, and Mexico.

Friends of the Third World, Inc
611 West Wayne Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46802-2125

A strong supporter of alternative trade. Helps other groups start their own stores; publishes catalog of books, crafts, and food (wholesale and retail).

Pueblo to People
P.? Box 2545
Houston, TX 77252-2545

Publisher of a full-color catalog Supports Latin American cooperatives that not only need income but are working for social impact.


Council for Responsible Genetics
5 Upland Road, Suite 3
Cambridge, MA 02140 617-868-0870

An information source that helps organize state conferences on biotechnology and publishes GeneWatch.

P O Box 5176
Missoula, MT 59806

“No compromise in defense of Mother Earth!” Monitors Forest Service proposals and devises alternative wilderness plans Uses guerrilla theater, nonviolent civil disobedience, and “monkey-wrenching ”

Earth Island Institute
300 Broadway, Suite 28
San Francisco, CA 94133

Sponsor, supporter, and coordinator of projects ranging from Japan Environmental Exchange to the Rainforest Health Alliance Publishes Earth Island Journal, with “What You Can Do” ideas.

Greenpeace USA
1436 U Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009

An action group that attends to a wide range of environmental concerns, from whales and clean air to toxic waste and global warming.

Mothers and Others for a Livable Planet
Natural Resources Defense Council
40 West Twentieth Street
New York, NY 10011

A source of information on how families can work for solutions to environmental problems. Publishes the quarterly newsletter tlc

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
40 West Twentieth Street
New York, NY 10168

A center that combines legal action, citizen education, and scientific research to protect the environment

Rainforest Action Network
450 Sansome, Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94111

A network that works nationally and internationally to protect the world’s rain forests Publishes fact sheets, Action Alert, and World Rainforest Report.

Sierra Club
730 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109

A broad-based 100-year-old group that plans outings, sponsors educational campaigns, and is active in environmental advocacy Many publications


Community for Creative Non-Violence
425 Second Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001-2037

A provider of direct service to the homeless, public education, and political activism Mitch Snyder’s legacy.

Daily Bread
2447 Prince St.
Oakland, CA 94705

A volunteer food distribution network in Berkeley/Oakland Provides information on creating such networks, starting garden projects, and so on.

Greyston Family Inn
114 Woodworth Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10701

A source of permanent housing and support services for the reintegration of homeless families in their old neighborhoods Provides job training through the Greyston Bakery

Hunger Hotline
11 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108

A source of information on where to get fed in the Boston area

The Learning Tree
98 Wellington Street
Springfield, MA 01109

An alternative learning environment for inner-city youth that also provides meals and housing

National Coalition for the Homeless
1612 ? Street, NW, Suite 1004
Washington, DC 20009

An advocacy group involved in research, education, legislative advocacy, and litigation


Educators for Social Responsibility
23 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

A national membership organization that offers curricula and professional development addressing the controversies related to the nuclear age, human rights, and citizens’ role in the global community

The Fellowship of Reconciliation
Box 271
Nyack, NY 10960

“To explore the power of love and truth for resolving human conflict … based on a commitment to achieving a just and peaceful world community, with full dignity and freedom for every human being” Counteracting anti-Arab stereotypes, offering humanitarian aid to war victims, alternative energy policy, and redirecting national priorities toward human needs

Learning Alliance
494 Broadway
New York, NY 10012

An educational organization that focuses on community and local issues and provides people with the tools needed for social and public policy change Current priorities include eco-philosophy, the future of cities, survival of Native Americans, violence and youth, herbal healing, the urban watershed, environmental justice, and fair trade Special events and workshops. Volunteer opportunities.

The Listening Project
Rural Southern Voice for Peace
1898 Hannah Branch Road
Burnsville, NC 28714

An empowerment process that trains activists in listening and better communication Provides training sessions and publishes a manual

Peace Development Fund
44 North Prospect Street
P O Box 270
Amherst, MA 01004

A supporter of locally based peace and social justice activities throughout the United States

20/20 Vision
30 Cottage Street
Amherst, MA 01002

A coordinator of local projects in which people give twenty minutes a month “to create a more secure world ”


American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102-1479

A cosponsor of summer community service projects with Mexican and other Latin American organizations Construction, gardening, child care, and arts and crafts projects for volunteers aged eighteen to twenty-six Spanish fluency essential There is a fee, and you are responsible for your own travel expenses

Center for Global Education
Augsburg College
731 Twenty-first Avenue, South
Minneapolis, MN 55454

