access to resources 1689

Acheson, Dean 46

Aden, Gulf of 144

Afghanistan, invasion by Soviet
Union 23

agricultural economy 756

agricultural productivity 80

Akbar, Mughal emperor 113

Albuquerque, Afonso de 122, 1378

Andaman and Nicobar islands 143

animosities and suspicions 11420

Arabian Sea 139, 1401, 143, 166

arms sales 33

Asad, Hafez al- 201


anxieties and vulnerabilities 127

borders 1245

coastal trading routes 389

Cold War and sovereign equality in 102

communist vs. non-communist areas 467

consequences of empowerment and enrichment 1602

cultural and political assertions 11920

decolonisation 47

defined by economic success 62

economic and security relationships 29

economic fragility 70

encirclement and containment fears 7, 20, 118, 119, 127, 1701

European-based trading territories 423

exports to US 301

external security 163

followed European economies 70

geography 1278

global extent of international order 1723

governance of 1589

historical consciousness 10911

ideological divisions 457

impact of connections and rivalries 167

imperial age 434

industrialisation 512

international hierarchy 989

international relations 96, 165

internationalising imperatives 82

kingdoms 11112

marchland communities 112

maritime chokepoints 139

mountains 128

national histories 109

national stereotypes 110

need for energy 801

normalisation of security 163

northern tier 128, 129

postcolonial hierarchies 1034

poverty in 26

pre-colonial empires and kingdoms 38

predictions of peace and prosperity 31

preoccupations about rest of world 16871

prosperity 257

regionalism 44

reorder of dynamics 171

rivalries 1623, 1645

rivalrous interdependence 165

scale of continent 1578

self-worth after colonial domination 159

sensitivity to non-Asian attitudes 89

soft authoritarian rule 30

southern tier 1289

sovereignty denied 101

spheres of influence 172

stability 28

strategic claustrophobia 6, 8990, 912

sub-regions 37

topography of power 278

transnational connections 49

Asian Development Bank (ADB) 523, 91

Asian economies

consumer-based 74

economic development 257, 28

facilitative and regulatory role 723

growth 734, 856

growth economies 312, 158

high-income status 86

interdependence of 6

necessary conditions of economic growth 269

reduction in self-sufficiency 1612

restrictions on trade and investment 48

‘tiger’ economies 72

Asian financial crisis (1997–98) 84

Asian governments 712

Asian Infrastructurre Investment Bank 61, 91

Asian Land Transport Infrastructure Development 60

Asian Relations Conference (1947) 935

Asian societies

commonality among 956

Europeans view as inferior 100

hierarchical relations 96106, 97106

national identity 989

racial and cultural superiority 1001

tributary relationships 98, 1001

western dominance 100

Asian trade, allure to Europeans 39

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 59, 73

assertive cultural and political sentiments 11920

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 289, 48, 59

assurance 1701

Æterni regis (papal bull) 40

Aurangzeb, Mughal emperor 113

Australia 29

Balinese society 96

ballistic missile 135

banking institutions 91

bays, geography and strategic significance of 1401

Beijing 77

Bengal, Bay of 139, 1401, 142, 143, 165

borders 102, 1245

boundaries 1245

Bretton Woods institutions 91, 172

Brezhnev, Leonid 21

Britain 42, 75

British Empire 43

British trading ports in Asia 122

Brunei 29

Burma 357, 103

Cambodia 29, 103, 110

Canada 29

carbon emissions 167

Central Asian states 151, 1534, 155

Chabahar port (Iran) 145

Chian Kai-shek 117

Chiang Mai Initiative 91


agricultural productivity 80

antagonism by South Korea 1069

assaults on 23

attacks on India and Vietnam (1962) 11011

