Questions to help facilitate a book club or group discussion (Don’t cheat and read these questions before reading the book. :-) ) :
1. Have you experienced getting a loose tongue under the power of alcohol? What was the occasion(s)? What secret or truth did you reveal?
2. Was it acceptable for Paul to keep his incredibly good news a secret from his wife until he learned that she wanted to make the marriage work?
3. Considering Ginger’s emotional state at the time, do you understand her drastic decision she revealed in California that really upset Paul?
4. What is your position on telling a child he/she is adopted? Should you reveal it or keep it concealed? Why?
5. How would you accept learning your father had killed or contributed to someone’s death in protecting you?
6. Would you, as Ginger did, have tried to make the marriage work after your husband (or wife) told you he/she wanted a divorce?
7. What did you think of Paul’s jail experience?
8. What did you think of the main characters telling funny stories that they had not shared with anyone?
9. Were you surprised by the twist with Mitchell and Brenda? What did you think of it?
10. How would a trip with you, your mother, mother-in-law and spouse turn out?