
EDITED volumes are known for becoming drawn-out processes. This edited collection too bore such travails and also faced the challenges of natural and political calamities in Kashmir. We had to bid goodbye to some writers who lost their essays in the floods of 2014, and wait for others to begin writing anew after the deluge. For a native Kashmiri, writing about Kashmir is full of challenges. While the Kashmiri voice has been a constant since India and Pakistan became two independent nations, outside Kashmir it has not been a heard one.

The process of retaining the narratives as recorded, especially to amplify the oft-undermined political history of Kashmir was a challenge. We are grateful to our contributing writers who have been infinitely patient while we together overcame the challenge creatively. Each one of the authors has been a model of humility, grace and generosity.

Our editors at HarperCollins India gave us their best understanding to help the finished volume match our vision. Kanishka Gupta, our book agent, always proactive, tended to the logistical and creative needs of the volume.

Our families, friends and children who are looking forward to the book being finally published deserve appreciation for their unwavering confidence in the project and its cause.