bilateral trade with South Korea 107

border with India 356, 357

breakdown of Soviet alliance 15

civilisational greatness 103

claim on Taiwan 1467

commercialisation 66

communism 456

‘containment’ concerns 119

corruption and anarchy 67

Cultural Revolution 14, 15

decay of Qing empire 70

defence against Mongols 151

diplomatic pragmatism 24

diplomatic relations with United States 1718

disputes over South China Sea 119

domestic minorities 1512

empire and boundaries 112

end of seclusion from west 70

energy consumption 56

ethnic identities 112

‘first island chain’ maritime rampart 1389

haijin foreign prohibition policy 689

harmonious international order 173

hukou system of household registration 767

impact on global status quo 171

Indonesian view of 105

and Indo-Pacific Peninsula strategy 1478

infrastructure 1356, 148

internal security 163

invasion of northern Vietnam 1819

investment on education 86

island defence bases 142

isolation 1416

‘lost colonies’ 103

‘maritime silk road’ 60, 143

membership of ASEAN 29

Ming Dynasty 659

naval presence in Indian Ocean 1356, 165

oil reserves and imports 81

ownership of South China Sea 141

palm-leaf fan protest 6677

paper currency 656

policy on Soviet Union 16

Qing Dynasty 69, 11213

reforms 24

regulation of trading ports 69

relations with post-Soviet Russia 153

Saudi investments in 589

sea command 135

second- and third-tier cities 77

silver economy 678

southern and northern tiers 1556

Soviet-style planning 72

strategic infrastructure plans 601

strategic potential 1678

superiority asserted 1056

tertiary education 86

trade agreements 162

trade with northern-tier states 154

tribute payment 101

underemployment of tertiary graduates 87

urbanisation 747

urban–rural disparities 75

weapons of sea denial 135

Chinese cultural superiority 97

Chinese diaspora 11617

Chinese economy

export markets 80

growth 26, 73, 85

policy on Vietnam War 1516

power of 32

relationship with other Asian economies 334

silver as currency 657

structure 77

Choson Dynasty (Korea) 6970

Christendom, eastern vs. western variants 39

Churchill, Winston 173

cities 75, 76, 78; see also urbanisation

civilisational greatness of Asian states 103

civilisational hierarchies 67

civilisational rivalries 96

coastal vulnerability 1301

coercion 1267, 133

Cold War 45, 47, 102

colonialism 823, 114, 159

command power of the state 1589

commerce 113

commercial warfare 3944

communism in China 456

communist parties 71

Communist Party of Indonesia 117

components manufacturing 54

Congress Party (India) 71

conspicuous consumption 61

‘Containment’ doctrine (US) 45

continental tectonics 1606

cultural disputes 109

cultural inferiority 106

cultural pride 169

Cultural Revolution 14, 15

culture, importance of 159

currency policy 88, 91

decolonisation 47, 102

defence strategy 1317

defensive perimeter of containment 46

deference to larger neighbours 978

Deng Xiaoping 17, 73

détante 22

development aid 512

development and reshaping of society 74

diasporas 11617

disarticulation of world order 1734

dissent 11516

dollar, US 88

Dominican Republic 173

domino effect of prosperity 160

Dong Feng 21D (ballistic missile) 135

Dutch trading in Asia 412, 122

East Asia 54

East Asian Economic Group (EAEG) 105

East China Sea 1389

East Pakistan 1920

eastern Mediterranean 40

economic geography 1578

economic growth 26, 789, 84, 912, 161

economic interdependence 6, 62, 126

economy, structure of 77

education 867

Egypt 20, 21, 22

employment of graduates 87

emulation phase of globalism 172


Asia’s need for 801, 83

consumption 78

demand for 559, 167

strategic significance of 57

England, see Britain; British Empire

ethnic and cultural stereotypes 98, 114

