A Prayer on Grace and Truth 

Grace would not be grace without Your truth. Your truth is perfect truth, a truth toward which we strive, but cannot attain as we are sinful beings. This is where grace intervenes.

You love us so much that, in spite of our inherent sinfulness, You still desire an intimate relationship with each of us. In order to make this possible, Your grace gives the perfect solution in sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to earth as a sinless man. He was put to death on a cross though He was without flaw. He overcame sin—our sin—that had been placed on Him and He arose from the grave.

This priceless gift that has been offered must be acknowledged and accepted by us. By our acceptance of this gift, You no longer see us as sinful persons.

But of what value is a gift that is left alone and put aside on a shelf? This gift of grace was meant to be opened and used every day of our lives. Because of this grace, Your truth is no longer condemnation to us. We can look upon Your truth as a beautiful thing, something to strive for, not as a means to eternal life, but because of a desire to please You and show our love for You.