Your Servant 

Help me to be Your servant, Lord,

To do what You’d have me do.

Be helpful and kind, patient and caring;

I can do this only through You.


Your helping hand is always there

To assist when I am not strong.

Your kind words keep me from straying

When someone has done me wrong.


Your patience, oh You’re so patient

With me when I turn ’way from Thee.

You show me You care about me and my life,

So Your glory again I can see.


If I can just be Your servant, Lord,

Then someday when Your face I see,

If You can say, “You’ve done a good job”

It will all be worth it to me.

“Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.”

—Ps. 19:13 (NIV)