A provider of travel seminars focusing on social justice concerns in Central America, Mexico, the Philippines, the Middle East, and southern Africa Also offers an undergraduate academic program in Cuernavaca, Mexico

P O Box 403
Watertown, MA 02272

An organization through which volunteers work with scientists
and scholars on research expeditions in thirty-seven countries

Habitat for Humanity
121 Habitat Street
Americus, GA 31709

A group that places volunteers on stipends for three-year periods
of construction and management in Asia, Latin America, Africa,
and the Pacific Islands Also short-term projects in North America
and Mexico

Institute for International Cooperation and Development
? ? Box 103
Williamstown, MA 01267

An organizer of a nine-month travel/study course in Central America
and Asia Also eleven- and twelve-month solidarity work
courses in Mozambique (reforestation), Angola (education), and
Nicaragua (construction)

The Jaguar Project
Seva Foundation
8 North San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA 94903

An accompaniment project that places volunteers in the new communities
of returned Mayan refugees in Guatemala to help deter
army violence

Marazul Tours, Inc
250 West Fifty-seventh Street, Suite 1311
New York, NY 10107

An organizer of study tours to Cuba, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico,
Nicaragua, and Puerto Rico.

Peace Brigades International-USA
2642 College Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704

A provider of nonviolent, nonpartisan peace teams in situations of
violent conflict around the world (Sri Lanka, El Salvador, Guatemala,
and so on)

Veterans-Vietnam Restoration Project
716 Locust Street, P.? Box 369
Garberville, CA 94440

A group that sends teams to Vietnam to work on construction
projects, build medical clinics, reconstruct orphanages, and restore


American Committee on Africa
198 Broadway
New York, NY 10038

A distributor of information on apartheid and U.S involvement
in it. Also sets up sister cities

American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102-1479

A national and international Quaker organization “putting the
power of love to work on behalf of those who need it most: the
poor, the hungry, the hopeless victims of violence, discrimination,
and injustice.”

Amnesty International
322 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10001

An organizational human rights organization that focuses on the
release of prisoners of conscience Individuals and local groups in
many areas write letters and do other advocacy work

Cultural Survival
46 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

A supporter of projects designed to help indigenous people survive

Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice
11 Madison Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5R 2S2

The best source for information on the debt crisis

International Indian Treaty Council
54 Mint Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103

An indigenous support organization; the international arm of the
American Indian Movement (AIM) Can refer to local organizations
in support of the rights of indigenous people

Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA)
1500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 241
Washington, DC 20005

A group whose work includes a rapid response network for human
rights violations, delegations to Guatemala, support for popular
movement, a campaign against U S. military aid, a project to
improve Guatemala media coverage, and so on

Oxfam America
26 West Street
Boston, MA 02111

A funder of self-help development and disaster relief in poor countries
Sponsors annual Fast for a World Harvest, which encourages
participation by communities throughout North America

Palestine Solidarity Committee
P O Box 94762
San Francisco, CA 94127

A group that works for Palestinian rights in the United States
through public education

Seva Foundation
8 North San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA 94903

An international development organization, working on blindness
in Nepal and India and grass-roots empowerment in Guatemala
In the United States, works with Native Americans and sponsors
retreats and conferences encouraging compassion in action.

World Neighbors
5116 North Portland Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

A people-to-people organization working to eliminate hunger,
disease, and poverty. Particularly interested in women in development


National Abortion Rights Action League
1101 14th Street, NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20005

The largest U S. organization working exclusively for the right to
legal abortion. Leadership workshops. Volunteer positions

National Women’s Political Caucus
1275 ? Street, NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20005

An organization committed to moving women into elected and
appointed office at all levels of government Advisory board includes
Bella Abzug, Coretta Scott King, and Gloria Steinem

Women, Spirit, and Social Action
Learning Alliance
494 Broadway
New York, NY 10012

A program within the Alliance committed to the awakening of
women’s wisdom and the exploration of its connection to social

change Offers workshops, retreats, and special events. Volunteer positions


City Year
11 Stillings Street
Boston, MA 02210

An “urban peace corps” that engages volunteers aged seventeen to
twenty-two for one year of service in inner-city Boston Projects
include urban gardens, day care, tutoring, violence prevention,
food banks, and senior care Also sponsors “City Year for a Day,”
engaging many people for one day of inner-city service.

Literacy Volunteers of America
5795 Widewaters Parkway
Syracuse, NY 13214-1846

An organization that includes 400 programs in forty-two states,
providing tutoring in reading and English as a second language.