My heart overflows with gratitude for all who came alongside during the writing of this novel.
Thank you to my coauthor, Gary Smalley, for the definitive work on relationship and the willingness to explore it through fictional characters.
Thank you to so many who filled needs for words, technical information, insight, and prayers: my “John girls”—Elizabeth, Tracy, Kaiya, and Aliah; son Christopher John; brother Tom Carlson; Troy Johnson; Carrie Younce; Peggy Hadacek; Dr. Scott Hicks; Carla Genack; Kelly Farmer; Todd Kahley; Kim Moore; Susan Meissner; Peggy Wright; Patti Hayes; Pam Farrel; all the folks at Church of the Advent; and Adam Kokontis.
Thank you to my professional partners: Lee Hough, Ami McConnell, Leslie Peterson, Jennifer Stair, and everyone at Alive Communications and Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Thank you to my mom, Mary Carlson, for making it all possible in the first place.
And as always, thank you to my most wonderful husband, Tim.