ethnic Chinese communities 11617

ethnic identity 115

ethnic minorities 11617

ethnic suspicion 11516

ethnic violence 11516

Eurasian Economic Union 1545


Asian economies followed 70

colonisation by 124

defence of territory 124

imperial age of Asian trade 434

post-WW2 regional alliances 164

territorial divisions 39

European Community, dialogue partner of ASEAN 29


aristocratic society 99

avarice and military prowess 99

equality as basis for societies 96

place in Asian hierarchies 99

race logic of 100

sovereign equality 101

financial systems 81

‘first island chain’ 1389

Five Power Defence Arrangements 29, 11819

food prices 845

Ford, Gerald 17

foreign trade restrictions 48

Fukushima tsunami 55

Gama, Vasco da 40

Ge Xian (palm-leaf fan protest) 6677

Genghis Khan 38

geographic settings 7

geography, significance of 123

global economy 6, 83, 90, 91, 92

global energy demand 559

global extent of international order 1723

global institutions 16970

global international order 172

global market 7980

global poverty 26

global production-sharing 535

global tourism 612

globalism 172, 174

Gorbachev, Mikhail 24

governance 1589

government powers 71

Grand Canal (China) 69

Great Ming Code 68

great powers 168

Gulf States 1435, 1445

Gwadar deepwater port (Pakistan) 145

haijin foreign prohibition policy (China) 689

hierarchy 114

and Asian societies 96106

in Europe societies 99

racial and cultural 1001

highways 60

historical consciousness 10911

historical greatness of neighbouring states 159

homogenous societies 111

Hongwu emperor (China) 68

‘horizontal escalation’ of hostilities 133

hukou system of household registration (China) 767

ideological divisions 457

imperialism 43, 82

incorporation phase of globalism 172


anxiety about China 119

attacks on East Pakistan 1920

attacks on West Pakistan 1920

border insecurities 356, 357, 147

Central Asian roads and pipelines 61

economic growth 26, 72, 73, 85

economic liberalisation 73

encirclement fears 119

energy consumption 56

fear of China’s naval power 165

maritime doctrine 1423

membership of ASEAN 29

naval capability 136

nuclear weapons capability 33

ownership of Arabian Sea 141

ownership of Bay of Bengal 141

sea command 142

strategic potential 1678

strategy of South Asian Peninsula 147

structure of economy 77

territorial disputes 143

tertiary education rates 86

urbanisation 75

urban–rural disparities 75

wars with Pakistan 147

weapons systems 135

Indian civilisation 103

Indian culture in Asia 945

Indian Ocean 1378, 142

Indochina, Communist rule in 1011


anxiety about Chinese 117

asserts equality with China 105

economic growth 734

growth of cities 76

historic civilisations 103

leadership role in SE Asia 105

maritime claims 142

membership of ASEAN 28

military action against Malaya 118

mutual negative stereotypes of Malaysia 1045

relationship with Vietnam 111

structure of economy 77

suspicions of Malaysia 118

tertiary education rates 86

urbanisation 75

view of Singapore 118

Indo-Pacific Peninsula 146, 1479, 1656

industrial workforce 778

industrialisation of Japan’s colonies 501

infrastructure 5961, 80

Inter caetera (papal bull) 40

internal–external ethnic anxieties 11819

international hierarchy 989

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 91

international relations 78, 126, 161

international tourism 612

investment restrictions 48

Iran 57, 144

Iranian revolution (1978–79) 22

Iraq 57

Iron Curtain (Western/Eastern Europe) 45

isolation anxieties 11819

Israel 20, 212


development aid 512

dialogue partner of ASEAN 29

end of seclusion from west 70

formation of Asian Development Bank 523

hierarchical order 99

industrial growth 170

