Indio set her teacup on the table beside her rocker with a decided thump. “We’ve got BJ home, and Kevin. Now we need to get Danny and Skylar back.”
Claire sipped her tea and gazed out the window at the rain. Christmas was in six days. She had turned down guest requests to spend the holidays at the Hideaway. Not this year, she had told them. She wanted it quiet for her son-in-law, who’d been injured in the war. And besides that, she thought to herself, she was doing a little gathering. Danny and Skylar had used up all her surrendering energies for the year. She was reserving enough guest rooms for everyone to have a place to sleep overnight, including Rosie’s father.
She sighed. “Indio, I was doing just fine until you said that. I miss Danny and Skylar something awful. But there’s no way Skylar can leave prison. I haven’t even prayed for Danny’s return because he needs this time away. I can give that to him. Just let me enjoy the ones who will be here.”
Indio chuckled. “Hit a nerve, did I?”
“Yes, I guess you did. Why does that make you giddy?”
Indio laughed out loud. “Because it means God is at work!”
Claire rolled her eyes. “Let’s just slow it down for a bit, shall we?”
“Listen, I’ve been praying since Thanksgiving about our couples. I asked God to bring Danny home for Christmas, to shorten Skylar’s stay, and to give Jenna and Kevin a baby. Did you know they can have babies? That Kevin is, you know, functioning in that way?”
“You asked?”
“Didn’t you?”
Claire gaped at her mother-in-law.
“And I prayed oodles of blessings on the other couples. They’re all just so right for each other. Even that odd boy Hawk with Tuyen.”
“Amen. Can I get you some more tea or anything?”
“You’re changing the subject, dear. Now, pay attention. If God wants to send an earthquake to the detention center and break Skylar out of it, He will.”
“Indio! You didn’t ask Him to—”
“No, not specifically. I’m only thinking of what He could do. If He wants to upset the entire penal system so the paperwork releases her this week, He will.”
“Skylar is adamant about serving her time.”
Indio swatted the air. “She has a thing or two to learn about grace. The point is, are you with me?”
“In believing God can do anything? Sure.” Whatever. Just hit the brakes and end this crazy ride.
“Good.” Indio rocked, an expression of smugness on her face. “Let’s just sit here and expect God to do something.”
“Close enough to hitting the brakes,” Claire muttered to herself and went over to the oven to check on a batch of cookies. When the phone rang she froze, the cookie sheet in her hand.
Indio clapped. “That didn’t take long.”
Claire set down the pan and picked up the phone, surprised at a twinge of anxiety. The caller ID read Private.
“Mom, it’s me.” Danny.
Claire pulled out the desk chair and sank onto it. “Hi!” A giggle started somewhere deep in her chest. She held it in.
“Surprise! I’m in L.A.”
She grinned. “No way.”
“Yeah. I’ll be there late tomorrow night. I’m staying over here so I can . . . so I can visit Skylar tomorrow. They have Sunday visiting hours, don’t they?”
“Yes, yes they do. That’s great, Danny. I’m glad to hear that.” They chatted for a few minutes about mundane things. Claire said a silent prayer of thanks that Skylar had already—in faith—put Danny’s name on her approved visitors list.
She told her son good-bye and turned to Indio.
Her mother-in-law laughed and clapped her hands again. “All you had to do was ask Him.”