Pride = Weakness
Humility = Strength
It’s a constant struggle—this sin of pride. Pride is a weakness that promotes a need to brag about accomplishments, express my opinion, justify my actions, and compare myself to others. All in an effort to feel better about myself.
All I really need to know is God loves me and knows every single one of my faults. He knows my accomplishments and failures; He knows my opinions, right or wrong; He knows the reasons I take certain actions; and He has no need to compare me to anyone else.
In essence, pride is a weakness on my part. A truly strong person is humble; has no need to brag; is aware that opinions are pointless; knows that actions do not need justification; and comparisons are worthless.
Lord, help me to be humble and strong in You.
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”
—Prov. 11:2 (NIV)