I love sunrises and sunsets. At the time of this writing, I was a patient on the fifth floor in the hospital. I was awake early for devotion and witnessed a glorious sunrise (before the doctors and nurses started their rounds). The kind of sunrise appropriate for His return!

Is Today the Day? 

Is today the day He shall return

To take us up to heaven,

To take us from this evil world;

Fulfill the promise given?


At my first glimpse of sunrise,

Where horizon welcomes rays,

I ask Him as the sun ascends,

“Is today that day of days?”


Am I ready to meet my Lord today;

Stand before Him with the rest?

Is my life a finished work for Him?

Have I given Him my best?


Lord, help me please to keep in mind,

We know not when You’ll come,

But we must keep on striving

To be more like the Son.