Do you comprehend e’erlasting?
What does eternal mean?
The time span of forever,
Does it encompass what it seems?
God tells us in His Holy Word;
How Christ has died for all.
How He’s prepared a home in heaven
For all who heed His call.
If we can live forever
By accepting God’s own Son,
In simple faith and trusting Him
I have to ask, “How come?”
How come we are not telling
All we love about His gift.
How He’ll give us life eternal
Out of our sin, He’ll lift.
God sees the strength of our belief
By our concern for others.
By willingness to speak for Him
In love for one another.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
—Matt. 5:16 (NKJV)