This was written about six months before my mother-in-law’s passing. I truly understand other caregivers’ frustrations, especially when caring for a loved one.

Prayer for Gran 

I ache for her frustration,

I’m pained by what I see;

Her mouth will not work with her brain;

It’s all so new to me.


I try so hard to help her

And sometimes I guess her need,

But other times she just gives up;

Her words or gestures I can’t read.


She says she’s scared and lonely

And wants somebody there.

Though most times she says not a word;

Her face clouded with care.


I pray, Lord, that You’ll help her;

Give her peace, Your peace, and still

Her anxious moments in this life

According to Your will.


Please give me insight, Father;

Help me do whatever’s right.

That she may feel Your loving care

Surround her day and night.