industrialisation of colonies 501

infrastructure initiatives 61

interpretation of western modernisation 4950

isolation anxieties 119

kokugaku movement 101

Meiji Restoration 3, 49, 50

membership of ASEAN 29

naval capability 136

rejection of Chinese culture 4

reparations to former colonies 51

sakoku travel prohibition policy 69

‘scientific colonialism’ of Taiwan 50

tenka taihei era (the great peace) 69

urbanisation 75

Karakoram Highway 60

Kashmir 20

Kennedy, John F. 11

Khabarov, Erofei Pavlovich 14950

Khomeini, Ruhollah 22

Kibithu, India 357

kingdoms within Asia 11112

Kissinger, Henry 12, 16

Koguryo World Heritage site 1079

kokugaku movement (Japan) 101


economic growth 26

end of seclusion from west 70

Koguryo and Chinese claims 1079

Korean War 46

‘lost colony’ of China 103

national identity 989

sadae practice 101

seclusion policy 6970

tributary relationship with China 101

urbanisation 75

see also North Korea; South Korea

Korean Peninsula 45, 47, 1079

Kosygin, Alexei 23

Kuomintang (Taiwan) 71, 117

land disputes 125

Laos 29, 103, 110

Liberal Democratic Party (Japan) 71

‘Line of Actual Control’ (India–China border) 356

Linschoten, Jan Huyghen van 41

Lippman, Walter 173

location 15960

Mahathir Mohamad 104, 105

‘Malacca dilemma’ 1478

Malaya 118


anxiety about Chinese 117

Cambodian stereotypes 110

economic growth 26

ethnic Chinese 117

Indonesia’s suspicions of 118

membership of ASEAN 28

middle-income trap 86

mutual negative stereotypes of Indonesia 1045

neighbouring jealousies with Singapore 104

urbanisation 75

Manchu attacks on Cossacks 14950

mandala (Hindu concept) 97

Manuel I, king of Portugal 40

manufacturing of components 54

maritime chokepoints 139

‘maritime silk road’ 60, 143

maritime weapons systems 1312

McMahon, Sir Henry 356

McMahon Line (India–China border) 36

Meiji Restoration 3, 49, 50

Melaka, Malaysia 1213, 1378

middle class, growth of 612

Middle East 45; see also Saudi Arabia; West Asia

‘middle-income trap’ 856

migration 114

military regimes 71

military theatres in Asia 44

mineral resources 81, 83

Ming Dynasty 659

modernisation 48

monetary policy 88

Mongkut, King of Thailand 101

Mongol assaults 1501

Mongolia 152

mountains 128

Mughal Empire 113

multicultural societies 111

muscle memory 1589

mutual understanding among Asian peoples 94

Myanmar 29, 110

Myrdal, Gunnar, Asian Drama: An Inquiry Into the Poverty of Nations 25

Nasser, Gamal Abdel 20

national borders 102

national unity 103

nationalism 67

nation-building 159

Natuna Island (Indonesia) 142

naval strategy 132

navies 132, 134

Nazism 1012

Nehru, Jawaharlal 935

neighbouring jealousies 104

Netherlands, see Dutch trading in Asia

New Development Bank 91

‘New Silk Road Economic Belt’ 601, 154

New Zealand 29

Nixon, Richard 1114, 13, 14, 1617

non-aggression pact (China and US) 18

Non-Aligned Movement 47

non-coercive influence 133

North Atlantic Treaty Organization 29

North Korea

invasion of South Korea 46

nuclear weapons capability 33

unification 25

see also Korea; Korean Peninsula

Northeast Asia 37, 445

northern tier 128, 129, 14956, 150, 152, 153

nuclear weapons 33, 126, 167

obstacles to success 878

oceanographic research and surveillance 1389, 141

oceans as source of danger 1301

October War (1973) 212

oil embargo 21

oil production 567

oligopoly 88

‘One Belt, One Road’ (Asia–Europe commercial network) 601

Operation Frequent Wind 910

outsider mindset 89

Pacific Ocean rim 2930

Pahlavi, Reza Shah (Shah of Iran) 22

Pakistan 1920, 33, 147

palm-leaf fan protest 6677

pan-Asian interconnections 49

‘pan-Asianism’ doctrine 44

Parameswara legend 121

peninsulas 1456; see also Indo-Pacific Peninsula; South Asian Peninsula; West Pacific Peninsula

People’s Action Party (Singapore) 71

per capita income 73

Persian Gulf 1435, 1445

Persian Gulf region 56, 58

petrochemical production and export 569

Philippines 28, 76, 86, 146

Phnom Penh 10

pipelines 60

Plaza Accord (1985) 170

Portugal 401, 1378

Portuguese trading ports in Asia 122

power paradox 7

power topography 32

powers of the state 71

pragmatism 19, 24

preoccupations about rest of world 16871

price rises of food and commodities 845

pride 159

production-sharing 535

Purana Qila (Delhi) 934

Qing Dynasty 69, 11213, 114, 14950

racial and cultural superiority 1001

railways 60

regionalism 445

religions 11314

reparations 51

respect for historical greatness 169

rivalries among Asian states 1623

roads 60

robust globalism 174

Royal Navy (Britain) 134


defence against Mongols 151

domestic minorities 1512

membership of ASEAN 29

post-collapse relations with China 153

relations with former republics 1545

trade with Central Asian states 155

see also Soviet Union

Ryukyu Islands 146

sadae practice (Korea) 101

Sadat, Anwar al- 20

Saigon 10

sakoku ideology (Japan) 69

Sanya naval base (Hainan Island) 141

Saudi Arabia 567, 578

Saudi Arabian Oil Company 57

sea command 1345, 138, 140

sea routes to Asia 402

Second World War and regionalism of Asia 44

security 1312, 144, 163

security laws 11516

self-determination 1023

self-sufficiency 80, 1612

Shanghai 77

‘Shanghai Communiqué’ (1972) 1617

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation 59, 153

Silk Road 38

silver currency in China 657, 678

Simla Convention 36


distrust of Malay minority 117

economic growth 26

external partners 119

membership of ASEAN 28

neighbouring jealousies 104

viewed by Indonesia 118

single-party governments 71

Sino-Japanese war, first 12, 45

Sino-Russian relations 153

Sino-Soviet relations 1512

Six Day War (Sinai) 20

slums 76

social hierarchy 967

South Asia, see Afghanistan, invasion by Soviet Union; India; Pakistan

South Asian Peninsula 36, 146, 147

competition in 165

South China Sea 119, 133, 1389, 1401, 1412, 165

South Korea

anti-Chinese sentiment 1069

bilateral trade with China 107

invasion by North Korea 46

isolation anxieties 119

Koguryo World Heritage site 1079

national identity 107

network of commitments 162

nuclear weapons capability 33

skills surplus 87

tertiary education rates 86

unification 25

see also Korea; Korean Peninsula

South Vietnam 910

Southeast Asia

connotations of 37

geographic label 445

rivalries 164

territorial disputes 1645

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization 29

southern tier 1289, 12937

coastal vulnerability 1301

geography 12930

maritime trade 130

maritime weapons 1345

ocean orientation 130

sea denial 137

settlement 130

strategic factors 130, 134

weapons acquisition 1334, 1345

sovereignty 101, 103, 125

Soviet republics 152, 153

Soviet Union 234, 152, 153; see also Russia

Spain 40

spheres of influence 172, 1734

stabilisation phase of globalism 172

standards of civilisation 101

statecraft 1267

strategic claustrophobia 6, 8990, 912

strategic geography 15960

submarine capabilities 136

subregional organisations 59, 60

Suharto, President 84, 11819

Sukarno, President 117, 118

Summer Olympics (Moscow, 1980) 23

superiority, pretensions of 1056

supply and demand economy 78

suspicions and animosities 11420, 1623

Suzhou, China 65

Syria 21

Taiwan 26, 33, 50, 1467, 162

Taiwan Straits 47

technocratic role of government 71

territorial disputes 33, 1245

territory, significance of 123

tertiary education 867

Thai kings 97, 110

Thailand 26, 28, 86, 111

Tibet 36

‘tiger’ economies of Asia 72

Tokugawa Ieyasu 69

topography of power 278

tourism by Asians 612

trade liberalisation 48

trading communities 113

trading routes 389

transnational connections and collaboration 49, 545

Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (Southeast Asia) 25

tributary relationships 98, 1001

Tunisia 85

‘Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road’ 601

United Malays National Organisation 71

United Nations Development Program 29

United States

Asian security relations 334

‘Containment’ doctrine 45

currency privileges 88

dialogue partner of ASEAN 29

diplomatic relations with China 1718

dominance in West Asia 166

foreign policy 11

imports from Asia 301

invasion of Dominican Republic 173

membership of ASEAN 29

monetary policy 88

Navy 134, 135

Pacific alliance 2930

policy on Soviet Union 16

sea command 1345, 136

security in Persian Gulf 144

security presence in Pacific 2930, 31

sovereign equality 101

threatened by Japanese industrial growth 170

urban population 75

urbanisation 748, 768

urban–rural wealth disparity 756

Uzbekistan 155

Vientiane 1011


disputes over South China Sea 119

ethnic Chinese 118

growth of cities 76

invasion by China 1819

invasion of Cambodia 111

‘lost colony’ of China 103

membership of ASEAN 29

national identity 989

relationship with Indonesia 111

relationship with Thailand 111

Thai stereotypes 110

Vietnam War 910, 1214

‘Vietnamisation’ policy 1314

violence, international or inter-ethnic 11516, 1256

voice in global forums 16970

vulnerability 55, 138

Wang Ren-shu 117

wars 123, 126, 133, 1634

wealth and power, impact on international relations 161, 168

wealth disparity 756

weapons 1312, 1334, 164

West Asia 56, 166; see also Gulf States; Middle East

West Pacific Peninsula 146, 165

West Pakistan 1920

western privilege 889

World Bank 91

Xi Jinping 90, 171

Xinjiang province (China) 152, 154

Yudachi (destroyer) 1

Zhou Enlai 14, 1617

Zhou Xiaochuan 88